Chemistry for Engineers ebook

Chemistry for Engineers ebook

Engineering Chemistry ebook download

Description: This book is specially designed for B.E. and B.Tech. students of all branches of engineering and technology. Efforts have been made to explain the fundamental concepts in simple but comprehensive manner so that B.Sc. Pass and Honours students can use this book as a reference. The unique strength of this book is the mathematical and scientific approach. Mathematical problems and model questions, including multiple-choice questions, short-answer-type questions and long-answer-type questions, are provided in Appendix II of this book as exercise for students.

Contents: Chapter 1: Thermodynamics – I • Introduction • Classification of thermodynamic process • The zero-th law of thermodynamics • 1st law of thermodynamics • Equation of state • Work • Specific heat • Enthalpy (H) • P-V-T relations in adiabatic process • Calculation of work • Reversible and irreversible processes • Heat engine and entropy • Third law of thermodynamics • Calculation of entropy • Other state functions • Gibb’s Helmholtz equation • Condition of spontaneity • Phase transition Clasius-Clayperon equation • Maxwell’s relations • Fugacity • Dependence of specific heat on volume and pressure • Partial molar quantities and chemical potential • Thermodynamic properties of ideal gas mixture • Raoult’s law and Henry’s law • Application of Gibb’s-Duhem equation • Van’t Hoff equation • Thermochemistry • Introduction • Case – I: Reactions occurring at constant temperature and pressure • Applications of Hess’s law • Case – II: Reactions occurring with the change in temperature at constant pressure

Chapter 2: Thermodynamics – II • Properties of fluids and equation of state • Triple point and critical point • Equation of state • Thermodynamic properties • Residual property • Two-phase system • Energy in flow process • Conservation of energy • Flow through a nozzle • Expanders and Compressors • Power cycles • Introduction • Steam engine • Internal combustion engines • Gas turbine power plant • Refrigeration cycle • Carnot cycle • Vapour-compression cycle • Absorption refrigeration

Chapter 3: Chemical Kinetics • Introduction • Molecularity and order • Rate equations for different types of reactions • Irreversible 1st order reaction • Irreversible 2nd order reactions • Irreversible 3rd order reactions • Zero order irreversible reactions • Examples of negative and fractional order reactions and catalyst • Irreversible nth-order reaction • Methods of determination of order of a reaction • Significances of half-life period • Elementary reactions • Study of reaction mechanism • Mechanism to explain unimolecular reaction • Kinetic study of some special reactions • Pseudo 1st order reactions • Competing reactions/parallel reactions/side reactions • Consecutive reactions • Opposing reactions • Theory of reaction rate • Factors influencing the reaction rate

Chapter 4: Catalysis • Definition • Classification • Other type of classification • Auto catalysis • Acid-base catalysis • Enzyme catalysis • Promoters and inhibitors • Mechanism of catalytic action in homogeneous catalysis system • Theory of heterogeneous catalysis system • Bimolecular reaction: both reactants are adsorbed • Bimolecular reaction: one reactant is absorbed • Primary Kinetic salt effect

Chapter 5: Electrochemistry • Theory of electrolytes • Shortcomings of Arrhenius theory • Activity (a) and activity coefficient (g) of electrolytes • Electrolysis • Conductor • Faraday’s Laws • Electrical conductance of electrolytes • Conductivity • Equivalent conductivity • Kohlrausch’s law • Mobility • Effect of solvent on conductivity • Mobility of hydroxonium (H3O+) and hydroxyl (OH–) ions • Relation between ionic mobility and concentration • Ionic mobility and temperature • Applications of Kohlrausch’s law • Transport numbers of ions • Method of determination of transport number • Dependence of transport number on concentration of electrolyte and temperature • Conductometric titrations • Electrochemical cells and electromotive force • Electrochemical cell • Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells • Nernst equation for single electrode potential and electrochemical cell • Classification of electrodes • Reference electrodes • Applications of single electrode potential • Concentration cell and accumulator • Concentration cell • Liquid junction potential or diffusion potential • Determination of activity and activity coefficient • Decomposition voltage and over-voltage • Rule of discharging of ion • Over-voltage • Theories of hydrogen over-voltage • Accumulators • Ionic equilibrium in aqueous solutions • Debye-Hückel limiting law • Acids and bases • Ionic product of water • pH • Dissociation of weak acid • Salt hydrolysis • Indicators • pH-metric titration • Solubility product

Chapter 6: Solid State Chemistry • Crystallography • Unit cell • Atomic radius • Effective number of atoms • Atomic packing factor (APF) • Density of a cubic crystal • Fundamental laws of crystallography • Miller indices and interplanar spacing • Bragg’s law • Crystal imperfections/defects • Stoichiometric defects • Non-stoichiometric defects • Schrödinger wave equation, energy states and Fermi energy • Schrödinger wave equation • Sommerfeld theory • Bragg’s law for electron waves • Conductors, semi-conductors and insulators • Intrinsic semiconductor • Extrinsic semiconductor • Mobility and conductivity • Junction diode and transistor • Junction diode • Zener diode • Tunnel diode • Junction transistor • Photodiode and photovoltaic cell • Rectifiers

Chapter 7: General and Co-ordination Chemistry • Section–I Chemical Bonding • General Chemistry • Atom and molecule • Atomic spectra • Filling up of atomic orbitals by electrons • Matter waves and Schrödinger wave equation • Uncertaintyprinciple from Schrödinger wave equation • Validity of Neil Bohr’s theory • Concept of molecular orbital • Characteristics features of MO theory • Characteristics features of Valence Bond (VB) theory • Periodic table • Polarisability and dipole moment • Chemical bond • (A) Hybridisation • Facts, problems and explanation • Section–II Co-ordination Chemistry • Co-ordination Chemistry • Complex ion/compound and Werner’s theory • Ligand and its classification • Isomerism in coordination compounds • Nomenclature of coordination compounds • Chelates and inner metallic complexes • Bonding and characteristic features of complex compounds • Crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) • John-Teller distortion and square planar complex • Magnetic Behaviour • p-acid ligand • Factors influencing complex formation

Chapter 8: General Organic and Polymer Chemistry • Section–I Organic Chemistry • Introduction • Reaction mechanism • Controlling factors • Effect of hybridization on acidity and electronegativity • Classification of organic reactions • Substitution reactions • Elimination reactions • Addition reactions • Aromatic substitution reactions • Some rearrangement reactions with mechanism • Section–II Polymer Chemistry • Introduction • Classification of polymers • Tacticity • Copolymer • Intermolecular forces in polymer • Glass transition temperature (Tg) • Crystalline and amorphous polymers • Crystalline polymers • Amorphous polymers • Semi-crystalline polymers • Percent crystallinity in a semi-crystalline polymer • Factory influencing the crystallinity • Inorganic polymers • High temperature polymers • Conducting polymers • Biopolymers • Vulcanization • Preparation, structure and uses of some common polymers • Thermosetting resins • Fibres

Chapter 9: Fuels and Combustion • Definition • Classification • Some definitions • Calculation of calorific value • Solid fuel • Analysis of coal • Carbonization of coal • Liquid Fuel • Classification • Fractional distillation of crude petroleum • Gasoline/Petrol • Knocking in petrol engine • Knocking in diesel fuel • Aviation fuel • Biodiesel • Gaseous fuel • Combustion of fuel

Chapter 10: Characterization of Organic Compounds • The ultraviolet spectrum • Introduction • Electronic transitions • Identification of organic compounds • Instrumentation • Applications • The infrared spectroscopy • Applications • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy • Introduction • Various aspects of NMR-spectrum • Applications

Chapter 11: Phase Equilibrium • Phase rule • Single component system • Two-component liquid-vapour system • Homogeneous mixture • Azeotropic mixture • Binary phase diagram for solid solutions • Solid solution • Completely miscible solid solutions • Metals are miscible in liquid phase but immiscible in solid phase • Metals are miscible in liquid phase but only partially miscible in • solid phase • Binary solid solutions having peritectic point • Compound forming alloys • Other eutectic systems • Solid state reactions • Precipitation reaction • Ternary systems • Iron-Carbon diagram • Allotropy • Composition of Fe/C alloy • Heating and cooling of steel • Iron-Carbon alloys

Chapter 12: Corrosion • Definition • Classification • Chemical or dry corrosion • Electrochemical corrosion • Other forms of corrosion • Factors influencing corrosion • Nature of metal • Nature of the corroding environment • Protective measure against corrosion • Modification of the environment • Modification of the composition of alloy • Metal coatings • Cathodic protection • Inorganic coatings • Inhibitors • Organic coatings • Explain the following

Chapter 13: Environment and Pollution • Environmental science • Pollution • Pollutant • Acid rain • Hydrocarbons • Aerosols • Photochemical smog • Noise pollution • Water Pollution • Municipal waste water treatment • Primary treatment plant • Secondary treatment plant • Tertiary treatment plant • Lithosphere • Green house effect • Ozone layer depletion

Chapter 14: Hardness of Water • Water hardness • Types of hardness • Temporary hardness • Permanent hardness • Unit of hardness • Estimation of total hardness of water using complexometric titration • Treatment of hard water • External treatment • Internal treatment • Alkalinity of water • Problems on boiler • Boiler corrosion • Caustic embrittlement • Scale and sludge • Carry over • Numerical problems on water softening by lime-soda process • Numerical problems on alkalinity •

About the Author: 

Abhijit Mallick is Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Academy of Technology, affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology. He completed his B.Sc. Chemistry Honours from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, affiliated to Calcutta University and obtained his postgraduate degrees from University Colleges of Science and Technology, Calcutta University. He earned his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He has published several international papers and a textbook entitled Principles of Physical Metallurgy. He is a member of the Institute of Engineers (India). His areas of interest include Applied Chemistry, Materials Science, Environmental Pollution Control and Management.


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