RTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21

RTU Syllabus For Computer Engineering 5th SemesterRTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21: If you are preparing for Computer Science 5th Semester then you must have latest syllabus and marking scheme.

With the latest RTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester students get to know the chapters and concepts to be covered in all subjects.

The Syllabus for RTU Computer Science engineering 5th Semester gives students a clear understanding of the course structure and its objectives.

Based on the score in Computer Science Engineering degree, you can apply for better career opportunities.

In the depth knowledge in every topic of Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester will also helpful to crack the various competitive exams like Gate.

Here we are providing you the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21 and Marking Scheme.

RTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21

5th semester is an important stage for Computer Science Engineering. It is important to score more in Computer Science engineering for future opportunities. To boost your semester exam preparation, you should have Computer Science 5th Semester books & study materials, Previous years questions paper along with the latest Computer Science 5th sem Syllabus.

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Before starting the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester 2020, let’s check the highlights of RTU from the table below.

RTU Kota Highlights:

Establishment 2006
Formation Govt. of Rajasthan
Type of University State
Approvals UGC
Admission through: Merit-Based
Affiliations AICTE
University Location Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010, Rajasthan, India.

Check the latest syllabus for RTU Computer Science Engineering 5th sem from below.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Information Theory & Coding Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction:Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction to information theory: Uncertainty, Information and Entropy, Information measures for continuous random variables, source coding theorem. Discrete Memory less channels, Mutual information, Conditional entropy.
3 Source coding schemes for data compaction: Prefix code, Huffman code, Shanon-Fane code &Hempel-Ziv coding channel capacity. Channel coding theorem. Shannon limit.
4 Linear Block Code: Introduction to error connecting codes, coding & decoding of linear block code, minimum distance consideration, conversion of non-systematic form of matrices into systematic form.
5 Cyclic Code: Code Algebra, Basic properties of Galois fields (GF) polynomial operations over Galois fields, generating cyclic code by generating polynomial, parity check polynomial. Encoder & decoder for cyclic codes.
6 Convolutional Code: Convolutional encoders of different rates. Code Tree, Trllis and state diagram. Maximum likelihood decoding of convolutional code: The viterbi Algorithm fee distance of a convolutional code.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Compiler Design Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction:Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. Compiler, Translator, Interpreter definition, Phase of compiler, Bootstrapping, Review of Finite automata lexical analyzer, Input, Recognition of tokens, Idea about LEX: A lexical analyzer generator, Error handling.
3 Review of CFG Ambiguity of grammars: Introduction to parsing. Top down parsing, LL grammars & passers error handling of LL parser, Recursive descent parsing predictive parsers, Bottom up parsing, Shift reduce parsing, LR parsers, Construction of SLR, Conical LR & LALR parsing tables, parsing with ambiguous grammar. Operator precedence parsing, Introduction of automatic parser generator: YACC error handling in LR parsers.
4 Syntax directed definitions; Construction of syntax trees, S- Attributed Definition, L-attributed definitions, Top down translation. Intermediate code forms using postfix notation, DAG, Three address code, TAC for various control structures, Representing TAC using triples and quadruples, Boolean expression and control structures.
5 Storage organization; Storage allocation, Strategies, Activation records, Accessing local and non-local names in a block structured language, Parameters passing, Symbol table organization, Data structures used in symbol tables.
6 Definition of basic block control flow graphs; DAG representation of basic block, Advantages of DAG, Sources of optimization, Loop optimization, Idea about global data flow analysis, Loop invariant computation, Peephole optimization, Issues in design of code generator, A simple code generator, Code generation from DAG.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Operating System Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction:Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction and History of Operating systems: Structure and operations; processes and files

Processor management: inter process communication, mutual exclusion, semaphores, wait and signal procedures, process scheduling and algorithms, critical sections, threads, multithreading

3 Memory management: contiguous memory allocation, virtual memory, paging, page table structure, demand paging, page replacement policies, thrashing, segmentation, case study
4 Deadlock: Shared resources, resource allocation and scheduling, resource graph models, deadlock detection, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention algorithms

Device management: devices and their characteristics, device drivers, device handling, disk scheduling algorithms and policies

5 File management: file concept, types and structures, directory structure, cases studies, access methods and matrices, file security, user authentication
6 UNIX and Linux operating systems as case studies; Time OS and case studies of Mobile OS

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Computer Graphics & Multimedia Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Basic of Computer Graphics:Basic of Computer Graphics, Applications of computer graphics, Display devices, Random and Raster scan systems, Graphics input devices, Graphics software and standards
3 Graphics Primitives:Points, lines, circles and ellipses as primitives, scan conversion algorithms for primitives, Fill area primitives including scan- line polygon filling, inside-outside test, boundary and flood-fill, character generation, line attributes, area-fill attributes, character attributers. Aliasing, and introduction to Anti Aliasing (No anti aliasing algorithm).
4 Two Dimensional Graphics:Transformations (translation, rotation, scaling), matrix representation, homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations, reflection and shearing, viewing pipeline and coordinates system, window-to-viewport transformation, clipping including point clipping, line clipping (cohen-sutherland, liang- bersky, NLN), polygon clipping
5 Three Dimensional Graphics:3D display methods, polygon surfaces, tables, equations, meshes, curved lies and surfaces, quadric surfaces, spline representation, cubic spline interpolation methods, Bazier curves and surfaces, B-spline curves and surfaces.3D scaling, rotation and translation, composite transformation, viewing pipeline and coordinates, parallel and perspective transformation, view volume and general (parallel and perspective) projection transformations.
6 Illumination and Colour Models:Light sources – basic illumination models – halftone patterns and dithering techniques; Properties of light – Standard primaries and chromaticity diagram; Intuitive colour concepts – RGB colour model – YIQ colour model – CMY colour model – HSV colour model – HLS colour model; Colour selection.
7 Animations &Realism:Design of Animation sequences – animation function – raster animation – key frame systems – motion specification – morphing – tweening.

ComputerGraphics Realism: Tiling the plane – Recursively defined curves – Koch curves – C curves – Dragons – space filling curves – fractals – Grammar based models – fractals – turtle graphics – ray tracing.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Analysis of Algorithms Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Background: Review of Algorithm, Complexity Order Notations: definitions and calculating complexity.

Divide And Conquer Method: Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick sort and Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithms.

3 Greedy Method: Knapsack Problem, Job Sequencing, Optimal Merge Patterns and Minimal Spanning Trees.

Dynamic Programming: Matrix Chain Multiplication. Longest CommonSubsequence and 0/1 Knapsack Problem.

4 Branch And Bound: Traveling Salesman Problem and Lower Bound Theory. Backtracking Algorithms and queens problem.

Pattern Matching Algorithms: Naïve and Rabin Karp string matching algorithms, KMP Matcher and Boyer Moore Algorithms.

5 Assignment Problems: Formulation of Assignment and Quadratic Assignment Problem.

Randomized Algorithms- Las Vegas algorithms, Monte Carlo algorithms, randomized algorithm for Min-Cut, randomized algorithm for 2- SAT. Problem definition of Multicommodity flow, Flow shop scheduling and Network capacity assignment problems.

6 Problem Classes Np, Np-Hard And Np-Complete: Definitions of P, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems. Decision Problems.Cook’s Theorem. Proving NP- Complete Problems – Satisfiability problem and Vertex Cover Problem. Approximation Algorithms for Vertex Cover andSet Cover Problem.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Wireless Communication Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Wireless Channels:Large scale path loss – Path loss models: Free Space and Two-Ray models -Link Budget design – Small scale fading- Parameters of mobile multipath channels – Time dispersion parameters-Coherence bandwidth – Doppler spread & Coherence time, Fading due to Multipath time delay spread – flat fading – frequency selective fading – Fading due to Doppler spread – fast fading – slow fading.
3 Cellular Architecture: Multiple Access techniques – FDMA, TDMA, CDMA – Capacity calculations–Cellular concept- Frequency reuse – channel assignment- hand off- interference & system capacity- trunking & grade of service – Coverage and capacity improvement.
4 Digital Signaling For Fading Channels: Structure of a wireless communication link, Principles of Offset-QPSK, p/4-DQPSK, Minimum Shift Keying, Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying, Error performance in fading channels, OFDM principle – Cyclic prefix, Windowing, PAPR.
5 Multipath Mitigation Techniques: Equalisation – Adaptive equalization, Linear and Non-Linear equalization, Zero forcing and LMS Algorithms. Diversity – Micro and Macrodiversity, Diversity combining techniques, Error probability in fading channels with diversity reception, Rake receiver,
6 Multiple Antenna Techniques: MIMO systems – spatial multiplexing -System model -Pre-coding – Beam forming – transmitter diversity, receiver diversity- Channel state information- capacity in fading and non-fading channels.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Human Computer Interaction Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Historical evolution of the field, Interactive system design, Concept of usability -definition and elaboration, HCI and software Engineering, GUI design and Aesthetics, Prototyping techniques.
2 Model-based Design and evaluation: Basic idea, introduction to different types of models, GOMS family of models (KLM and CMN- GOMS), Fitts’ law and Hick-Hyman’s law, Model-based design case studies,
3 Guidelines in HCI:Shneiderman’s eight, golden rules, Norman’s seven principles, Norman’s model of interaction, Nielsen’s ten heuristics with example of its use Heuristic evaluation, Contextual inquiry, Cognitive walkthrough
4 Empirical research methods in HCI: Introduction (motivation,

issues, research question formulation techniques), Experiment design and data analysis (with explanation of one-way ANOVA)

5 Task modelling and analysis: Hierarchical task analysis (HTA), Engineering task models and Concur Task Tree (CTT),Iintroduction to formalism in dialog design, design using FSM (finite state machines) State charts and (classical) Petri Nets in dialog design
6 Introduction to CA, CA types, relevance of CA in IS design Model Human Processor (MHP), OOP- Introduction OOM- Object Oriented Modeling of User Interface Design

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Bioinformatics Syllabus 2020-21

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction: Basics of biology
3 Sequences: Problem Statement, Edit distance and substitution matrices, HMMs and pairwise HMMs, Global and local alignments, Spliced alignment, Space-efficient sequence alignment, Multiple alignment, Database searching tools, Sequence by hybridization, Profile HMMs
4 Structures:


Protein structure alignment, Protein structure
5 Phylogenetic trees: Large parsimony and small parsimony problems, Probabilistic approaches, Grammar-based approaches
6 Miscellaneous topics: Pathways and networks, Microarrays, Biomedical images

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab Syllabus 2020-21

SN List of Experiments
1 Implementation of Line, Circle and ellipse attributes
2 To plot a point (pixel) on the screen
3 To draw a straight line using DDA Algorithm
4 Implementation of mid-point circle generating Algorithm
5 Implementation of ellipse generating Algorithm
6 Two Dimensional transformations – Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear
7 Composite 2D Transformations
8 Cohen Sutherland 2D line clipping and Windowing
9 Sutherland – Hodgeman Polygon clipping Algorithm
10 Three dimensional transformations – Translation, Rotation, Scaling
11 Composite 3D transformations
12 Drawing three dimensional objects and Scenes
13 Generating Fractal images

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Compiler Design Lab Syllabus 2020-21

SN List of Experiments
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 To identify whether given string is keyword or not.
3 Count total no. of keywords in a file. [Taking file from user]
4 Count total no of operators in a file. [Taking file from user]
5 Count total occurrence of each character in a given file. [Taking file from user]
6 Write a C program to insert, delete and display the entries in Symbol Table.
7 Write a LEX program to identify following:

1. Valid mobile number

2. Valid url

3. Valid identifier

4. Valid date (dd/mm/yyyy)

5. Valid time (hh:mm:ss)

8 Write a lex program to count blank spaces,words,lines in a given file.
9 Write a lex program to count the no. of vowels and consonants in a C file.
10 Write a YACC program to recognize strings aaab,abbb using a^nb^n, where b>=0.
11 Write a YACC program to evaluate an arithmetic expression involving operators +,-,* and /.
12 Write a YACC program to check validity of a strings abcd,aabbcd using grammar a^nb^nc^md^m, where n , m>0
13 Write a C program to find first of any grammar.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Analysis of Algorithms Lab Syllabus 2020-21

SN List of Experiments
1 Sort a given set of elements using the Quicksort method and determine the time required to sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. The elements can be read from a file or can be generated using the random number generator.
2 Implement a parallelized Merge Sort algorithm to sort a given set of elements and determine the time required to sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. The elements can be read from a file or can be generated using the random number generator.
3 a. Obtain the Topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph. b. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using Warshall’s algorithm.
4 Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming.
5 From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
6 Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal’s algorithm.
7 a. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method. b. Check whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.
8. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.
9. Implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem using Floyd’s algorithm.
10 Implement N Queen’s problem using Back Tracking.

RTU 5th Semester Computer Science Engineering Advance Java Lab Syllabus 2020-21

SN List of Experiments
1 Introduction To Swing, MVC Architecture, Applets, Applications and Pluggable Look and Feel, Basic swing components : Text Fields, Buttons, Toggle Buttons, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons
2 Java database Programming, java.sql Package, JDBC driver, Network Programming With java.net Package, Client and Server Programs, Content And Protocol Handlers
3 RMI architecture, RMI registry, Writing distributed application with RMI, Naming services, Naming And Directory Services, Overview of JNDI, Object serialization and Internationalization
4 J2EE architecture, Enterprise application concepts, n-tier application concepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, web application, Web containers and Application servers
5 Server side programming with Java Servlet, HTTP and Servlet, Servlet API, life cycle, configuration and context, Request and Response objects, Session handling and event handling, Introduction to filters with writing simple filter application
6 JSP architecture, JSP page life cycle, JSP elements, Expression Language, Tag Extensions, Tag Extension API, Tag handlers, JSP Fragments, Tag Files, JSTL, Core Tag library, overview of XML Tag library, SQL Tag library and Functions Tag library

RTU Computer Science Engineering Syllabus for All Semester

You should have the following syllabus to boost your exam preparation for the RTU Computer Science Engineering.

Click on the link to access all semester syllabus related to Computer Science Engineering.

RTU Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester Marking Scheme

Here you can check the latest Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester Marking Scheme.

Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester Theory




Categ ory

Course Contact hrs/week Marks Cr




L T P Exm Hrs IA ETE Total
1 ESC 5CS3-01 Information Theory & Coding 2 0 0 2 20 80 100 2








5CS4-02 Compiler Design 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
3 5CS4-03 Operating System 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
4 5CS4-04 Computer Graphics & Multimedia 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
6 5CS4-05 Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
7 Professional Elective 1: (any one) 2 0 0 2 20 80 100 2
5CS5-11 Wireless Communication
5CS5-12 Human-Computer Interaction
5CS5-13 Bioinformatics
Sub Total 16 0 0 160 640 800 16

 Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester Practical & Sessional





5CS4-21 Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
9 5CS4-22 Compiler Design Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
10 5CS4-23 Analysis of Algorithms Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
11 5CS4-24 Advance Java Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
12 PSIT 5CS7-30 Industrial Training 0 0 1 75 50 125 2.5




Social Outreach,

Discipline &Extra Curricular Activities







Sub- Total 0 0 9 195 155 350 7
TOTAL OF V SEMESTER 16 0 9 355 795 1150 23

Meaning Of various letters:

  • L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

We have covered the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21. feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

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