IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Engineering Mathematics

  IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Engineering Mathematics    Engineering Mathematics Bassel’s and Legendre’s differential equations and their application. Elements of tensor algebra and tensor calculus. Probability and statistics: Elements of probability as applied to chi square statistics.  Standard error test for proportion and mean, tx and Fx2 tests.  Simple analysis of variance.  Elementary ideas about … Read more

IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Industrial Economics & Factory Management

    IIT BHU Varanasi Syllabus Industrial Economics & Factory Management         Industrial Economics & Factory Management       Types of accounts, book keeping, single entry and double entry, trading account, profit and loss account and balance-sheet, cost accounting and cost control. Economic laws, increasing and diminishing return, utility, total and marginal, forms of … Read more

IIT BHU Syllabus B TechGlass Technology

  IIT BHU Syllabus Glass Technology     Glass Technology       Glass making raw materials, criteria for selection of raw materials, concept of batch house operations, glass melting and homogenization, addition of cullet to the batch, reactions amongst the constituents of glass, thermal currents and flow pattern in the glass tank furnace, electrical  … Read more