IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Ceramic Fuels Furnaces and Pyrometry


IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Ceramic   Fuels, Furnaces and Pyrometry


Fuels, Furnaces and Pyrometry

Composition, classification and characterization of industrial fuels; wood, charcoals, coal and its qualities,

petroleum, oil and natural gas, LPG, producer gas, water gas and carbureted-water gas, characteristics of coal, coal

washing and blending, carbonization of coal, manufacture of coke and  recovery by products, pulverized coal,

chemistry of combustion, types of combustion, combustion of solids, liquid and gaseous fuels, fuels flame

characteristics, fluidized bed combustion.

Classification, design and description of different types of furnaces used in ceramic and metallurgical industries as

down-draft kiln, tunnel kiln, chamber furnace, glass tank furnace, rotary kiln, blast furnace, open-hearth furnace,bessemer-converter, coke-oven batteries, Heat saving devices i.e. regenerators, recuperators. General idea of

temperature measuring devices i.e. thermocouple, radiation and optical pyrometer.

CR- 3104 : Pottery and Heavy Clayware

Raw materials and their physical chemical and thermal properties. Clays, quartz, feldspar, nepheline   syenite ,

whiting, talc, pyrophyllite, kyanite, sillimanite, bone-ash and clay for  building materials, winning and beneficiation

of clays. Chemical and mineral composition, colour, texture, hardness and resistance to abrasion, mechanical

strength, soluble salts and  physico-chemical relationships of clay and water. Forms of water in clays. Plasticity,

nature of plasticity, factors affecting plasticity, methods of measurement of workability, extra ability and binding

power. Body preparation: Body composition and batch calculations.

Methods of Fabrication: Throwing, ziggering and jolleying, soft plastic methods, extrusion methods, stiff-plastic

methods. Drying and dry-shrinkage, finishing, firing and cooling schedule. Stacking the wares, support and kiln


Manufacture, properties and uses: Terracotta bodies, common building bricks, roofing tiles, building tiles, majolica,

earthenware, china bodies and salt glazed stone ware pipes and sanitary fittings, agricultural land drains, hollow

blocks and acid resisting products.

Glazing and Decoration: body-glaze relationship, types of glaze, glaze materials, colouring ingredients, decorating

methods, compounding of glazes. Processing and application of glaze, firing properties and defects of glazes.

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