Effects of Electronic Gadgets in Student Life

Effects of Electronic Gadgets in Student life

Effects of Electronic Gadgets on Student life: In the current world, we can see technology has been an integral part of our lives. It definitely plays an important role in our day-to-day life. Technology has drastically increased at a fast pace developing new gadgets frequently. From a young age to old age, we see everyone using electronic gadgets.

It might be TVs, smartphones, laptops, tablets, and so on. The list goes long if we start listing out each gadget entered into the market. Technology has replaced human life in various ways including studying. Here, in this article, we have discussed the effects of Electronic Gadgets on student’s life.

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Usage of Electronic Devices for Learning Essay

You can use the most convenient source: your gadget, to expand your education and improve your professional skills. There are a few importance of using Electronic Gadgets:


Whether you are a student of the arts or engineering and technology, digital devices play an important role in your academic success. Students of all grades and disciplines can benefit from digital devices. The adaptability of Electronic Gadgets allows each student to personalize them to meet their specific demands.


Studying and comprehension processes take less time with electronic gadgets. Students sit through a lot of lectures and then have a lot of homework to complete. It takes roughly 70 hours each week to complete all of the cognitive activities. Using gadgets can help you save a lot of time.


The majority of kids who use smartphones can handle many tasks at once. For example, a student can record the lecture and listen to the teacher during class. Multitasking can also be developed by taking public transportation and interacting with friends and family, listening to music, or listening to audiobooks.

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You can contact your friends, coworkers, and relatives at any moment with the aid of gadgets. You may be looking for information or need to share it right away: all you need is your smartphone or tablet and an internet connection.

Developing language skills

Learning with technological devices is also a popular technique to improve writing skills. It is possible to understand the meaning of both native and foreign languages by mastering vocabulary and grammar. Furthermore, gadgets encourage the use of grammar correctors and proofreaders.

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Negative Effects of Gadgets on Students | Disadvantages of Gadgets

If electronic gadgets are used to a limit then it has fewer effects on humankind. There are advantages of gadgets as they have made our lives easier but they have disadvantages as well.  We have listed out a few major effects of electronic gadgets used by students.

Increases aggression

Generally, we see kids replicating what they see or hear. Electronic gadgets like TVs, mobiles, and laptops show various kinds of entertainment shows and much other violent stuff. Even kids involve themselves in surfing unwanted things, chatting, and much more. These can result in a huge impact on a kid’s life.

Children’s interaction with social media and gadgets increases their aggression abruptly. With the increased use of electronic stuff, innocent kids can be a victim of themselves.

It’s important for students to recognize how their use of electronic devices affects their behavior. If you notice that you become more aggressive or irritable after spending a certain amount of time on your digital devices, try to limit your use or take breaks.

Causes Sleep Disorders

Students are so much addicted to mobiles and laptops that they spend the whole night playing games, surfing, chatting, and so on. This can be dangerous. Parents have educated children on how to use gadgets wisely.

Children need adequate sleep to stay active the whole day but the current generation of children is more on phones and laptops. Moreover, the rays emitted by screens lead to loss of vision. It can cause problems in the retina and there can be temporary vision loss.

Many devices have a night mode or blue light filter option that reduces the amount of blue light emitted. This can help reduce the impact on sleep patterns if you must use electronic devices before bed.

Ultimately, the key to addressing the impact of electronic device use on sleep is to establish healthy sleep habits and limit the use of devices before bed

Leads to Obesity

Young kids don’t show interest in playing outdoor games as they are stuck on to mobiles and tablets. Along with this,  kids tend to eat a lot of junk food without being conscious of the amount of intake. This can lead to obesity. They don’t realize this at an early stage but they might have to face hurdles in life.

Encouraging kids to engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, running, or playing sports, can help to reduce the risk of obesity. This could involve setting goals for daily steps or joining a fitness group or class.

Effects of Electronic Gadgets

Causes hearing Problems

Children and teenagers tend to use mobiles and tablets wearing earphones and headphones with more volume. This will cause damage to their ears and they may become deaf. Wearing earphones is not restricted but you need to maintain less volume and less time. Kids use their phones the whole day with their earphones which is dangerous.

Limiting the amount of time spent using headphones or earbuds can help to reduce the risk of hearing problems. This could involve taking breaks or alternating between headphones and speakers.

Dries up the eyes

All electronic devices emit light rays that are harmful. Continuously watching electronic devices for a long time may lead to being visually impaired. The liquid present in the eyes may dry up and cause a vision problem. It is one of the major impacts of using gadgets.

Taking regular breaks from electronic devices can help to reduce the strain on the eyes and promote blinking. This could involve taking a break every 20 minutes to look away from the screen and focus on a distant object.

Maintaining proper posture when using electronic devices can help to reduce eye strain and promote blinking. This could involve positioning the screen at eye level and sitting at a comfortable distance from the screen.

Increased chances of Cancer

The radiation from electronic gadgets is a cancer-causing agent that may lead to cancer problems. Children may be affected widely by various types of cancers like leukemia, and skin, thyroid, breast, and stomach cancers.

Reducing the amount of time spent on electronic devices can help to reduce overall radiation exposure. This could involve setting limits on screen time or taking regular breaks from electronic devices.

Keeping electronic devices away from the body can help to reduce radiation exposure. This could involve carrying devices in a bag or backpack, rather than a pocket, or using a phone case that blocks radiation.

Activates back pain

One of the major health issues caused by using gadgets is back pain. Children are unaware of this but it does affect them slowly. Children tend to stick in one place using electronic gadgets continuously for a long time which results in back pain.

Using ergonomic equipment, such as a standing desk or an ergonomic chair, can help to promote good posture and reduce back strain. It’s important to adjust the equipment to fit individual needs. This could involve sitting up straight, keeping the shoulders relaxed, and keeping the feet flat on the ground.

Hence, this is an initial warning for children using too many electronic gadgets. It is not mandatory that using gadgets has to be stopped immediately. Instead, use it in a limit. Fix yourself some time for using gadgets and then get back to other work. Do not use gadgets too much.

Hope our blog has made you aware of the consequences of Electronic gadgets in student life. Do keep them in mind and use them wisely.

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FAQs – Effects of Electronic Gadgets in Student Life

What are the effects of gadgets on students?

Some of the effects of gadgets on students are:
Behavioral problems.
Less time for play and loss of social skills.
Sleep problems.

What will the increase in the usage of electronic devices lead to?

Overuse of a smartphone may result in the development of a repetitive stress injury or overuse syndrome, impairing hand function and causing thumb pain.

What is the cause of using gadgets?

The most important reason for using gadgets is to make own’s life or work easier.

8 thoughts on “Effects of Electronic Gadgets in Student Life”

  1. There are several negative effects of excessive gadget in students life. If we can’t stop our small children from excessive use then it may cause severe mental and health problems.


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