IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Ceramic Refractories


IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Ceramic   Refractories





Materials with special references to their refractory characteristics . Selection of raw materials for specific products.

Machinery and equipments for different production sections. Particle size and its proportioning, batch preparation

and mixing, fabrication, drying and firing. Phase diagram with special reference to refractory characteristics.

Manufacture and properties of silica, alumina-silicate, refractories, perielase, magnesite, magnesite-chrome, chromemagnesite, dolomite, forsterite high and low temperature insulating refractories, acid proof bricks and carbon based

refractories. Properties and their Measurement: Porosity, Bulk density, fusion point, permeability, cold crushing

strength, refractories under load, hot modulus of rupture, creep behavior, abrasion resistance, thermal conductivity,

thermal expansion and spalling. Reaction of refractories; slag, glasses, carbon monoxide, acids, alkalis, flue gases,

corrosion of regenerator refractories by flue gases.

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