NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying: NCERT Solutions are very Important for Class 10, to score better marks in CBSE Board Exams, one has to go through solutions for English. this article will provide 10th NCERT English First Flight Solutions for Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying. You can easily download the CBSE NCERT 10th English Solutions PDF and boost your exam preparation.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying

After solving the question from NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3, you will have a depth concept on the chapter. You will get the step by step guide for all questions from the NCERT solutions for class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3. It will help you to know the concept behind every question.

You can download CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 from below. 



What will you learn in English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying?

In NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying, you will find the chapter comprises two parts, namely His First Flight and Black Aeroplane. These stories are based on the experiences of flying.

The first one is written by Liam O’Flaherty. It is about a young seagull who is afraid of flying. Here you will know about the reason for the fear and how does he overcome this.

The second part is written by Frederick Forsyth. Here you will find the story of the pilot and his journey after getting stuck in the storm clouds and how he escapes death miraculously. 

Important Words with meaning from this chapter

  • Seagull- a bird that lives near the sea and has short legs, long wings, and white and grey feathers
  • Ledge- a narrow horizontal shelf projecting from a wall (or here) a cliff
  • Brink- the extreme edge of land before a steep slope or a body of water
  • Expanse- a wide continuous area of something
  • Flapped- (of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly
  • Muster- gather
  • Plunge- jump or dive
  • Shrilly- with a high pitched and piercing voice or sound
  • Upbraiding- scold
  • Herring- a soft-finned sea fish
  • Devour- eat quickly
  • Cackle- laugh in a loud, harsh way
  • Cowardice- lack of bravery
  • Ascending the sky- the act of rising up through the air
  • Preening-to tidy and clean its feathers
  • Hump- a rounded raised mass of earth or land
  • Scrapped- discard

Two Stories About Flying (Prose)

I – His First Flight

This story is written by Liam O’Flaherty. In this chapter, Class 10 students learn about a young seagull who was afraid of taking his first flight. Although his family constantly encouraged him to fly, he feared that his wings would not support him and he would fall to his death if he jumped from the brink of the ledge, while trying to do so.

He was left alone and was starving out of hunger. Hence, his mother decided to goad him to take his first flight by putting bait in front of him. It worked as the little seagull was very hungry and he soon dived for that bait. His mother guided him and soon he realized that he was flying in the open air. Therefore, the young seagull learned to conquer his fear and glided over the green sea victoriously. Finally, he made his first flight.

II – Black Aeroplane

This story is written by Fredrik Forsyth. In this chapter, Class 10 students will learn about the mysterious story revolving around a pilot. The storyteller was hoping to be with his family and have a good breakfast with them. During the flight, the narrator came across the storm clouds that looked like black mountains, and he flew through the clouds and realized that everything around him had turned black.

He was unable to see anything outside the airplane. He saw another airplane with no lights on the wings. The pilot waved his hands and asked him to follow. He blindly followed the other pilot as his compass since the radio signals were dead and even the fuel in the tank wasn’t enough. Hence, with the aid of the other pilot, he landed safely on the runway. Later when he went to reception to thank the pilot for saving him in the critical situation, he learned that his airplane was the only one that was flying in the sky that night.

Other Important Study Materials for CBSE Class 10 English First Flight 

The above article deals with NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying. Refer below links for more.

The solutions will help you to boost your exam preparation for the CBSE Class 10 English First Flight exam.

Click on the link to access other study materials related to the 10th English First Flight. 

Other 10th English Solutions

We have covered the complete guide on CBSE NCERT 10th English First Flight Solutions for Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying.

Students are advised to go through NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying thoroughly such that he/she can score better for the upcoming board examination.

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