Syllabus of Gujarat Technical University 3rd Sem It

Syllabus of Gujarat Technical University 3rd Sem It GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B.E Semester: 3 Information Technology   Subject Name Basic Electronics Subject Code 131101   1 Energy Bands in Solids: Charged Particles, Field Intensity, Potential Energy, The eV Unit of Energy, The Nature of the Atom, Atomic Energy Levels, Electronic Structure of The Elements, The … Read more

Syllabus of Gujarat Technical University 7th Sem CSE

Syllabus of Gujarat Technical University 7 thSem CSE GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY COMPUTER ENGINEERING B. E. SEMESTER: VII       Subject Name: Advance .Net Technology (Department Elective -I)  1. Introduction to .NET .NET framework, MSIL, CLR, CLS, Name spaces, Assemblies, the Common Language Implementation , Assemblies , Metadata and Intermediate Language ,  Garbage Collection , Versioning and … Read more

GTU Previous Exam Paper BE VII Sem Power Electronics June 2012

GTU Previous Exam Paper BE VII Sem Power Electronics June 2012 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VIIth SEMESTER–EXAMINATION – MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 171002  Subject Name: Power Electronics   Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Explain the principle of operation of … Read more