RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 3rd Semester

RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 3rd SemesterRTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester 2020-21: The latest Electronics Communication Engineering Syllabus and marking scheme will provide you the idea about the important chapters and concepts to be covered in all subjects. To prepare the 3rd Sem EC exam correctly, you should have the latest syllabus and marking scheme. It will also help you to improve your preparation for the 3rd-semester exam.

If you are planning to crack the various competitive exams like Gate, IES with depth knowledge in every topic of RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester 2020-21.

Here we are providing you the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester 2020-21 and Marking Scheme.

RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester 2020-21

With the latest Electronics Communication Engineering Syllabus for the 3rd Semester, you can know the important sections and their respective weightage. It will also help you to create the right preparation plan and score a better mark in all subjects in the semester exam.

You must have Electronics Communication 3rd Semester books & study materials, Previous years questions paper along with the latest Electronics Communication 3rd sem Syllabus to enhance your semester exam preparation,

Before starting the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester 2020-21, let’s check the highlights of RTU from the table below.

RTU Kota Highlights:

Establishment 2006
Formation Govt. of Rajasthan
Type of University State
Approvals UGC
Admission through: Merit-Based
Affiliations AICTE
University Location Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010, Rajasthan, India.

Check the latest syllabus for RTU Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd sem from below.

Advance Engineering Mathematics-I

SN Contents
1 Numerical Methods – 1:

Finite differences, Relation between operators, Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae. Gauss’s forward and backward interpolation formulae. Stirling’s Formulae. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae.

Numerical Differentiation, Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 rules.

2 Numerical Methods – 2:

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Taylor’s series, Euler and modified Euler’s methods. Runge- Kutta method of fourth order for solving first and second order equations. Milne’s and Adam’s predicator-corrector methods.

Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations-Bisection method, Newton-Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method.

3 Laplace Transform:

Definition and existence of Laplace transform, Properties of Laplace Transform and formulae, Unit Step function, Dirac Delta function, Heaviside function, Laplace transform of periodic functions. Finding inverse Laplace transform by different methods, convolution theorem. Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transform, solving ODEs by Laplace transforms method.

4 Fourier Transform:

Fourier Complex, Sine and Cosine transform, properties and formulae, inverse Fourier transforms, Convolution theorem, application of Fourier transforms to partial ordinary differential equation (One dimensional heat and wave equations only).

5 Z-Transform:

Definition, properties and formulae, Convolution theorem, inverse Z-transform, application of Z-transform to difference equation.

Technical Communication

SN Contents
1 Introduction to Technical Communication- Definition of technical communication, Aspects of technical communication, forms of technical communication, importance of technical communication, technical communication skills (Listening, speaking, writing, reading writing), linguistic ability, style in technical communication.
2 Comprehension of Technical Materials/Texts and Information Design & development- Reading of technical texts, Readingand comprehending instructions and technical manuals, Interpreting and summarizing technical texts, Note- making. Introduction of different kinds of technical documents, Information collection, factors affecting information and document design, Strategies for organization, Information design and writing for print and online media.
3 Technical Writing, Grammar and Editing– Technical writing process, forms of technical discourse, Writing, drafts and revising, Basics of grammar, common error in writing and speaking, Study of advanced grammar, Editing strategies to achieve appropriate technical style, Introduction to advanced technical communication. Planning, drafting and writing Official Notes, Letters, E-mail, Resume, Job Application, Minutes of Meetings.
4 Advanced Technical Writing– Technical Reports, types of technical reports, Characteristics and formats and structure of technical reports. Technical Project Proposals, types of technical proposals, Characteristics and formats and structure of technical proposals. Technical Articles, types of technical articles, Writing strategies, structure and formats of technical articles.

Managerial Economics And Financial Accounting

SN Contents
1 Basic economic concepts-

Meaning, nature and scope of economics, deductive vs inductive methods, static and dynamics, Economic problems: scarcity and choice, circular flow of economic activity, national income-concepts and measurement.

2 Demand and Supply analysis-

Demand-types of demand, determinants of demand, demand function, elasticity of demand, demand forecasting –purpose, determinants and methods, Supply-determinants of supply, supply function, elasticity of supply.

3 Production and Cost analysis-

Theory of production- production function, law of variable proportions, laws of returns to scale, production optimization, least cost combination of inputs, isoquants. Cost concepts-explicit and implicit cost, fixed and variable cost, opportunity cost, sunk costs, cost function, cost curves, cost and output decisions, cost estimation.

4 Market structure and pricing theory- Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly.
5 Financial statement analysis-

Balance sheet and related concepts, profit and loss statement and related concepts, financial ratio analysis, cash-flow analysis, funds-flow analysis, comparative financial statement, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, capital budgeting techniques.

Digital System Design

SN Contents
1 Logic Simplification and Combinational Logic Design: Review of Boolean Algebra and De Morgan’s Theorem, SOP & POS forms, Canonical forms, Karnaugh maps up to 6 variables, Binary codes, Code Conversion.
2 MSI devices like Comparators, Multiplexers, Encoder, Decoder, Driver & Multiplexed Display, Half and Full Adders, Subtractors, Serial and Parallel Adders, BCD Adder, Barrel shifter and ALU
3 Sequential Logic Design: Building blocks like S-R, JK and Master- Slave JK FF, Edge triggered FF, Ripple and Synchronous counters, Shift registers, Finite state machines, Design of Synchronous FSM, Algorithmic State Machines charts. Designing synchronous circuits like Pulse train generator, Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator, Clock generation.
4 Logic Families and Semiconductor Memories: TTL NAND gate, Specifications, Noise margin, Propagation delay, fan-in, fan-out, Tristate TTL, ECL, CMOS families and their interfacing, memory elements, Concept of Programmable logic devices like FPGA. Logic implementation using programmable devices.
5 VLSI Design flow: Design entry: Schematic, FSM & HDL, different modeling styles in VHDL, Data types and objects, Dataflow, Behavioral and Structural Modeling, Synthesis and Simulation VHDL constructs and codes for combinational and sequential circuits.

Signals & Systems

SN Contents
1 Energy and power signals, continuous and discrete time signals, continuous and discrete amplitude signals. System properties: linearity: additivity and homogeneity, shift-invariance, causality, stability, realizability.
2 Linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems, impulse response and step response, convolution, input output behavior with aperiodic convergent inputs. Characterization of causality and stability of linear shift-invariant systems. System representation through differential equations and difference equations
3 Periodic and semi-periodic inputs to an LSI system, the notion of a frequency response and its relation to the impulse response, Fourier series representation, the Fourier Transform, convolution/multiplication and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude and phase response, Fourier domain duality. The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Parseval’s Theorem. The idea of signal space and orthogonal bases
4 The Laplace Transform, notion ofeigen functions of LSI systems, a basis of eigen functions, region of convergence, poles and zeros of system, Laplace domain analysis, solution to differential Equations and system behavior.
5 The z-Transform for discrete time signals and systems- eigen Functions, region of convergence, z-domain analysis.
6 State-space analysis and multi-input, multi-output representation. The state-transition matrix and its role. The Sampling Theorem and its implications- Spectra of sampled signals. Reconstruction: ideal interpolator, zero-order hold, first- order hold, and so on. Aliasing and its effects. Relation between Continuous and discrete time systems.

Network Theory

SN Contents
1 Node and Mesh Analysis, matrix approach of network containing voltage and current sources, and reactances, source transformation and duality.
2 Network theorems: Superposition, reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Maximum power Transfer, compensation and Tallegen’s theorem as applied to AC. circuits.
3 Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series: Discrete spectra and symmetry of waveform, steady state response of a network to non- sinusoidal periodic inputs, power factor, effective values, Fourier transform and continuous spectra, three phase unbalanced circuit and power calculation.
4 Laplace transforms and properties: Partial fractions, singularity functions, waveform synthesis, analysis of RC, RL, and RLC networks with and without initial conditions with Laplace transforms evaluation of initial conditions..
5 Transient behavior, concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions poles and zeros of immittance function, their properties, sinusoidal response from pole-zero locations, convolution theorem and Two four port network and interconnections, Behaviors of series and parallel resonant circuits, Introduction to band pass, low pass, high pass and band reject filters.

Electronic Devices

SN Contents
1 Introduction to Semiconductor Physics: Introduction, Energy band gap structures of semiconductors, Classifications of semiconductors, Degenerate and non-degenerate semiconductors, Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors, Electronic properties of Silicon, Germanium, Compound Semiconductor, Gallium Arsenide, Gallium phosphide & Silicon carbide, Variation of semiconductor conductivity, resistance and bandgap with temperature and doping. Thermistors, Sensitors.
2 Review of Quantum Mechanics, Electrons in periodic Lattices, E-k diagrams. Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon; Carrier transport: diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity; sheet resistance, design of resistors.
3 Generation and recombination of carriers; Poisson and continuity equation P-N junction characteristics, I-V characteristics, and small signal switching models; Avalanche breakdown, Zener diode, Schottky diode.
4 Bipolar Junction Transistor, I-V characteristics, Ebers-Moll Model, MOS capacitor, C-V characteristics, MOSFET, I-V characteristics, and small signal models of MOS transistor, LED, photodiode and solar cell.
5 Integrated circuit fabrication process: oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, Photolithography, etching, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, twin-tub CMOS process.

Electronics Devices Lab



Name of Experiment
1. Study the following devices: (a) Analog& digital multimeters (b) Function/ Signal generators (c) Regulated d. c. power supplies (constant voltage and constant current operations) (d) Study of analog and digital CRO, measurement of time period, amplitude, frequency & phase angle using Lissajous figures.
2. Plot V-I characteristic of P-N junction diode & calculate cut-in voltage, reverse Saturation current and static & dynamic resistances.
3. Plot the output waveform of half wave rectifier and effect of filters on waveform. Also calculate its ripple factor.
4. Study bridge rectifier and measure the effect of filter network on D.C. voltage output & ripple factor.
5. Plot and verify output waveforms of different clipper and clamper.
6. Plot V-I characteristic of Zener diode
7. Study of Zener diode as voltage regulator. Observe the effect of load changes and determine load limits of the voltage regulator
8. Plot input-output characteristics of BJT in CB, CC and CE configurations. Find their h-parameters.
9. Study of different biasing circuits of BJT amplifier and calculate its Q- point.
10. Plot frequency response of two stage RC coupled amplifier & calculate its bandwidth .
11. Plot input-output characteristics of field effect transistor and measure Idss and Vp.
12. Plot frequency response curve for FET amplifier and calculate its gain bandwidth product.

Digital System Design Lab

S.No. Name of Experiment
Part A: Combinational Circuits
1. To verify the truth tables of logic gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOR, Ex-OR and Ex-NOR
2. To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR logic gates realized using NAND & NOR gates.
3. To realize an SOP and POS expression.
4. To realize Half adder/ Subtractor& Full Adder/ Subtractor using NAND & NOR gates and to verify their truth tables
5. To realize a 4-bit ripple adder/ Subtractor using basic Half adder/ Subtractor& basic Full Adder/ Subtractor.
6. To design 4-to-1 multiplexer using basic gates and verify the truth table. Also verify the truth table of 8-to-1 multiplexer using IC
7. To design 1-to-4 demultiplexer using basic gates and verify the truth table. Also to construct 1-to-8 demultiplexer using blocks of 1-to-4 demultiplexer
8. To design 2×4 decoder using basic gates and verify the truth table. Also verify the truth table of 3×8 decoder using IC
9. Design & Realize a combinational circuit that will accept a 2421 BCD code and drive a TIL -312 seven-segment display
Part B: Sequential Circuits
10. Using basic logic gates, realize the R-S, J-K and D-flip flops with and without clock signal and verify their truth table.
11. Construct a divide by 2, 4 & 8 asynchronous counter. Construct a 4-bit binary counter and ring counter for a particular output pattern using D flip flop.
12. Design and construct unidirectional shift register and verify the
13. Design and construct BCD ripple counter and verify the function.
14. Design and construct a 4 Bit Ring counter and verify the function
15. Perform input/output operations on parallel in/Parallel out and Serial in/Serial out registers using clock. Also exercise loading only one of multiple values into the register using multiplexer.

Note: Minimum 6 experiments to be conducted from Part-A& 4 experiments to be conducted from Part-B.

Signal Processing Lab



Name of Experiment (Simulate using MATLAB environment)
1. Generation of continuous and discrete elementary signals (periodic and non periodic) using mathematical expression.
2. Generation of Continuous and Discrete Unit Step Signal.
3. Generation of Exponential and Ramp signals in Continuous & Discrete domain.
4. Continuous and discrete time Convolution (using basic definition).
5. Adding and subtracting two given signals. (Continuous as well as

Discrete signals)

6. To generate uniform random numbers between (0, 1).
7. To generate a random binary wave.
8. To generate and verify random sequences with arbitrary distributions, means and variances for following:

(a) Rayleigh distribution

(b) Normal distributions: N(0,1).

(c) Gaussion distributions: N (m, x)

9. To plot the probability density functions. Find mean and variance for

the above distributions

Computer Programming Lab-I

1. Write a simple C program on a 32 bit compiler to understand the concept of array storage, size of a word. The program shall be written illustrating the concept of row major and column major storage. Find the address of element and verify it with the theoretical value. Program may be written for arrays upto 4-dimensions.
2. Simulate a stack, queue, circular queue and dequeue using a one dimensional array as storage element. The program should implement the basic addition, deletion and traversal operations.
3. Represent a 2-variable polynomial using array. Use this representation to implement addition of polynomials.
4. Represent a sparse matrix using array. Implement addition and transposition operations using the representation.
5. Implement singly, doubly and circularly connected linked lists illustrating operations like addition at different locations, deletion from specified locations and traversal.
6. Repeat exercises 2, 3 & 4 with linked structures.
7. Implementation traversal. of binary tree with operations like addition, deletion,
8. Depth first and breadth first traversal of graphs represented using adjacency matrix and list.
9. Implementation of binary search in arrays and on linked Binary Search Tree.
10. Implementation of insertion, quick, heap, topological and bubble sorting algorithms.

All Semester Syllabus for RTU Electronics Communication Engineering

You should have the following syllabus to boost your exam preparation for the RTU Electronics Communication Engineering.

Click on the link to access all semester syllabus related to Electronics Communication Engineering.

RTU Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester Marking Scheme

Here you can check the latest Electronics Communication Engineering 3rd Semester Marking Scheme.

3rd sem Electronics & Communication Engineering Theory Marking Scheme

SN Categ ory Course Contact hrs/week Marks Cr
Code Title
L T P Exm Hrs IA ETE Total
1 BSC 3EC2-01 Advanced Engineering


3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
2 HSMC 3EC1-02/


Technical Communication/Mana gerial Economics and

Financial Accounting

2 0 0 2 20 80 100 2
3 PCC 3EC4-04 Digital System Design 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
4 3EC4-05 Signal & Systems 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
5 3EC4-06 Network Theory 3 1 0 3 40 160 200 4
6 3EC4-07 Electronics Devices 3 1 0 3 40 160 200 4
Sub Total 17 2 0 190 760 950 19

3rd Sem Electronics & Communication Engineering Practical & Sessional Marking Scheme

8 PCC 3EC4-21 Electronics Devices


0 0 2 30 20 50 1
9 3EC4-22 Digital System Design


0 0 2 30 20 50 1
10 3EC4-23 Signal Processing Lab 0 0 2 30 20 50 1
11 ESC 3EC3-24 Computer

Programming Lab-I

0 0 2 30 20 50 1
13 PSIT 3EC7-30 Industrial Training 0 0 1 50 1
14 SODE CA 3EC8-00 Social Outreach, Discipline & Extra

Curricular Activities

25 0.5
Sub- Total 0 0 9 120 80 275 5.5
TOTAL OF III SEMESTER 17 2 9 310 840 1225 24.5

Meaning Of various letters:

  • L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

We have covered the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 3rd Semester 2020-21. Feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

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