IIT Kanpur Syllabus for Civil Engineering Materials Civil Engineering



CE 242:  Civil Engineering Materials



Properties of material and their evaluation (creep, elastic modulus, fatigue, impact, etc.); test methods and specifications

Chemical composition, properties – setting, strength, fineness, hydration;

Sources, properties, chemical reactivity;

Constituents, proportioning, properties of fresh and hardened concrete, characteristic strength, quality control (sampling, acceptance, etc.), transportation and placing, testing (including NDT), porosity;

Chemical, mineral

Properties, types of steel, steel in civil engineering;

Introduction to manufacture, properties and classification; masonry bonds;

Basic concepts of Fibre reinforced plastics (FRPs), composition and properties and applications of FRPs in civil engineering;

Illustrative examples such as epoxy-coated bars, etc. with performance requirements, test methods, specifications.

Bitumen: Source, composition, characterization, various forms, tests on bitumen; Bituminous mix design;

Description of soil, engineering geology of soils and their formation, index properties of soil, classification of soils;


Suggested text and reference material

  • Materials of Construction – GD Taylor, Prentice Hall
  • Concrete – Material, Microstructure and Properties, PK Mehta and PMJ Montiero, TMH
  • Relevant IS codes for testing and specifications
  • Concrete Technology – ML Gambhir (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
  • Concrete Technology, Neville and Brooks, ELBS/Longman
  • Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, Neville, ELBS/Longman
  • Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures, P Dayaratnam, Oxford and IBH
  • Construction Materials, D N Ghose, (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
  • Highway engineering, Khanna and Justo,(Khanna Publishers, Delhi)
  • Principles of transportation engineering, Chakraborty and Das, Prentice Hall of India
  • Das BM., Advanced Soil Mechanics., 2008,  Taylor and Francis, NewYork, USA.
  • Lambe TW., and Whitman RV., Soil Mechanics., 2000, John Wiley and Sons (Asia), Singapore.

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