CBSE Class 12 Hindi 2022 Term 1 & Term 2 | Core & Elective Syllabus, Exam Papers, Notes, & Solutions

CBSE Class 12 Hindi

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core & Elective 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2: Hindi is an important subject for CBSE Class 12. CBSE offers Hindi as a core as well as an elective. In the Hindi syllabus, you will find many lessons that will let you admire the story-telling and beautiful works of famous writers.

You should have a clear understanding of CBSE Class 12 Hindi Syllabus to build an in-depth knowledge of the subject. This will also affect your performance level in the 12th Board Exams.

In this article, you will find a complete guide on CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core and Elective 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core & Elective Syllabus 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

CBSE Board Class 12 Hindi is divided into two parts Hindi Core and Hindi Elective. CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Hindi Core and Hindi Elective contains the course structure along with the chapter wise marks distribution.

Click on the links below to download the Hindi Class 12 Syllabus 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2 for Core and Elective.

CBSE 12th Hindi Study Materials 2021

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Term 1 Syllabus 2022

विषयवस्तु कुल अंक
अपठि त गद्यां श (क्षमता एवं अवभव्यक्ति कौशल पर बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्न पूछे
जाएं गे)
कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखन (‘अभि व्यक्ति और माध्यम ‘पुस्तक के आधार) 5
पाठ्यपुस्तक अंतरा भाग – 2 से बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश 15
अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक अंतराल भाग-2 से बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश 5
आंतरिक मूल्यांकन 10
कुल योग 50
CBSE Class 12 Hindi Term 2 Syllabus 2022
विषयवस्तु कुल अंक
कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखन 20
पाठ्यपुस्तक आरोह भाग – 2 तथा अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक वितान भाग – 2 20
आंतरिक मूल्यांकन 10
कुल योग 50

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Books for Core & Elective 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

To score better marks in the Class12th Hindi Exam, you should have the right books. While selecting the book, you should not go for any random book. You should make sure that it has covered the latest CBSE Syllabus for Hindi Core and Elective. For that, you must have NCERT Class 12 Books for Hindi Elective and Core.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core has two books i.e. Antra & Antral. CBSE Hindi Elective Class 12 Book has two books i.e. Aroh & Vitan.

You will find the following CBSE Class 12 Hindi chapters in Core and Elective Books.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core Aroh (आरोह पूरक)

  • Chapter 1 – हरिवंश राय बच्चन (आत्मपरिचय, एक गीत)
  • Chapter 2 – आलोक धन्वा (पतंग)
  • Chapter 3 – कुँवर नारायण (कविता के बहाने, बात सीधी थी पर)
  • Chapter 4 – रघुवीर सहाय (कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज)
  • Chapter 5 – गजानन माधव मुक्तिबोध (सहर्ष स्वीकारा है)
  • Chapter 6 – शमशेर बहादुर सिंह (उषा)
  • Chapter 7 – सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ (बादल राग)
  • Chapter 8 – तुलसीदास (कवितावली, लक्ष्मण-मूर्च्छा और राम का विलाप)
  • Chapter 9 – फ़िराक गोरखपुरी (रुबाइयाँ, गज़ल)
  • Chapter 10 – उमाशंकर जोशी (छोटा मेरा खेत, बगुलों के पंख)
  • Chapter 11 – महादेवी वर्मा (भक्तिन)
  • Chapter 12 – जैनेन्द्र कुमार (बाज़ार दर्शन)
  • Chapter 13 – धर्मवीर भारती (काले मेघा पानी दे)
  • Chapter 14 – फणीश्वर नाथ रेणु (पहलवान की ढोलक)
  • Chapter 15 – विष्णु खरे (चार्ली चैप्लिन यानी हम सब)
  • Chapter 16 – रज़िया सज्जाद ज़हीर (नमक)
  • Chapter 17 – हजारी प्रसाद द्विदेदी (शिरीष के फूल)
  • Chapter 18 – बाबा साहेब भीमराव आंबेडकर (श्रम विभाजन और जाति-प्रथा, मेरी कल्पना का आदर्श समाज)

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core Vitan (वितान पूरक)

  • Chapter 1 – सिल्वर वैडिंग (मनोहर श्याम जोशी)
  • Chapter 2 – जूझ (आनंद यादव)
  • Chapter 3 – अतीत में दबे पाँव (ओम थानवी)
  • Chapter 4 – डायरी के पन्ने (ऐन फैंक)

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Antra (अंतरा ऐच्छिक)

  • Chapter 1 – जयशंकर प्रसाद
  • Chapter 2 – सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
  • Chapter 3 – सच्चिदानंद हीरानंद वात्स्यायन अज्ञेय
  • Chapter 4 – केदारनाथ सिंह
  • Chapter 5 – विष्णु खरे
  • Chapter 6 – रघुवीर सहाय
  • Chapter 7 – तुलसीदास
  • Chapter 8 – मलिक मुहम्मद जायसी
  • Chapter 9 – विद्यापति
  • Chapter 10 – केशवदास
  • Chapter 11 – घनानंद
  • Chapter 12 – रामचंद्र शुक्ल
  • Chapter 13 – पंडित चंद्रधर शर्मा गुलेरी
  • Chapter 14 – ब्रजमोहन व्यास
  • Chapter 15 – फणीश्वरनाथ ‘रेणु’
  • Chapter 17 – असगर वजाहत
  • Chapter 18 – निर्मल वर्मा
  • Chapter 19 – रामविलास शर्मा
  • Chapter 20 – ममता कालिया
  • Chapter 21 – हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Antral (अंतराल ऐच्छिक)

  • Chapter 1 – सूरदास की झोंपड़ी
  • Chapter 2 – आरोहण
  • Chapter 3 – बिस्कोहर की माटी
  • Chapter 4 – अपना मालवा-खाऊ-उजाड़ू सभ्यता में

CBSE Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Core & Elective 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

Using Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions, you can definitely start your preparations in the right way. The 12th NCERT Hindi Solutions contains the answers to all the questions that are written by the subject matter experts.

These solutions are in detail and accurate, you don’t really have to struggle to understand. They are easy to understand and learn. Hence, it is like a great resource during the time of examination to bank upon.

You can also download Oswaal Solutions for more practice.

CBSE 12th Class Hindi Question Papers for Core & Elective

You should refer to the question papers to get a fair idea about the Class 12 Hindi question pattern of the exam. After completion of all chapters, you should refer to the question paper and try to answer the relevant question of that chapter.

You should have the following materials to find the complete question papers related to CBSE Class 12 Hindi Exam:

CBSE 12th Hindi Sample Papers 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

CBSE releases 12th Hindi Sample Papers every year for the benefit of the students. The preparation of the students will become much better by referring to these sample question papers. The CBSE 12th Hindi sample paper question paper gives clarity about the marking scheme.

You can also download Oswaal’s sample papers for more practice.

CBSE 12th Hindi Previous Year Papers

Solving 12th Hindi Previous Year Papers can be a great practice. Practicing previous papers helps in improving your speed of answering and you could really assess yourself where you stand. It helps in identifying where you lag and you can focus on such areas only.

CBSE 12th Hindi Question Bank 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

The CBSE 12th Hindi Question Bank is a great resource for the students who have not been making any preparation throughout the year. A question bank covers both the question and answers as well as the objective type of questions.

CBSE 12th Class Hindi Notes for Core & Elective 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

The CBSE 12th Hindi Revision Notes for Core and Elective are prepared in line with the current academic year so that, if any changes are there in the syllabus, that will be incorporated too.

The revision is indeed very helpful to the students as most of them feel stressed at the time of examinations.

We have covered a detailed guide on CBSE Class 12 Hindi exam 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2 for Core & Elective. Feel Free to ask any questions in the comment section below.

FAQs- CBSE 12th Hindi 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

What is Class 12 CBSE Hindi 2021-22 for Core & Elective?

Read the above article for Class 12 CBSE Hindi 2021-22 for Core & Elective.

What are the prescribed books for CBSE Class 12 Hindi Books for Core?

The prescribed books for Class 12 Hindi Core have two books i.e. Antra & Antral.

What are the prescribed books for Class 12 Hindi Books for Elective?

CBSE Hindi Elective Class 12 Book has two books i.e. Aroh & Vitan.

What are the most preferred choices in regional languages for CBSE Class 12?

CBSE Class 12 offers students various languages to opt for. The most preferred choices in regional languages among CBSE students in Hindi and Sanskrit.

How many chapters are there in the NCERT CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core textbooks?

The number of chapters in all Class 12 Hindi books Core are:
(i) Antra: 21 Chapters
(ii) Aroh: 18 Chapters

How many chapters are there in the NCERT Class 12 Hindi Elective textbooks?

The number of chapters in all Class 12 Hindi Elective books is:
(i) Vitan: 4 Chapters
(ii) Antral: 4 Chapters

Is NCERT Hindi for Class 12 enough for board exams?

Yes, NCERT Hindi books for Class 12 are more than enough for final exams.

Who can provide CBSE 12th Hindi textbooks?

As per the official syllabus of CBSE, the prescribed books for class 12 Hindi is provided by NCERT publications.

What are the chapters in Class 12 Hindi?

You can find the chapter’s name in the above blog.

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