IIT BHU Syllabus B Tech Nano-Ceramics


IIT BHU Syllabus




Introduction to nanotechnology, its emergence and challenges classification of nano-materials: Zero, one, two and

three dimensional nano-structured materials.

Synthesis of nano-particles through homogenous and  heterogeneous nucleation, kinetically confined synthesis of

nano-particles synthesis of nano-wire, rod, tubes and thin films. Special nano-materials: carbon, carbon fulrenes

and carbon, nano-tubes, nano and microporous  materials, core shell structure and nano-composites.

Electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal and mechanical properties of nano-structured materials.

Applications of naon-materials in molecular electronics, nano-electronics, catalysis, photoelectrochemical cells,

photonics, quantum well, quantum dot and quantum wire devices.

Recommended Books-

1. Nano structure and nano-materials by Guozhong  (AO.(Imperial College Press), London),    2004.

2. Introduction to Nano technology by Charles P. Poole, Jr and Frauk J. Owens. (Wiley Interscience , New Jersey,

2003. 6

3. Nano-structured materials: Processing , properties and Potential Applications by Carl.  C. Koch. (Noyes


and William Andrew Publishing) New Yark. 2002.

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