Happy Birthday E-book

Origin of E-book


happy birthday

How did E-books start?

It all started with a man named Michael Hart. He was given computer time at the University of Illinois. In an effort to justify his computer time Michael typed up the Declaration of Independence and offered to anyone who wanted to download it. Thus began the first downloadable electronic reading material.

Indeed, in July of 2011 Hart wrote 1-”e-books are the very first thing that we’re all able to have as much as we want other than air.”

And he was right. We can read them over and over and never wear out the page. We can download and delete and download some more. We can read everything our hearts ever desired and as long as it’s available for download it will be available to us faster and easier than a print book. We can have thousands of them on one device, an entire room stuffed into one tiny space all for our edification.

Michael Hart left us in September of 2011, but he left behind a legacy that brings writers and readers together in a lovely maelstrom of literary wealth.

 We are grateful to You Michael

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