IIT BHU Syllabus Glass Laboratory

    IIT BHU Syllabus Glass Laboratory Glass Laboratory Preparation of batches and melting of different types of glasses. Determination of various properties of glass, e.g. density, chemical durability, thermal endurance, bursting pressure of  bottles, refractive index, low  temperature viscosity, softening point. Absorption of light and use of spectrophotometer for qualitative and quantitative analysis of … Read more

IIT BHU Syllabus Cement and Concrete Laboratory

  IIT BHU Syllabus Cement and Concrete Laboratory   Cement and Concrete Laboratory Determination of : Surface area of cement by Blaine’s air permeability apparatus. Tensile strength of  cement. Particle size by Turbidimeter. Soundness of cement  by autoclave test method. Workability of cement mortar. Workability of concrete. Compressive strength of cement. Transverse strength of cement. … Read more

IIT BHU Syllabus Engineering Mathematics

    IIT BHU Syllabus  Engineering Mathematics       Engineering Mathematics Bassel’s and Legendre’s differential equations and their application. Elements of tensor algebra and tensor calculus. Probability and statistics: Elements of probability as applied to chi square statistics.  Standard error test for proportion and mean, tx and Fx2 tests.  Simple analysis of variance.  Elementary … Read more