RTU Previous Exam Papers BE EC Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation January-2013

RTU Previous Exam Papers BE EC Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation January-2013 UNIT – I 1. (a) A circuit was tuned for resonance by 8 different students and the value of their resonant frequency in KH2 were recorded as 532, 548, 546, 531, 543, 536. Calculate : (i)  Arithmetic mean (ii)  Average deviation (iii) Deviation from … Read more

RTU Previous Exam Papers BE EC 3rd Semester Electronics Materials and Processes January 2013

RTU Previous Exam Papers BE EC 3rd Semester Electronics Materials and processes January 2013   UNIT – I 1. (a) Describe the various dielectric polarization mechanism. What is complex dielectric constant ? How does it vary with frequency of applied field 9 (b) Argon gas contains 2.7xl02° atoms/m3 at 0°C and at one atmospheric pressure. … Read more

RTU Previous Exam Papers BE EC 3rd Semester Data Structure and Algorithms January 2013

RTU Previous Exam Papers BE EC 3rd Semester Data Structure and Algorithms January 2013 UNIT – I 1.  (a) What is complexity of algorithm ? Explain the time-complexity in detail, also give the significance of Big-oh notation in brief. OR (a) Give the difference between Array and linked – list. How we represent the linear … Read more