IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Fats and Oil Technology

 IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Fats and Oil Technology   Fats and Oil Technology Triglycerides and phospholipids; emulsions and emulsifiers; soaps, detergents, polishes and paints; Interesterifications: industrial fats and oils, shortenings, salad oils, margarine, non-caloric fats; standard and quality control, packaging and storage of fats and fatty foods. Changes during processing and storage of … Read more

IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Instrumentation and Control in Food Industry

 IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Instrumentation and Control in Food Industry   Instrumentation & Control in Food Industry 3 – 1 – 0 : 4 Credits Prerequsites: None Introduction: Review of Laplace Transforms; Zero, first and second order responses of instruments. Motion and Displacement Measurement: Strain gages, differential transformers, piezolelectric transducers, nozzle flappers. Pressure … Read more

IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus

  IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus   Aquacultural Engineering and  Technology Introduction to Aquaculture, Aquiculture, Mariculture, Pisciculture etc. Morphological and anatomical features of the  commercially important finand shell-fishes. Techniques of induced breeding and hatchery management. Different aquaculture techniques – carp culture,prawn culture, pearl culture, cage & pen culture, raft/rope culture  etc. Applications of aquaculture  … Read more