IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Ceramic Electrical Engineering


IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Ceramic   Electrical Engineering



Electrical Engineering

Electrical Circuits: Network element-Voltage and current sources, Kirch hoff’s voltage and current law, loop and

nodal analysis, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem,

Sinusoidal Steady State analysis- R L and C elements, power and power factor, phasor diagram, resonance, Mutual

inductance and coefficient of coupling. Three-phase circuits- Line and Phase relationship, Power measurement.

Electrical Machines: Transformer- Principal of working, EMF equation, Equivalent circuit, voltage regulation and

efficiency, Open-circuit and short-circuit tests, autotransformer. DC Machines- Constructional features, DC

Generators- No load Magnetization and eternal characteristic. DC motor-starting, speed-torque characteristic, speed

control, applications. Induction Machines-Principle of operation, constructional details, torque-slip characteristic,

starting and speed control. Synchronous Machines- Constructional features. Alternators-Voltage regulation and its

determination by synchronous impedance method. Synchronous Motor- Starting, V and Inverted-V curves,


Distribution of Electrical Power- Tariff calculation. House and factory wiring.

Introduction of Electrical Measurements: Indicating instruments, voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter and energy meter.

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