IIT Kanpur Syllabus Construction Management Civil Engineering

IIT Kanpur Syllabus

Construction Management Civil Engineering



CE 441:  Construction Management

Course content:   Stakeholders in construction projects – client, consultant, contractor, financial institutions, regulators, Private Public Partnership, Environmental Impact Assessment, Planning and scheduling (PERT), resource leveling; Construction process and life cycle of a project – concept, technical feasibility, planning, qualification of bidders, award of contract, procurement (of equipment, etc.), execution, maintenance, monitoring of progress; construction equipment, safety; Contract management – types of contracts, contract process, dispute management and arbitration, labour laws, Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Counseils (International Federation of Consulting Engineers, FIDIC); Construction economics and finance, cost estimation (clients and contractor versions), depreciation


Suggested text and reference material: 

KN Jha, Construction Project Management – Theory and Practice, Pearson

KK Chitkara, Construction Project Management – Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, (Tata Mcgraw Hill)

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