CA PCC question Papers Group II Taxation June 2009

CA PCC question Papers Group II Taxation June 2009  Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 Answer all questions Working notes should form part of the answer. Marks 1. Answer any five out of the following six sub–divisions, with reference to the provisions of the Income–tax Act, 1961 for the assessment year 2009–2010: 5×2=10 (a) … Read more

Delhi University Question papers 2010 Electrical technology

Delhi University Question papers 2010 B.Tech. Ist Year   ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (EME-106) Time : 3 hours                                     Maximum Marks : 70 Attempt any five questions. Symbols and notations have their usual meaning. Assume suitable missing data, if any 1. (a) Explain the following: (i)         Permeability (ii)       Hysteresis (ii) Mutual Inductance. (b) A 4-pole, long shunt, lap wound … Read more