IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Pressurized Irrigation System


IIT Kharagpur crop production technology syllabus Pressurized Irrigation System



Pressurized Irrigation System

Pressurized Irrigation: Importance, scope and types of pressurized irrigation


Sprinkler System: Types, components and performance of sprinkler system

(capacity, distance of throw, distribution pattern, application rate, drop


Sprinkler System Design: Design of set-move, solid-set system, traveler,

centre-pivot systems, and linear move systems.

Micro Irrigation System: Drip, subsurface, bubbler and spray, micro

irrigation system components (control heads, fertilizer injection system, filter, irrigation controller, flow meter and valves, distribution networks  –

mainlines and submains (manifolds), laterals, emission devices).

Fertigation System: Fertigation equipment, types of plant nutrients and

application methods.

Management and Maintenance of Micro Irrigation System: Filtration,

flushing, and chemical treatment.

Micro Irrigation System Design: Micro irrigation system design for varied

topography, soil and crops.

Soil Moisture Dynamics and Solute Movement: Soil moisture dynamics,

solute movement under point and line source emitters.

Automation of Irrigation System: Point, local and central automation, control

patterns, irrigation timers and computer-based irrigation control systems.

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