The Loglogistic Distribution Notes

The Loglogistic Distribution Notes The Loglogistic Distribution As may be surmised from the name, the loglogistic distribution is similar to the logistic distribution. Specifically, the data follows a loglogistic distribution when the natural logarithms of the times-to-failure follow a logistic distribution. Accordingly, the loglogistic and lognormal distributions also share many similarities. The pdf of the loglogistic distribution … Read more

The Logistic Distribution Notes

The Logistic Distribution Notes The Logistic Distribution The logistic distribution has a shape very similar to the normal distribution (i.e., bell shaped), but with heavier tails. Since the logistic distribution has closed form solutions for the reliability, cdf and failure rate functions, it is sometimes preferred over the normal distribution, where these functions can only be obtained … Read more

The Gamma Distribution Notes

The Gamma Distribution Notes The Gamma Distribution The gamma distribution is a flexible distribution that may offer a good fit to some sets of life data. Sometimes called the Erlang distribution, the gamma distribution has applications in Bayesian analysis as a prior distribution, and it is also commonly used in queueing theory. The pdf of the gamma … Read more