IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Food Plant and Equipment Design


IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus

Food Plant and Equipment Design


Food Plant and Equipment Design

Physical properties of food materials and energy balance calculations for

preliminary estimation of plant capacuty and equipment sizes. Preparation of

flow sheets for material movement and utility consumption in food plant.

Materials of construction : welding and machining of stainless steel. Design

of storage vessels for liquid food and grains. Pressure vessels design and design of vessel for drum drying. Performance characteristics and selection

of fans, blowers, ejector compressors and vacuum pumps. Design of fluid

conveyance system; pipe, sanitary pipe fitting and valves. Performance

characteristics and selection of centrifugal and positive displacement

sanitary pumps. Design of CIP system. Design of heat echange equipmentplate, scraped surface and extended surface for heating and cooling of gas

and liquid. Design of evaporator calandria, vapour separator and condenser,

Design considerations for location of food plant. Equipment layout and

ventilation in food process plants.

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