IIT BHU Syllabus
Advanced Glass Technology
Advanced Glass Technology
Structure and nature of glasses, transformation range behaviour, dependence of physico-chemical characteristic of
glasses on their constituents. Strength of glass and glass articles. Thermal and ion exchange toughening. Coatings
on glass.
Technological aspects of chemical durability of glasses and reaction with water. Extraction of various constituents
from glasses. Effect of various factors on the rate controlling mechanism.
Redox equilibria in glasses and their industrial applications in coloration, decolorization and refining of glasses as
well as preparation of special glasses, Redox number of glass, its calculation from batch raw materials and uses.
Importance of transition metal ions in glass, interaction of radiation in glass. Magnetic properties of glasses.
Solubility of gases at high temperature in glasses. Phenomena of reboiling in industrial glass preparation process.
Oxygen ion activity and its influence on redox equilibria and application.
Principle and manufacture of sheet glass by float process, TV picture tubes, glass containers, glass fibres and optical
glass fibres. Processing, properties and application of glass ceramics.
Recommended Books:
1. Hank book of Glass Manufactur, F.V.Tooley, Vol. 1 & 2
2. Glass Science and Technology , Vol. I and II, Ed. D.R. Uhlmann and N. J. Kredl, Academic Press, London.
3. Chemistry of Glasses, Ed. Amal Paul, Chapman Hall, London
4. High Performance Glasses, Ed. M. Cable and J. M. Parker, Blachie , New Yark, USA.
5. Optical and Spectroscopic Properties of Glasses, Gan Fuxi., Spinger-Verlag, USA.