CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions: CBSE Class 10 is the one of the most crucial stages of a student’s career. It determines which future you will choose once you finish school. That is why it is important to focus on your studies more efficiently than ever. Every subject in Class 10 is equally important, and English Grammar is one of them.

If you want to score very good marks in the English Language and Literature, you must be thorough with your concepts of English grammar. In this article, we shall be discussing about CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions with examples for a better understanding.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions

Preposition in English Grammar is defined as a word or group of words placed before a noun or pronoun or gerund, etc. to relate it to another word or words in a complete sentence. Given below are five examples of prepositions as used in a sentence:

They came here at 5 p.m.

She was hiding under the table.

She went out of the room.

He was born in 1980.

The dog jumped off the counter.

She drove over the bridge.

The words in italics are prepositions.

If you are looking for prepositions exercises for class 10 CBSE with answers, you can download them here from the website. You just have to click on the link and save it in PDF format also.

Prepositions are generally used to refer to time, position, place, direction, means, etc.

 Prepositions of Time:

  1. At used to indicate the exact time when a thing happens. For example:

I called on my friend at night.

The bus left at 8 o’clock.

He came here at the weekend.

She married at the age of twenty.

We rested at noon/dawn/dusk.

  1. In used to refer to a period of time when something happens. For example:

My friends visited Shimla in summer.

She was born in 1990. 

They visited this place in summer.

She called on him in the evening.

The robbery took place in the daytime.

  1. On used to refer to days, birthdays, dates, anniversaries, etc.

We went to the zoo on Tuesday.

He was born on September 5,1981.

We congratulated him on his birthday.

We gave them a gift on their 25th anniversary.

They reached here on a hot afternoon.

  1. During used in place of “in” for periods of the days, months, years, decades, seasons and centuries to show that something goes on through that entire period as specified.

Many people were murdered during the war.

Policemen work during the day as well as during the night.

We tried to reach people during October.

During the nineties many taxes were imposed.

He used to ring up many times during the week.

  1. By used to refer to the current time when the action will be over.

She will finish the shift by 6 o’clock.

By that time, the sun was up.

She must visit him by 8 a.m.

Applications must be received by the end of the day.

We rested by day and travelled by night.

  1. For used with periods of time to refer to the duration of an action. Remember that it is used with perfect tense mostly.

My grandparents lived here for five years.

It rained continuously for ten hours.

She stayed there for twelve days.

They have been working for two hours.

She will not be here for another three hours.

  1. Since used to refer to a time in the past when an action began and goes on till the time of speaking. For example:

It has not rained since the end of June.

He has lived here since 1980.

Everything has changed since last summer.

I have been waiting for him since last winter.

He had been writing novels since he was thirty years old.

  1. From used to refer to the beginning point of an action either in the past or future. ‘From’ is used in a sentence with ‘to’ or ‘till’. For example:

Her parents lived here from 1960 till/until 1980.

The farmers worked from morning to/till evening.

He has been living with them from the age of twenty.

He lives in his office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

She is interested in the period from 1950 to 1960.

  1. Before and After ‘before’ and ‘after’ are used as prepositions to relate to events of a particular time, where ‘before’ indicates earlier than, and ‘after’ indicates later than something.

I get up before six.

She returned before Monday.

They came here after 8 o’clock.

We went to Paris four years after our marriage.

Prepositions for class 10 CBSE exercises are also available on the website in the form of PDF. You can download the files as per your convenience.

Prepositions of Place:

  1. At used for exact places. For example:

They lived at Buck Street by the sea.

He was born at the hospital.

The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.

She works at the City Hall.

The plane landed at London airport.

  1. In used for specific places or large cities, countries, etc.

Most of my friends reside in the villages of India.

They used to live in Madras.

The Americans live in the USA.

She stayed in the Fiji Islands for a month or so.

They lived in Europe for ten years.

  1. On used to refer to a particular land or place where something belongs. For example:

They spent a few days on an island.

She worked on a farm for a couple of months.

They built their house on an elevated piece of land.

You will find a mall on the outskirts of the city.

The Taj Mahal stands on the banks of river Yamuna.

Prepositions of Direction:

  1. From used to denote the beginning or departure point to or from a place or point of origin.

The train from Calicut has arrived.

They came from Australia for a few days.

She started from Bengaluru for the road trip.

He comes from office at 69 p.m.

He fell from the fifth floor of the hotel.

  1. Off used to refer to the surface of and also from beneath. For example:

She took the book off the table.

The pen rolled off the floor.

Remove this seal off the shelf.

The boy fell off the tree/roof.

Keep off the lawn.

  1. Out of used to refer to something from the inside or interior.

The kid crawled out of the room.

The cuckoo flew out of the cage.

He jumped out of the shelf.

She jumped off the bus.

I saw him coming out of the library.

Prepositions of Direction Towards:

  1. For used to refer to the direction only when there is an indication from the verb showing the start of a movement:

She left for Japan early in the morning.

I went for a haircut on Sunday.

We set off for New Jersey

They left for home late at night.

He went for a stroll in the evening.

  1. Against used to refer to contact or pressure. For example:

The waitress threw the glass against the wall.

He put the ladder against the wall.

He hit his foot against the table.

The mob pressed against the barricade.

He stood with his back against the door.

3.To used to refer to the destination or end point of a place.

She went to China as a tourist.

He went from Mumbai to Delhi.

He was on his way to the airport.

We went from Paris to New York.

The train started from Kolkata and came to Delhi.

  1. Towards used to refer to a direction of something

I saw a thug hurrying towards me.

He stood with his back towards me.

She went towards the airport.

The bus was coming towards the boy.

He was speeding towards the town.

Prepositions of Position:

  1. Under it is used to refer to something which is below something in a vertical direction.

The cat was under the bed.

She did not look under the table.

She was seen swimming under the small bridge.

I took shelter under the trees.

The river flows under the bridge.

  1. Underneath used to refer to a position below something. It implies something which cannot be seen.

She found a lot of dust underneath the carpet.

He hid the money underneath the bed.

The coin rolled underneath the table.

He left the key underneath the mat.

The gun was found underneath the mattress.

  1. Overused to refer to a position above something or somebody in a vertical plane.

The cuckoo flew over the bird’s nest.

There was dust all over the table.

She hung the wallpaper over the fireplace.

There was a lamp (hanging) over the table.

She held a small umbrella over her kid. 

  1. Above used to refer to a higher position. FOr examples:

The plane was flying above the clouds. 

The sun was right above us.

The birds were flying high above the trees.

The water came above our knees.

We lived in the room above the grocery store.

Now that you have a fair idea about prepositions and its several types, you can go ahead and download prepositions exercises for class 10 CBSE for practicing for the final exams. You can either solve it online or download in the form of PDF and revise it later.


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