IIT Kanpur Syllabus Civil Engineering Physical and Environmental Geology

 IIT Kanpur Syllabus

 Physical and Environmental Geology 

Civil Engineering

CE 422:  Physical and Environmental Geology

Course content: Earth as a system; Fundamental concepts in environmental geology, population dynamics and its impact; Geological cycles- rock and hydrological cycle; Soil and environment (profile, classification, soil types of India, soil pollution and remediation); Natural Hazards (flooding, landslides, volcanism, coastal, earthquake) and environmental degradation; Surface and ground water system& management; Surface and groundwater system and management, Water pollution and remediation, Waste management (solid, liquid and radioactive waste); Atmospheric processes and related hazards – cyclones and hurricanes; Geochemical cycles – carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous; Life on Earth – ecosystem and biodiversity; Earth’s Energy balance, green house effect, and global warming; Human role in environmental changes.

Suggested text and reference material: 

  1. Keller, Edward (2005). Introduction to Environmental geology, Prentice Hall.
  2. Merrits, D., Dewet, A. and Menking, K., (1998) Environmental geology; an earth system science approach, Freeman
  3. Skinner, B.J. and Porter, S.C. (2000) The Dynamic Earth, John Wiley

.  Wicadner, R. &Monore, J.S. (1999) Essentials of Geology, Wadsworth Pub. Co

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