IIT Kanpur Syllabus Biomaterials

IIT Kanpur Syllabus




Introduction to Materials Science: Bulk and surface properties of materials; Polymeric materials; synthesis, characterization, and fabrication methods– Inert, biodegradable, hydrogels, Natural, Genetically engineered and Bioactive; Ceramics and glasses; Metals; Surface modification techniques. Biocompatibility of Biomaterials: Protein structure, interaction of proteins with synthetic materials ; Characterization of cellmaterial interactions; inflammatory responses; acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, foreign body response, assessment of material performance


Introduction to Materials Science: Bulk and surface properties of materials; Polymeric materials; synthesis, characterization, and fabrication methods– Inert, biodegradable, hydrogels, Natural, Genetically engineered and Bioactive; Ceramics and glasses; Metals; Surface modification techniques. Biocompatibility of Biomaterials: Protein structure, interaction of proteins with synthetic materials ; Characterization of cellmaterial interactions; inflammatory responses; acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, foreign body response, assessment of material performance


Introduction to Materials Science: Bulk and surface properties of materials; Polymeric materials; synthesis, characterization, and fabrication methods– Inert, biodegradable, hydrogels, Natural, Genetically engineered and Bioactive; Ceramics and glasses; Metals; Surface modification techniques. Biocompatibility of Biomaterials: Protein structure, interaction of proteins with synthetic materials ; Characterization of cellmaterial interactions; inflammatory responses; acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, foreign body response, assessment of material performance

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