IIT Kharagpur syllabus Modeling and Simulation for Agricultural Water Management


IIT Kharagpur syllabus Modeling and Simulation for

Agricultural Water Management


Modeling and Simulation for Agricultural WaterManagement

Prerequsites: AG21002 Modeling and Simulation: Definition and purpose of modeling, modeling

terminology, modeling versus simulation, types of models, modeling

protocol, continuum approach to modeling porous media.

Application of Modeling Techniques to Agricultural Water Management:

Finite-difference method (FDM), and finite-element method (FEM), numerical

errors, validity of numerical solutions.

Modeling Unsaturated Flow: Soil water potential, capillarity, soil moisture

characteristics and hydraulic conductivity curves, soil-water flow, effective

permeability, motion and mass balance equations, initial and boundary

conditions, complete mathematical model of unsaturated flow, on-farm

water balance modeling.

Water Uptake by Plant Roots: Mathematical description of water uptake by

potential transpiration.

Numerical Approximation of Flow in Soil-Root Systems: Initial and boundary

conditions, finite difference approximation, model development, calibration

and verification, case studies.

Modeling of Crop Production: Mathematical description of crop growth, water

versus actual production, calculation of potential production, case studies.

Modeling Saturated Flow:  Aquifer storativity, effective stress, fundamental

mass balance equation, initial and boundary conditions, complete

mathematical models of flow in confined, phreatic and leaky aquifers, model

execution and calibration process, case studies.

Modeling and Simulation of Irrigation Canal Systems: Commonly used

modeling techniques, overview of popular software packages for canal flow


Water Quality Prediction and Simulation: Fundamentals of water quality

modeling, types of water quality models, model development, calibration

and verification, NPS models, case studies.

Modeling Subsurface Contamination: Classification of contaminants,

hydrodynamic dispersion in saturated and unsaturated domains, advective,

dispersive and diffusive fluxes, balance equation for a contaminant, initial

and boundary conditions, source and sink terms, complete statement of

contaminant model, scale effects and macrodispersion, salient case studies.

Rational Use of Models: Reliability and rational use of models for planning

and management of water resources systems, salient software packages for

agricultural water management.

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