NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet PDFs 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet: Each of the ten chapters in the Footprints Without Feet Class 10 reader is composed in prose. The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet are written in a clear and concise manner by our subject experts, highlighting the major concepts of each chapter.

Students can download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet from this article.

Download Chapter-Wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

The following is the link to download chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2.

Footprints Without Feet English Class 10 NCERT Solutions: Chapter-wise Summary

You can check the chapter-wise summary from below.

Chapter 1 – A Triumph of Surgery

You will find the story about a cute pet named Tricki. It had a lot of weight which made him lazy. Mrs Pumphery, the owner of Tricki, had taken the god to the hospital. The doctor was shocked to see such a fat dog.

The doctor had kept the dog in a hospital and gave healthy food at fixed intervals. After a few days, the changes were visible because the dog had lost lots of weight. When Mrs Pumphery thanked the doctor for his deed. It comprises 12 questions in total. 

Chapter 2 – The Thief’s Story

The story is written by Ruskin Bond. Here you will find the story of a thief named Hari with the skill to make friends easily. Anil was a writer. He met Hari at the wrestling match. Anil trusted him completely, and both started living together. Here you will find the answer to below questions,

Did Hari betray Anil’s trust or faith?

Could compassion change a thief into a gentleman?

There are ten questions given in the chapter. 

Chapter 3 – The Midnight Visitor

In this lesson, you will know the story of Ausable, a secret agent. He was expecting to get a very important report. When Fowler and Ausable visited a room, Fowler got frightened after seeing a tall and thin man with a pistol in his hand.  The man was another agent named Max.

He started threatening Ausable and wanted that secret report. In this, you will know all about the situation handled by Ausable and fooled Max in the name of an imaginary balcony that didn’t even exist. It includes nine questions. 

Chapter 4 – A Question of Trust

Here you will know the story of a thief named Horace Danby who made locks with his two helpers. He robbed a safe every year. When he reached the house of Shotover Grange to rob, the young lady caught him. She gave him a condition that she won’t tell the police about him, but he had to bring her jewels from the bank’s safe. After two days, Horace was arrested for the jewel robbery. It comprises ten questions.

Chapter 5 – Footprints without Feet

In this chapter, you will find the story of an eccentric scientist, Griffin. He discovered a rare drug to make a naked man invisible. He planned to take revenge from his landlord. One day, he set his landlord’s house on fire and drank his drug and became invisible.  A total of 7 questions are given in this chapter. 

Chapter 6 – The Making of a Scientist

Here you can read the story about the scientist named Richard Ebright who had received the Searle Scholar award and Schering Plough award for his contribution toward biochemistry and molecular biology field.

He had a fascination for butterflies. So he used to collect butterflies to know about them completely. This chapter involves seven questions.

Chapter 7 – The Necklace

Here you can read the story of Matilda. She was born to a low-class family and married to Monsieur Loisel, a clerk. She had a beautiful dress to wear but no jewellery to attend invitation from a grand party. So she borrowed a necklace from her friend.

She was happy because of looking gorgeous and classy. She danced and enjoyed the party with great interest. After returning home, she noticed that the necklace was missing. You can read more about the circumstances after missing the neckless and her situations. This chapter covers eight questions.

Chapter 8 – The Hack Driver

Here you will read the story about a young lawyer. He was made to serve summons instead of practising law in the court.

One day, he went to a village to serve to summon to Oliver Lutkins. He was taken by a friendly Hack driver around the village in search of Lutkins. The driver told the lawyer how hard to catch Lutkins.

In this chapter, you will find 11 questions.

Chapter 9 – Bholi

Here you will find the story about a girl named Sulekha. But everyone was used to call her as Bholi. She had a problem of speech disorder involving frequent problems with the normal fluency and flow of speech.

So everyone made fun of her. She got neglected at home from her childhood because of her nature. The school teacher of Bholi noticed her deeply and took a special interest in her. His deeds had helped Bholi in gaining some confidence.

There are ten questions in this chapter.

Chapter 10 – The Book that Saved the Earth

Here in the last chapter of the book, you will read a play on the Saved the Earth is full of imagination. Here you will find several different characteristics, namely Think – Tank, Noodle, Oop, Omega, etc. Students will get to read the play based on the 25th century. Here you will find how the book of nursery rhymes of English can save the whole planet successfully. The play is beautifully written by Claire Boiko.

This chapter has seven questions covered in this chapter.

We have covered a detailed guide on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet 2022 For Term 1 & Term 2

How do the NCERT Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Solutions help students to prepare for the examination?

In NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet, the exercises from the chapters of the English book Footprint have been solved in detail. It allows students to look over the solutions while on the go. These include chapter summaries and important notes with solutions, allowing students to confidently answer any question on the exam.

Where can I download Chapter-Wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Free PDF?

You can download Chapter-Wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Free PDF from the above article.

How many chapters are covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet?

There are 10 chapters covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet.

Who was Griffin in Class 10 Chapter 5 Footprints Without Feet?

As mentioned in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet, Griffin is one of the main characters in Footprints Without Feet. He is a gifted scientist who is constantly experimenting. He found a medicine that rendered him invisible as a result of his research. Only if he was entirely naked would this work. He exploited his new knowledge to perform crimes such as stealing and robbery. He ends up abusing this wonderful technology for the benefit of humanity rather than the wellbeing of humanity.

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