CBSE Home Science Class 12 Syllabus 2020-21 For Term 1 & Term 2 | Download PDF


CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22: CBSE Syllabus contains the list of topics and subtopics to be covered in the course of study during an academic year. For the new academic session 2021-22, CBSE has released the latest CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22 on its official website. The syllabus is divided into two parts, and the Term 1 and Term 2 CBSE Class 12 Exam will be conducted based on the revised Syllabus.

In this blog, we will focus on the updated Class 12 Home Science Syllabus along with the important aspects of Class 12 CBSE Home Science Syllabus and exam pattern.

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22 For Term 1 & Term 2

The syllabus is like your guidebook. You will never miss the important topics from the Revised CBSE Home Science Class 12 Syllabus 2021-22 when you refer to the new syllabus. If you cover the relevant topics from your syllabus then you will be in a good position while solving questions.

A syllabus goes through some modifications every year and you must check whether you have the updated Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22 PDF with you or not. We have also attached the syllabus along with the exam pattern for your convenience. 

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Your performance in the upcoming Home Science exam will play an important role in choosing the right college and hence you need to go through all the sections carefully. All your doubts will be cleared if you concentrate on the below-mentioned parts with an attentive mind.

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Marks Distribution 2021-22

There are a total of six units and each unit consists of different topics. We have highlighted the topics of all the chapters in the place of the Unit. Here is the entire Marks Distribution along with the chapters-

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Marks Distribution 2021-22 For Term 1






Work, Livelihood and Career



Nutrition, Food Science and Technology



Human Development and Family







CBSE Class 12 Home Science Marks Distribution 2021-22 For Term 2






Fabric and Apparel



Resource Management



Communication and Extension






Detailed CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Term 1 & Mark Distribution 2021-22

The theory syllabus for Class 12 Home Science Term 1 for the academic year 2021-22, as well as the mark distribution for each unit. The marking scheme and time duration for each unit are also included in CBSE 12th Home Science Term 1 Syllabus.

CBSE Syllabus For Class 12 Home Science Term 1 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Term 1 2021-22.

UNIT I Work, Livelihood And Career

  • Chapter: Work, Livelihood, And Career
    • Introduction
      • Work and meaningful work
      • Work, careers, and livelihood
    • Traditional occupation in India
      • Agriculture
      • Handicrafts
      • Indian cuisine
      • Visual arts
    • Work, Age and Gender
      • Gender issues in relation to work
      • Issues and concerns related to women and work
        • KGBV
        • Beti bachao ,Beti Padhao Yojana
    • Attitudes and approaches to work and life skills for livelihood
      • Attitudes and approaches to work
      • Lifeskills for livelihood
    • Essential soft skills at the workplace
      • Ergonomics
    • Definition and need for ergonomics
    • Benefits of Ergonomics
      • Entrepreneurship
    • Definition and characteristics

UNIT II   Nutrition, Food Science And Technology

  • Chapter: Clinical Nutrition And Dietetics
    • Introduction
      • Nutrition
      • Clinical Nutrition
    • Significance
    • Basic concepts
      • Diet therapy
    • Types of diets: Regular Diet and Modified diets
    • Changes in consistency
    • Feeding routes
    • Prevention of chronic diseases
    • Preparing for career
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Public Nutrition And Health
    • Introduction
    • Significance
    • Basic concept
      • Public health nutrition
      • Nutritional Problems of India
        • Protein-energy malnutrition
        • Micronutrient deficiencies
          • Iron deficiency anemia
          • Vitamin A deficiency
          • Iodine deficiency disorders
    • Strategies/Intervention to tackle Nutritional problems
      • Diet or food-based strategies
      • Nutrient based strategies
    • Nutrition programs operating in India
      • ICDS
      • Nutrient Deficiency Control Programmes
      • Food Supplementation Programmes
      • Food Security Programme
    • Health Care
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Food Processing And Technology
    • Introduction
    • Significance
    • Basic Concepts
      • Food Science
      • Food Processing
      • Food Technology
      • Food Manufacturing
    • Development of food processing and technology
    • Importance of Food Processing and Preservation
    • Classification of food on the basis of extent and type of processing
    • Preparing for a career
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Food Quality And Food Safety
    • Introduction
    • Significance
    • Basic Concepts
      • Food safety (Toxicity & Hazard)
      • Hazards (Physical, chemical, and biological)
      • Food infection
      • Food poisoning
      • Food quality
    • Food standards regulation in India-FSSA (2006)
    • International Organization and agreements in the area of Food Standards, Quality, Research and Trade
      • Codex Alimentarius Commission
      • International Organization for Standardisation
      • World Trade Organization
    • Food Safety Management Systems
      • Good manufacturing practices (GMP)
      • Good handling practices (GHP)
      • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)
    • Scope

UNIT III Human Development And Family Studies

  • Chapter: Early Childhood Care and Education
    • Significance
    • Basic concepts
    • Preparing for a career
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Management of support services, Institutions, and programs for children, youth and elderly
    • Significance
    • Basic concepts
    • Why are children vulnerable?
    • Institutions, programmes, and initiatives for children
      • ICDS
      • SOS Children’s Village
      • Children’s Homes run by the Government
      • Adoption
    • Why is Youth vulnerable?
    • Youth programmes in India
    • Why are the elderly vulnerable?
    • Some programs for the elderly
    • Preparing for a career
    • Scope

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Pratical Term 1 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Pratical Term 1 2021-22.

UNIT II: Nutrition, Food Science And Technology

  • Modification of normal diet to a soft diet for elderly
  • Development and preparation of supplementary foods for the nutrition program.
  • Planning a menu for a school canteen or mid-day meal in school for a
  • Design, prepare and evaluate a processed food
  • Qualitative test for food adulteration in pure ghee, tea leaves, whole black pepper, turmeric powder, milk,

UNIT III: Human Development And Family Studies

  • Preparation and use of anyone teaching aid to communicate socially relevant messages for children/ adolescents /adults in the OR,
  • Preparation of any one toy for children (age appropriate) using locally available and indigenous material

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Term 1 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Term 1 2021-22.

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution 2021-22 For Term 1






Work, Livelihood and Career



Nutrition, Food Science and Technology



Human Development and Family







CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Pratical Term 1 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Pratical Term 1 2021-22.



5 Marks


Modification of any one family meal for elderly person. Preparing any one of the modified dish.


Development and preparation of any one supplementary food for pre-schooler (2-6 years) nutrition programme.


Planning a menu for school canteen and preparing any one nutritious dish

5 Marks


Identify adulterant using chemical test in any one of

the following- pure ghee, tea leaves, whole black pepper, turmeric powder, milk, asafoetida.

2 Marks



3 Marks



Detailed CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Term 2 & Mark Distribution 2021-22

The theory syllabus for Class 12 Home Science Term 2 for the academic year 2021-22, as well as the mark distribution for each unit. The marking scheme and time duration for each unit are also included in CBSE 12th Home Science Term 2 Syllabus.

CBSE Syllabus For Class 12 Home Science Term 2 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Term 2 2021-22.

UNIT IV Fabric And Apparel

  • Chapter: Design for Fabric and Apparel
    • Introduction
    • Basic concepts (Design: Structural & Applied)
    • Elements of design
      • Colour
      • Texture
      • Line
      • Shapes or form
    • Principles of Design
      • Proportion
      • Balance
      • Emphasis
      • Rhythm
      • Harmony
    • Preparing for career
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Fashion Design and Merchandising
    • Introduction
    • Significance
    • Basic Concepts
      • Fashion terminology –Fashion ,fads, style, classic
    • Fashion Development
      • France-The center of fashion
      • Fashion Evolution
    • Fashion Merchandising
    • Fashion Retail Organization
    • Preparing For a career
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Care and maintenance of fabrics in Institution
    • Introduction
    • Basic concepts
      • Washing equipment
      • Drying equipment
      • Ironing/pressing equipment
    • Institutions
    • Preparing for a career
    • Scope

UNIT V Resource Management

  • Chapter: Hospitality Management
    • Introduction
    • Significance
    • Basic concepts
    • Departments involved in hospitality management of an organization
    • Scope
  • Chapter: Consumer Education and Protection
    • Introduction
    • Significance of consumer education and protection
    • Basic concepts
      • Consumer product
      • Consumer behavior
      • Consumer forum
      • Consumer footfalls
      • Consumer problems
      • Consumer rights
      • Standardized marks (ISI, Wool Mark, Hall Mark, Silk Mark)
      • Protection Councils
      • Consumer Responsibilities
    • Scope

UNIT VI Communication And Extension

  • Chapter: Development communication and Journalism
    • Introduction
    • Significance
    • Basic concepts
      • Development
      • Development journalism
      • Development Communication
    • Methods of communication
      • Campaign
      • Radio and television
    • Print media
    • Information and communication technologies
      • Knowledge and skills required for a career in this field
      • Scope and career avenues in development communication

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Pratical Term 2 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus For Pratical Term 2 2021-22.

UNIT IV: Fabric And Apparel

  • Preparation of any one article using applied textile design techniques; tie and dye/batik/block
  • Remove different types of stains from white cotton cloth –Ball pen, curry, grease, ink, lipstick, tea and

UNIT V: Resource Management

  • Evaluate any one advertisement for any job
  • Develop a leaflet/pamphlet for Consumer Education and Protection on any one of the following-
    • Consumer Protection Act (CPA)
    • Consumer responsibilities
    • Consumer organization
    • Consumer Problem

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Term 2 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Term 2 2021-22.

CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution 2021-22 For Term 2






Fabric and Apparel



Resource Management



Communication and Extension






CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Pratical Term 2 2021-22

Here you can check CBSE Class 12 Home Science Mark Distribution For Pratical Term 2 2021-22.


Prepare a sample using applied textile design techniques tie and dye/batik/block printing

4 Marks


Remove any one of the stain from white cotton cloth – Ball pen, curry, grease, ink, lipstick, tea, coffee

2 Marks


Develop a leaflet/pamphlet for Consumer Education and Protection on any one of the following-

(5 marks)

a) Consumer Protection Act (CPA)

b) Consumer responsibilities

c) Consumer organization

d) Consumer Problems

4 Marks



5 Marks



CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22 For Project


  1. Study of an integrated community based, nutrition/health program being implemented in own area, with reference to-
    • Programme objectives
    • Focal Group/Beneficiaries
    • Modalities of implementation
  1. Visit the neighboring areas and interview two adolescents and two adults regarding their perception of persons with special
  1. Profile any two-person (child/adult) with special needs to find out their diet, clothing, activities, physical and psychological
  1. Planning any five messages for nutrition, health and life skills using different modes of communication for different focal
  2. Market survey any five processed foods with their packaging and label information.

Important Study Materials for CBSE Class 12 Home Science

Hence, we have Provided Complete details about the CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22 For Term 1 & Term 2. Feel free to Post your Queries in the Comment Section Below.

FAQs On  CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22

Here you can check important FAQs On  CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2021-22 for term 1 & Term 2.

How many chapters are there in home science class 12?

The Home Science NCERT class 12 books are divided into two parts, dealing with six major themes or units, and consist of 25 chapters on various topics such as community welfare and nutrition.

What is the scope of home science?

Home science has great opportunities in the tourism industry and/or in hotels, tourist resorts, etc. as catering agents, interior designers, cooks, food analysts, bakers as well as health care professionals. They are employed as dieticians in hospitals, schools, and various other organizations.

Is Home Science easy?

CBSE Class 12th Home Science, a common part of the Humanities/Arts stream is often thought of as one of the easiest of the Sciences. 

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