GATE Chemistry Question Paper 2022

GATE Chemistry Question Paper

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GATE Chemistry 2022: Syllabus 

Subjects GATE CY Syllabus 2022

Physical Chemistry: 

  • Structure
  • Spectroscopy
  • Group Theory
  • Kinetics
  • Equilibrium
  • Surfaces and Interfaces

Inorganic Chemistry:

  • Main group elements
  • Solids
  • Radioactive elements
  • Organometallics
  • Lanthanides and Actinides
  • Transition Elements
  • Instrumental Methods of Analysis
  • Bioinorganic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry:

  • Stereochemistry
  • Reaction Mechanisms
  • Organic Synthesis
  • Heterocyclic Compounds
  • Biomolecules
  • Pericyclic Reactions and Photochemistry
  • Experimental Techniques in Organic Chemistry

GATE Chemistry Syllabus 2022: Physical Chemistry

Subjects GATE CY Syllabus 2022
Group Theory Point groups and character tables; Hybrid orbital construction using symmetry aspects; Internal coordinates and vibrational modes; Symmetry elements and operations; Symmetry adapted linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO-MO).
Equilibrium Thermochemistry; Thermodynamics laws, functions & their relationships (Gibbs-Helmholtz & Maxwell relations, Gibbs-Duhem, & Van’t Hoff equation); Mixing Thermodynamics; Statistical thermodynamics; Raoult’s Law and Henry’s Law; Clausius- Clapeyron equation; Chemical potential; Relationship between Electrode potential & thermodynamic quantities; Absolute entropy; Debye-Hückel limiting law & Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation; Potentiometric & conductometric titrations; Standard states; Nernst Equation and its application; Chemical equilibria; Criteria of spontaneity and equilibrium; Phase rule; One component (CO2, H2O, S) and two component systems (liquid-vapor, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid); Azeotropes & eutectics; Partial molar quantities; Ideal and Non-ideal solutions; Equilibrium constant dependence on pressure & temperature; Ionic mobility & conductivity; Standard electrode potentials and electrochemical cells; Fugacity, activity & activity coefficients; System of fractional distillation.
Structure Quantum mechanics postulates; Operators; Molecular structure & Chemical bonding (Born-Oppenheimer approximation; Valence bond theory and LCAO-MO theory); LCAO-MO theory application to H2+, H2; Hydrogen & hydrogen-like atoms; Multi-electron atoms; MOT theory of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules; Dirac bra-ket notation; Approximation Methods (Variation method and secular determinants; first-order perturbation techniques); Hückel approximation and its application to annular π– electron systems; Particle in a box (infinite & finite square wells, tunnelling; particle in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D box, applications); Harmonic oscillator (harmonic & anharmonic potentials); Hermite polynomials; Atomic units; slater determinants; Schrödinger’s time-dependent & independent equations; Born interpretation; Pauli exclusion principle; Rotational motion (angular momentum operators, rigid rotor); Hybrid orbitals.
Spectroscopy Diatomic and polyatomic molecular vibrational, Raman, rotational, and electronic spectroscopy; coefficients of Einstein; Atomic spectroscopy; Line broadening; Term symbols and spectral details; Russell-Saunders coupling; Nuclear magnetic resonance principles; origin of selection rules; transition moment integral and molar extinction coefficient & oscillator strength relationship.
Kinetics Theory of transition state; Fast reaction kinetics (flow methods & relaxation methods); Photochemical & photophysical processes kinetics; Polymerization Kinetics; Effects of kinetic isotopes; Elementary, opposing, consecutive, and parallel reactions; Unimolecular reactions; Concepts of catalysis & enzyme catalysis; Diffusion controlled reactions; Complex reactions mechanisms; Approximation of steady state; Potential energy surfaces and classical trajectories; Saddle points concept.
Surfaces and Interfaces Langmuir, Freundlich and BET isotherms; Self-assembly; Surface tension, viscosity and catalysis (mechanism of Langmuir-Hinshelwood); Colloids, micelles and macromolecules’ physical chemistry; Physisorption & chemisorption.

GATE Chemistry Syllabus 2022: Organic Chemistry

Subjects GATE CY Syllabus 2022
Organic Synthesis Atom economy and Green Chemistry; Protection and deprotection of functional groups; Concepts of multistep synthesis; Selectivity in organic synthesis (chemoselectivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity); Concepts of asymmetric synthesis; Uses of Li, Zn, Cu, B, Mg, Sn, P, Si, and S based reagents in organic synthesis; Synthesis, reactions, mechanisms and selectivity (alkenes, alkynes, arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, nitriles, halides, nitro compounds, amines and amides); Umpolung reactivity (formyl and acyl anion equivalents); Stereoselective addition to C=O groups (Cram, Prelog and Felkin-Anh models); Carbon-carbon bond formation through coupling reactions (Hiyama, McMurry, Tsuji-Trost, Kumada, Sonogoshira, Suzuki, Negishi, Stille, olefin metathesis and Heck); Carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond forming reactions through enolates (including boron enolates), enamines and silyl enol ethers.
Reaction Mechanism Basic mechanistic concepts (kinetic vs thermodynamic control, postulate of Hammond and principle of Curtin-Hammett); Nucleo- & electrophilic substitution reactions; Linear free-energy relationship (Hammett & Taft equations); Reactive intermediates (carbenes, nitrenes, carbanions, carbocations, arynes & free radicals); Addition reactions to carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom (N and O) multiple bonds; Elimination reactions; Methods to determine reaction mechanisms with the help of kinetics, products identification, intermediates & isotopic labelling; Molecular rearrangements.
Stereochemistry Homo-, enantio- and diastereotopic atoms, faces & groups; Geometrical & optical isomerism; acyclic and cyclic compounds’ conformational analysis; Stereoselective and stereospecific synthesis; Relative stereochemistry in compounds with more than one stereo genic centre; Chirality & symmetry of organic molecules in relation to chiral centres & absolute configurations; Configurational and conformational effects, atropisomerism, & neighboring group participation on reactivity and selectivity or specificity.
Biomolecules Chemical structural features of lipids, steroids, proteins, carotenoids, nucleic acids, alkaloids, and terpenoids; Mono-saccharides & di-saccharides (structure, reaction, & properties); chemical synthesis and structure of peptides; physicochemical properties of amino acids.
Pericyclic Reactions & Photochemistry Norrish type-I and II cleavage reaction; Photochemistry of alkenes, arenes and carbonyl compounds; Electrocyclic, cycloaddition & sigmatropic reactions; Orbital correlations (FMO & PMO treatments, Woodward-Hoffmann rule); Di-π-methane rearrangement; Photooxidation & photoreduction; Barton-McCombie reaction.
Heterocyclic Compounds Furan, quinoline, pyridine, thiophene, isoquinoline, indole, and pyrrole (Structure, preparation, properties and reactions).
Experimental Techniques in Organic Chemistry Chromatographic techniques application (thin-layer, column, HPLC & GC); IR, UV-visible, NMR & Mass spectrometry application in determining structure of organic molecules; Polarimetry.

GATE Chemistry Syllabus: Inorganic Chemistry

Subjects GATE CY Syllabus 2022
Main Group Elements

Industrial synthesis of main group elements compounds; Shapes & Reactivity of oxides, sulfides, oxoacids, hydrides, nitrides, halides, boron nitride, phosphazenes, boranes, silicones, borazines, carboranes, and silicates; Noble gases, pseudo halogens, and interhalogen compounds chemistry; Acid-base concepts and principles; Sulphur, Carbon, and phosphorus allotropes.

Transition Elements Energy level diagrams in CFSE, CFT, various crystal fields, and Jahn-Teller distortion; Coordination chemistry (structure & isomerism); Transition metal complexes and its magnetic properties; Bonding theories (VBT, CFT, & MOT); Ray-Dutt & Bailar twists; Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes; Metal-metal multiple bond; Reaction mechanisms (kinetic & thermodynamic stability, substitution & redox reactions).
Lanthanides & Actinides Its recovery, spectra, periodic properties, & magnetic properties.
Organometallics Organometallic reaction types, fluxionality in complexes of organometallics; metal-alkyl, metal-carbonyl, metal-olefin and metal- carbene complexes and metallocene;18-Electron rule; Heterogeneous catalysis – Ziegler-Natta polymerization, Fischer- Tropsch reaction; Homogeneous catalysis – hydroformylation, metathesis and olefin oxidation, hydrogenation, and acetic acid synthesis.
Solids Bragg’s law; band theory; Crystal systems and lattices; Crystal packing; ionic crystals; Miller planes; crystal defects; spinels, metals and semiconductors; structures of AX, AX2, ABX3 type compounds.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis Electro- and thermoanalytical methods; UV-visible; X- ray crystallography; fluorescence and FTIR spectrophotometry; Chromatography including GC and HPLC; NMR and ESR, atomic absorption, and Mössbauer (Fe and Sn) spectroscopy; mass spectrometry.
Bioinorganic Chemistry Oxygen binding; Ion (Na+ and K+) transport; nitrogen fixation; electron transfer reactions; transport and utilization; metalloenzymes containing Mg, Mo, Fe, Co, Cu and Zn.
Radioactivity Radioactivity detection; fission & fusion processes; Half-life of radioactive elements; Decay processes.

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Yes, you can download a free PDF GATE Chemistry Question Paper.

Do previous questions repeat in the GATE exam?

GATE questions are not repeated but if you study the previous year’s question papers you will find out the pattern of the questions.

Which IIT sets the toughest paper for GATE?

IISC Bangalore is known for setting the most difficult GATE papers.

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