IIT Kharagpur Soil Technology syllabus

IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus

 Soil Technology

3 – 0 – 0 : 3 Credits Prerequsites: None

Soil Genesis and Classification: Weathering, formation and composition of

soil, classification of soils.

Soil Colloids: Inorganic and organic colloids, their nature and physicochemical properties, ion exchange phenomena. Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Essential elements, chemical fertilizers, organic

manures. Movement of chemicals in soil-root continuum

Physics of Soil: Texture, structure and basic physical properties, retention

and movement of soil water, solute transport, gaseous exchange, soil

strength and thermal properties.

Mechanics of Soil: Dynamic properties of soil, stress-strain  relations, yield

and failure, soil compaction and consolidation, earth pressure and stability of


Soil Tillage: Types of tillage, influence of tillage on soil properties and crop


Soil Management: Management of acid, saline and sodic soils.

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