IIT Kharagpur syllabus for crop production technology

  IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Remote Sensing for Land and Water Resources   Remote Sensing for Land and Water Resources 3 – 1 – 0 : 4 Credits Prerequsites: None Physics of remote sensing: Electro magnetic spectrum, atmospheric effects, energy interaction with earth surface features. Platforms and remote sensing sensors: Photographic camera, scanners, … Read more

IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Crop Genomics and Biotechnology

  IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabusCrop Genomics and Biotechnology         Crop Genomics and Biotechnology The structure of plant genomes: DNA, chromatin and chromosome structure; Regulation of gene expression.Genomic toolbox: Enzymes for DNA manipulation; Gene cloning; PCR.Genome mapping and sequencing: Genetic and physical maps; DNA markers; FISH; Methodology of DNA sequencing.Functional genomics: … Read more

IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus

GIS Principles & Applications 3 – 0 – 0 : 3 Credits Prerequsites: None GIS: Definition, importance, contributing disciplines, major areas of practical application. Map and Map Analysis: Types, characteristics and scale, use of maps, automated and computer assisted cartography, comparison between maps and GIS. Raster GIS: Data model, creating raster, cell values, map layers, … Read more