NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City

NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon CityNCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8: A student has to take care of different chapters while guiding themselves for the final exam. A proper guideline can help a student to secure good marks in any chapter. Today we will be focusing on a chapter from the NCERT English book which is none other than NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City.

In this blog you will come across the benefits of following Chapter 8 solutions along with solved questions in this blog. An overview of the chapter has been provided which will help you to understand the importance of purchasing the Solutions Chapter 8 in a better way. 

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NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City PDF

In the Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions the poet Vikram Seth talks about the government system and he tries to mock the system. The poet wants to throw a light on the age-old customs or being proud of beliefs and traditions. In the Chapter 8 Solutions the students will get to know about the poet’s views regarding  the policies of a nation. The policies are usually structured on the basis of superstitions and old age beliefs. The king in this poem craves for peace and for this he instructs his subordinates to punish the people who commit all kinds of mistakes. The execution of innocent people takes place and it becomes an irony.

This poem has its relevance even today if we look at the criminals and the way they get away from the law and also how people get all the benefits from the nation’s policy. The students will be able to clear all the doubts or confusions by checking the solved answers which have been provided by the experts.

Advantages of following Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City Solutions 

There are different kinds of benefits for referring to the Chapter 8 Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots and now we will talk about those solutions. You must collect it after you finish your syllabus.

  • The students will be able to prepare themselves in a better way when they go through the contents of the Solutions Chapter 8.
  • The students will be able to cross all the hurdles in relation to the Chapter 8 Solutions after answering questions from the chapter.
  • All the questions which are based on English Snapshots Chapter 8 have been explained in a way which will be easier to understand and if you examine the contents carefully you will be left with zero queries.
  • You will get new ideas to improve your methods of preparation and that is the beauty of following solutions Chapter 8.
  • Shaping study materials becomes easier for you when you are ready with solutions.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8

Question 1. Narrate ‘The Tale of Melon City’ in your own words.

The ruler of the City State pretended to be justice loving and gentle. (But he was
brainless and dispolite) Once he ordered a grand city gate to be built over the main
road. He gave out that he wanted the moral improvement of all the spectators. One day
the King rode out along that thoroughfare.

His crown hit against the low arch and fell off his head. He took it as a disgrace of the crown. He ordered the guilty to be hanged. He first summoned the chief of builders to pay for his fault. The builder chief passed on the blame to workers who blamed the wrong sized bricks. The King sent for the masons who put the blame on the architect. The planner said in self defense that the King himself had made bad correction in the original plan. A noose was set up. But it was somewhat high.

Only the King was found tall enough to fit the noose. He was hanged. As per custom, the new king was named by an idiot who was the first to pass by the road. He named ‘A Melon’ and the melon, looking fool was crowned king.

Question 2. What impression would you form of a State where the King was ‘just and placid’ ?

It was a small city ruled by a mindless King. He could not make any sensible decision
on his own. He called himself just and gentle. When actually he was a duffer. He
thought that the new city gate would enlighten the onlookers. He lost his head when he
lost his crown.

He wanted somebody to be hanged because the common people demanded it. But he
could not fix the guilt. He himself was finally executed because he was tall enough to fit
the noose. The new ruler was worse than the ex-ruler. He appeared like a melon
because an idiot had suggested and named him It was a Kingdom of fools.

Question 3. How, according to you, can peace and liberty be maintained in a State ?

A ruler’s first and pre most responsibility is to maintain law and order in the state. The
masses demand peace and basic freedom of faith as well as expression. They become
restive and take to violence if the ruler foolishly or cruelly and in an arbitrary planner.
Only rule of law and impartial judiciary can keep people happy as well as contented.

Question 4. Suggest a few instances in the poem which highlight humor and irony.

The Tale of Melon City tells a humorous story in verse. It has no moral or message. It,
however, highlights the fact that a non sensical ruler can make the masses miserable.
Nobody is safe in such a state where the King goes by his whims. Such an idiot ruler
pays a heavy price with his own life.

It was ironical that the brainless and indecisive ruler called himself just and placid or
gentle. He built the city gate for the moral improvement of the road users. When his
crown was thrown off his head, he decided to hang somebody. The person finally
‘chosen on the basis of his height.

The ministers followed the custom mindlessly. They executed the King as per Royal decree. The selected the melon-like new King on the suggestion of an idiot. Thus all the situations, decisions and actions are ironic or ridiculous.

We have covered the complete guide on CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City. Feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 

From where can I download the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 PDF?

You can find the download link in the above blog.

Summarise the story of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8.

In Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions, the poet Vikram Seth talks about the government system and he tries to mock the system. The poet wants to throw light on the age-old customs or being proud of beliefs and traditions. In Chapter 8 Solutions the students will get to know about the poet’s views regarding the policies of a nation. The policies are usually structured based on superstitions and old age beliefs. The king in this poem craves peace and for this, he instructs his subordinates to punish the people who commit all kinds of mistakes. The execution of innocent people takes place and it becomes an irony.

Does it cost to download the PDF of NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8?

You can download it for free.

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Once you have downloaded the PDF online, you can access it offline as well.

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