IIT Kanpur Syllabus for Biochemical Engineering

IIT Kanpur Syllabus for Biochemical Engineering  BSBE




Fundamentals of Biochemical engineering: Stoichiometry and energetics of microbial metabolism, Transport phenomena, Enzyme catalyzed reactions and processes, Bioreactor design and applications, Sterilization, Instrumentation and control, Bioseparations and bioprocesses:Downstream processing characteristics of biological materials, pretreatment methods; separation of cell biomass, adsorption, filteration, reverse osmosis, isoelectroc focusing, affinity based separation, polishingcrystallization, drying, case studies; Process integration Bioprocess integration for efficient production and recovery, scale-up consideration, process monitoring and process economics; Environmental bioprocesses Interaction of mixed microbial population, applications, biological wastewater treatment, anaerobic, digesters, bioremediation. 

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