IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Fats and Oil Technology

 IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus

Fats and Oil Technology


Fats and Oil Technology

Triglycerides and phospholipids; emulsions and emulsifiers; soaps,

detergents, polishes and paints; Interesterifications: industrial fats and oils,

shortenings, salad oils, margarine, non-caloric fats; standard and quality

control, packaging and storage of fats and fatty foods.

Changes during processing and storage of oils and fats, polymorphism,

rancidity and reversion; processing of oil seeds and other oil bearing

materials, extraction of oils and fats – rendering and trying out, mechanical

expression, hydraulic pressing and expelling, solvent extraction and pre  –

press solvent extraction; refining of oils  – physical and chemical;


Non conventional edible oils, oil seed cakes and meal utilization: By-products

of oils and fats processing industries. Oleoresins and essential oils,

characteristics, chemistry, extraction and application. Toxicity and safety of

fats and oils.

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