Pune Technical University IT Syllabus

B.E. Information Technology 2008
Course Proposed in 2011-12 (Faculty of Engineering)


Structure of B.E. (Information Technology) 2008 Course Proposed in 2011-12

Part – I

Subject Teachin g Scheme Examination Scheme Marks
Lect Pract Theory Term
Pract. Oral
(Hrs. / Week)
414441 Information Assurance and Security 4 2 100 50 50 200
410443 Object Oriented Modeling and Design 4 100 100
414442 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 4 100 100
414443 Elective – I 4 100 100
414444 Elective – II 4 100 100
414445 Computer Lab Practices I 4 50 50 100
414446 Project Work 2 50 50
Total 20 08 500 150 50 50 750
Total of Part I 28 750 Marks
B.E. (Information Technology Course) Part – II

Subject Teachin g Scheme Examination Scheme Marks
Lect Pract Theory Term
Pract. Oral
(Hrs. / Week)
414448 Distributed System 4 100 100
414449 Information Retrieval 4 100 100
414450 Elective – III 4 2 100 50 50 200
414451 Elective – IV 4 100 100
414452 Computer Lab Practices II 4 50 50 100
414447 Project Work 6 100 50 150
Total 16 12 400 200 50 100 750
Total of Part II 28 750 Marks
Total of Part – I & Part – II 1500 Marks
Elective – I

  1. Advance Database Management
    1. Artificial Intelligence
    2. Compiler Deign
    3. Advanced Operating Systems

Elective – II

  1. Embedded System
  2. Mobile Computing
  3. Multimedia Systems

Elective – III1. Real Time System

  1. Software Architecture
  2. Advanced Graphics
  3. Advance Computer Networks

Elective – IV1. Bio Informatics

  1. Neural Network and Expert System
  2. Geo Informatics Systems
  3. Open Elective
Semester – I Information Technology 2008 Course


414441: Information Assurance and Security


Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/WeekPrerequisite: Data Communication and Computer Networks Objectives: Understand the essentials of information security.Learn the algorithms for implementing securityUnit I Security Fundamentals                                (8 Hrs.)Introduction, Terminology, Attacks, Security Goals : Authentication, Authorization, Cipher Techniques: Substitution and Transposition, One Time Pad, Modular Arithmetic, GCD, Euclid’s Algorithms, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Discrete Logarithm, Fermat Theorem, Block Ciphers, Stream Ciphers. Secret Splitting and Sharing.Unit II Cryptography                                        (8 Hrs.)Symmetric Key Algorithms: DES, AES, BLOFISH, Attacks on DES. Modes of Operations, Linear Cryptanalysis and Differential Cryptanalysis. Public Key Algorithms: RSA, Key Generation and Usage, ECC. Hash Algorithms: SHA-1,MD5.Unit III Key Management                                     (8 Hrs.)Introduction, Key Management: Generations, Distribution, Updation, Digital Certificate, Digital Signature, PKI. Diffiee Hellman Key Exchange. One Way Authtication, Mutual Authentication, Neeham Schroeder Protocol.Unit IV Network Security                                    (8 Hrs.)Layer Wise Security Concerns, IPSEC- Introduction, AH and ESP, Tunnel Mode, Transport Mode, Security Associations, SSL- Introduction, Handshake Protocol, Record Layer Protocol. IKE- Internet Key Exchange Protocol.Intrusion Detection Systems: Introduction, Anomaly Based, Signature Based,Host Based, Network Based Systems.Unit V Security Management and Applications                 (6 Hrs.)ISO 27001 Security Standard: Introduction, Evolution of standard, Organizational Context, Implementation, Certifications and benefits. Electronic Payment: Introduction, Payment types, Smart Cards, Chip card transactions and attacks, Payment over internet, Mobile Payments, Electronic Cash.Unit VI Cyber Crimes & Laws                                 (6 Hrs.)Introduction, Computer Forensics, Online Investgative tool, tracing and recovering electronic evidence, Internet fraud, Identity Theft, Industrial Espionage, Cyber Terrorism. Indian IT laws: Introduction and briefs of Law clauses.Text Books :

  1. Bruice Schneier, “Applied Cryptography- Protocols, Algorithms and Source code in C”, 2nd Edition, Wiely India Pvt Ltd, ISBN 978-81-265-1368-0 Bernard Menezes, “Network Security and Cryptography”, Cengage Learning, ISBN- 978-81-315-1349-1

Reference Books :

  1. Nina Godbole, “ Information Systems Security”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN -978-81­265-1692-6
  2. Willaim Stallings, “Computer Security : Principles and Practices”, Pearson Ed. ISBN : 978-81-317-3351-6
  3. Mark Merkow, “ Information Security-Principles and Practices”, Pearson Ed. 978-81­317-1288-7
  4. CK Shyamala et el., “Cryptography and Security”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN 978-81­265-2285-9
  5. Berouz Forouzan, “Cryptography and Network Security”, 2 edition, TMH, ISBN : 9780070702080

Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/WeekPrerequisites: Software EngineeringObjectives: Introduction to Modeling and Design of software, firmware and business processes.Introduce UML 2.0 and its diagrams as a modeling tool for large and complex systems.Understand the concepts being modeled in UML.Unit I Introduction to OMG Standards: MDA, MOF, XMI, CORBA, UML 2.0. UML (8 Hrs.) History, UML 2.0 New Features. Introduction to UML, UML Meta Model Conceptual Model of UML, Extensibility mechanisms like stereotypes, tagged values, constraints and profiles. OCL. Overview of all diagrams in UML 2.0.Unit II Rational Unified Process emphasizing Inception, Elaboration, Construction, (6 Hrs.) Transition Phases. 4+1 View architecture, Architectural approaches: Use case Centric, Architecture driven, Iterative approach. OO Concepts Review,Overview of Use Case Diagram.Unit III CRC method, Class diagrams, Classes and Relationships, Advanced Classes, (8 Hrs.) Advanced relationships generalization, association with its adornments, dependencies, realization. Interfaces and ports. Packages & diagrams.Instances, Active Objects & object diagram, Composite structure diagrams including composite structures, collaborations Unit IV Interaction diagrams. Interaction Overview diagrams including interactions, (8 Hrs.) signals, exceptions, regions, partitions, Sequence diagrams, Communication diagrams.Unit V Activity diagrams, Activities, sub activities, Events &signals, exceptions, (6 Hrs.) partitions, regions. State Machine diagrams, States, encapsulation of states, transitions, submachine, state Generalization. Timing diagrams. Processes & threads, time & space, Modeling reactive object.Unit VI Support for modeling Architecture in UML. Component diagrams, Deployment (6 Hrs.) diagrams. Collaborations. Pattern & framework.Applications of UML in embedded systems, Web applications, commercial applications.Note: All diagrams are to be assumed for UML 2.0 for each diagram the need, purpose, Concepts, Notation, Forward Engineering, and Reverse Engineering for class diagram must be considered.Text Books :

  1. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, The 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series.
  2. Dan PHone, Neil Pitman, “UML 2.0 in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O’Reilly)
  3. Tom Pender, Eugene McSheffrey, Lou Varvels, Wiley “UML 2 Bible”

Reference Books

  1. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado “UML 2 Toolkit”
  2. Martin Fowler, Addision Wesley, “UML Distilled A Brief Guide to the Standard object Modeling Language”, Third Edition

Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/WeekPrerequisites: Software EngineeringObjectives: Introduction to software testing lifecycle.Understanding various types of software tests and quality control standardsUnit I Testing Principles                                   (6 Hrs.)Need of testing, Basic concepts – errors, faults, defects, failures, test bed, unit testing, integration testing system, system testing, regression testing, alpha, beta and acceptance testing , functional testing, performance testing, recovery testing, white box testing, black box testing, verification and validation Unit II Test Management                                                  (6 Hrs.)Testing Life Cycle – Roles and activities,Test Planning – forming a test team, develop test plan review Test Cases design strategiesblack box approach: random testing, equivalence class partitioning and boundary value analysis.white box approach: test adequacy criteria, coverage and control flow graphs, paths, loop testing, mutation testing.Test execution: build test data, life cycle of defect, defect tracking, defect detection stages, defect detection stages, defect types, defect severity, defect analysis and prevention.Unit III Software Metrics                                   (6 Hrs.)Scope of software metrics, Classifying software measures, Measurement basics – representational theory, scales, meaningfulness, What to measure – GOM technique, Control flow structure, product quality metrics – MTTF, defect density, customer problems, customer satisfaction, function point,Metrics for software maintenance, In-process quality metrics.Unit IV Quality Assurance                                   (6 Hrs.)Quality concepts – quality, quality control, quality assurance, cost of quality Software quality assurance – SQA activities, software reviews, inspections, audits, Software reviews, inspections, audits, Software reliability Quality Attributes: correctness, reliability, usability, integrity, portability, maintainability, interoperability. Ishikawa’s Seven Basic Tools Unit V Quality Standards                                    (6 Hrs.)Basic concept of – ISO 9000 & 9001, CMM, six sigma.Unit VI Development of CMM                                  (8 Hrs.)CMM – Following KPAs : requirements management (RM), software project tracking and oversight (SPTO), software configuration management (SCM), organization process definition (OPD), software product engineering (SPE), peer reviews (PR), quantitative process management (QPM), defect prevention (DP), process change managementText Books :

  1. Iien Burnstein, “Practical Software Testing”, Springer Publication.
  2. William E Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, Second Edition, Wiley Publication.
  3. Norman E. Fenton “Software Metrics A Rigorous and Practical Approach”, Second Edition, Thomson Publication.

References Books:

  1. Stephen H. Kan “Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering” Pearson Education.
  2. Pressman, “Software Engineering “, Fifth Edition, TATA McGraw Hill.
  3. Pankay Jalote “CMM Practice” Pearson Education.
Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksPrerequisites: Database Management systems Objectives: Understand the salient features of various types management, data warehousing and data miningUnit I OverviewPL/SQL – Introduction to PL/SQL – Declare, begin statements, Variables,Control Structure, PL/SQL Transactions – Savepoint, Cursor, PL/SQL Database Objects – Procedures, Functions, Packages, Triggers.Programmatic SQL – Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, and ODBC Standard.Unit II Transaction processing and concurrency controlDefinition of Transaction and ACID properties. Transaction Processing – Transaction-processing monitors, transactional workflows, main-memory databases, real-time transaction systems, long-duration transactions, transaction management in multi-databases. Concurrency Control – Locks, Optimistic Concurrency Control (Backward and Forward validations), Timestamping Concurrency Control.Unit III Object-based databases and xmlObject-based databases – Complex data types, structured types and inheritance in SQL, table inheritance, array and multiset types in SQL, object- identity and reference types in SQL, implementing O-R features, Persistent programming languages, OO vs OR. XML – Structure of XML, Document Schema, Querying and Transformation, API in XML, XML applications.Unit IV Data warehousingIntroduction to Data Warehousing – Concepts, Benefits and Problems, DW Architecture – Operational Data, load manager, meta data, DW Data flows – inflow, upflow, meta flow, DW tools and technologies – Extraction, cleansing and transformation tools, DW DBMS, admin and management tools, data marts – reasons and issues, Data Warehousing using Oracle.Data Warehousing Design – Designing, Dimensionality modeling, Design methodology, DW deign using Oracle.Unit V Olap and data miningOn-line Analytical Processing – OLAP BenchMarks, applications, benefits, tools, categories, extensions to SQL, Data mining – introduction, techniques, predictive modeling, tools. Data mining algorithms – Apriori, Decision tree, k-means, Bayesian classifier.Unit VI Database securitySecurity and integrity threats, Defence mechanisms, Statistical database auditing & control. Security issue based on granting/revoking of privileges, Introduction to statistical database security. PL/SQL Security – Locks – Implicit locking, types and levels of locks, explicit locking, Oracles’ named Exception Handlers.Text Books:

  1. A. Silberschatz, H. Korth and S. Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
  2. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, “Database Systems – A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management”, Third Edition, Low Price Edition.

Reference Books:

  1. Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL – The Programming Language of ORACLE”, Third Revised

Edition, BPB Publication.

  1. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques”, Second

Edition, Elsevier.

  1. M. Gertz, and S. Jajodia, “Handbook of Database Security- Application and Trends”,

2008, Springer.Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksPrerequisites: Discrete mathematics, basic probability theory and statistics Knowledge of any programming language and data structuresObjectives

  • Introduction to the basic principles and applications of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Understanding of the basic areas of artificial intelligence such as problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, perception, vision and learning
  • Students will also be able to design and implement key components of intelligent agents and expert systems of moderate complexity in C++/Java and/or Lisp or Prolog and evaluate their performance.

Unit I Introduction to AI and intelligent agents            (8 Hrs.)What is Artificial Intelligence? The Turing Test, AI Problem, AI Techniques, Foundation of Artificial IntelligenceIntelligent Agents – Agents and environments, Good behavior, nature of environments, structure of agents, problem solving agents Application of AI and Swarm intelligent systems Unit II Heuristics search and game playing                                                     (8 Hrs.)Defining the problem as a state space search, production system, problem characteristicsHeuristic search techniques- Generate and test, Hill Climbing, Best-First Search, Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)Application of search in Game playing – Minimax search procedure, Adding alpha-beta cutoffs, additional refinement, State of Art Game programs.Unit III Knowledge representation & NLP                     (8 Hrs.)Representation and mapping, Approach & Issues in knowledge representation, Prepositional logicFirst order logic – representation revisited, syntax and semantics for first order logic, using first order logic, Knowledge engineering in first order logic, inference in First order logic, unification and liftingWeak-slot and filler structure, Strong slot and filler structures. Reasoning Under Uncertainty – Nonmonotonic reasoning, logic for Nonmonotonic reasoningNatural Language Processing- Introduction, Steps in the process, Spell checkingUnit IV Planning and perception                             (8 Hrs.)Planning – Block world problem, components of a planning systems, Goal stack planning, Non-linear planning, Hierarchical planning, least commitment strategyPerception – Image formation, Image processing operations, Extracting 3D information, Object Recognition, Using vision for manipulation and navigation Unit V Learning and expert system (8 Hrs.)What is learning?, Forms of learning, Rote learning, learning by taking advice,Learning in problem solving, Induction leaning, Explanation based learning,Formal learning theory. Connectionist models- learning in Neural network Architecture of expert system, expert system shell, explanation, knowledge Acquisition, Two case studies of an expert system.Unit VI AI Programming and Advanced AI                      (8Hrs.)AI Programming: Converting English to Prolog facts and Rules, Prolog Terminology, Arithmetic operation, Matching, Backtracking, Cuts, Recursion,Lists. Prolog in Artificial IntelligenceAdvanced AI: Genetic Algorithms, Parallel & Distributed AI

  1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Shivashankar Nair, “Artificial Intelligence”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN-10- 0070087709, ISBN-13- 9780070087705
  2. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education / Prentice Hall of India, ISBN: 0137903952

Reference Books :

  1. George F. Luger , “Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving”, Pearson, ISBN-10: 0321545893
  2. N.P. Padhy, “Artificial Intelligence And Intelligent Systems”, Oxford University Publishers, ISBN 9780195671544
  3. Ivan Bratko, “PROLOG : Programming for Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education, 3 Edition, ISBN10: 0-201-40375-7
  4. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning, , ISBN-13: 9788131510995
Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksPrerequisite: System Software ProgrammingObjectives: To introduce principles behind the design of common programming language featuresTo understand the details of all phases of compilersTo apply the phases of compiler on object oriented programming languages.Unit I High Level languages; Programming Paradigms; Compilers and their                                                  (8Hrs.)structure, Types of the compilersSyntax and Notations; Regular Expressions and Lexical Syntax; Context Free Grammars; Lexical Analysis Unit II Parsing – Top Down Parsing; Recursive Descent Parsing; Bottom up Parsing, (6 Hrs.)LR parsing & LALR parsing; Ambiguity Unit III Abstract Syntax Trees; Semantic Actions, Control Flow; Loops and Loop (8 Hrs.)Invariants, Types; Type Checking Unit IV Procedures/Functions; Calls; Parameter Passing; Scope and Scope Rules, (8Hrs.) Runtime Memory Models; Activations Records (Frames); Activation Stacks (Call Stacks)Unit V Intermediate Representation; Basic Blocks and Conditional Branches; (8 Hrs.)Instruction Selection; Liveness Analysis; Register Allocation Unit VI Program Structuring; Data Abstraction & Information Hiding; Modules & (8 Hrs.) Objects and Object Orientation; Class-based and Object-based Languages, Inheritance; Derived Classes; Notion of Self, Implementation of Object Oriented LanguagesText Books :

  1. Ravi Sethi, “Programming Languages – Concepts and Constructs”. 2nd Edition, Pearson,
  2. Andrew Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in C”, Cambridge University Press.

Reference Books :

  1. JP Bennett, “Introduction to Compiling Techniques”, Tata McGrawHill Edition, 2002
    1. H Alblas and A Nymeyer, “Practice and Principles of Compiler Building with C”, PHI, 1998
    2. Andrew Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in C”, Cambridge University Press
      1. O’Reilly, LEX and YACC,
Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksPrerequisite: Basics of Operating systems Objectives: To understand and explore advanced OS concepts To study OS Design and internalsUnit I Introduction                                         (8Hrs.)Operating System Architecture, multitasking, multiuser, multiprocessing, multi- threading OS, Operating System Services for process management, process scheduling concepts, system calls for process management, process communication and synchronization concepts, memory and I/O management overview, UNIX commands for system administration.Unit II Multitasking OS :Design and implementation          (8Hrs.)Kernel of multitasking OS :services, process state transitions, functional specification, implementation considerations, system list ,ready list and its manipulation, IPC and synchronization, process management , interrupt managementUnit III Multiprocessor systems                             (8Hrs.)Introduction, parallel hardware and interconnections, types of multiprocessorOS, Sharaing OS, mutiprocesor OS design considerations, threads, thread scheduling, kernel mode processes, multiprocessor synchronization, implementation of mutual exclusion.Unit IV Memory management                                   (8Hrs.)overview, Pages, Zones, kmalloc, vmalloc, slab layer, slab layer allocator, deallocator ,statically allocating on the stack, High memory mapping. Non contiguous memory managementUnit V I/O systems                                          (8Hrs.)I/O device types, I/O structure, Driver interfaces, disk device driver access strategies, unification of files and I/O devices, generalized disk device drivers, disk caching, I/O scheduler.Unit VI File system                                         (8Hrs.)File system organization, operations, implementation, file descriptors, file blocks allocaton, mapping of file blocks ,System Calls for the file system: open, read, write , lseek, Close. mounting and un mounting file systems, link, unlink ,file system abstractions, VFS, file system maintenance, file securityText Books :

  1. Milan Milenkovic,”Operating systems Concepts and design”,Milan Milenkovic TMGH second edition.
  2. charles crowly,”Operating systems a design oriented approach” , TMGH
  3. Maurice J. Bach, “The design of the UNIX Operating System”, Prentice Hall India, ISBN- 81-203-0516- 7
  4. Daniel Bovet: “Understanding the Linux kernel”, 3rd edition, O’Reilly

Reference Books

  1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum ,“Modern Operating Systems”, , ISBN-13: 978-81-203-2063-5, PHI.
  2. Richard Stevens ,”UNIX Network Programming”, ISBN-978-81-203-0749-0, PHI.
  3. Kay Robbins, Steve Robbins,”UNIX Systems Programming Communication, Concurrency and Threads”,2nd Edition, Jun 2003, Hardback, ISBN13: 9780130424112.
  4. Robert Love ,”Linux Kernel Development”, ISBN 81-297-0359-9, Pearson Education

Teaching Scheme:                        Examination Scheme:Lectures: 4 Hours/Week                  Theory: 100 MarksPrerequisite: Digital circuits and Logic Design, Knowledge of microcontrollers, microprocessors Objectives: Understand the basics of embedded systems and its applicationsUnit I Introduction to Embedded System                      (8 Hrs.)Definition of Embedded System & its classification, characteristics of embedded systems, design parameters/Metrics of embedded systems. Components of embedded systems with review of Microprocessor & Microcontrollers, introduction to embedded processor, Digital signal processor, Application specific system processor, Multiprocessor systems using General Purpose Processor Unit II System Processor                                                      (8Hrs.)Standard Single purpose processors: Peripherals, Introduction, Timers,Counters and watchdog Timers, UART, Pulse Width Modulators, Clocking unit, Real Time Clock Reset Circuitry. Processor and memory organization, processor and memory selection, Memory Types, Memory map and addresses.Unit III I/O Interfacing                                    (8 Hrs.)I/O devices: ADC/DAC, Optical Devices such as LED/LCD Display devices,Keyboard controller, Timer & counting devices, serial communication using I2C, SPI,CAN, RS232, & USB. Device drivers & interrupt service Mechanism: ISR concepts and ISR handling mechanisms Unit IV Programming Concepts, Embedded System Programming C & C++               (8Hrs.)Assemble language high level lang. C program Elements, Micros & Function,Data types, Data Structures, Modifiers, Statement, loops & Pointers, queues &Stacks, List & order list, Embedded System Programming in C++ & Java. C Program Compilers & Cross Compilers. In Circuit emulator. Software engineering practices in the embedded software development process.Unit V Real Time Operating Systems                          (8 Hrs.)Real Time & embedded system OS: off the shelf operating Systems, Embedded OS, Real Time OS, hand held OS. RTOS Tashk and task scheduling, Interrupt Latency & Response time, Strategy for synchronization between the processes, ISR, OS functions & tasks for resource management, Semaphores, message Queue, mailbox, pipes, signals, event registers, memory management, priority Inversion problems and solutions.Unit VI Overview & Applications of Embedded System          (8 Hrs.)Case Study of coding for Vending machine system using MUCOSRTOS, Case study coding for send application layer byte streams on A TCP/IP Network Using RTOS Vx works, Case study of an Embedded System for an adapting Cruise control System in a car, Case Study in embedded system for Smart Card, Case Study of Digital camera.Text Books :

  1. Rajkamal, “Embedded System Architecture Programming Design”, Tata Graw Hill Publication
  2. Dr. K.V.K.K. Prasad, “Embedded / Real time System : Concepts, Design & Programming – Black book”, Dreamtech Press Publication
  3. Jonathan Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems – Real Time Interfacing”, CENGAGE Learning.
  4. Peckol, “Embedded System”, Wiley Publishers
  5. David Simon,”An Embedded Software Primer ”
  6. Sriam Iyer, Pankaj Gupta, “Embedded Real time Systems Programming” Tata Graw Hill
  7. Tammy Nergaard, “Embedded System Architecture – A Comprehensive Guide For Engineering & Programming”, Elesevier Publication
  8. Steve Heath Embedded Systems Design”, Elesevier publication.
Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksPrerequisite: Computer NetworksObjective: Understanding the fundamentals involved in technologies of Mobile computingUnit I Introduction                                          (8Hrs.)Introduction – PCS Architecture, Cellular Telephony, Cordless Telephony and Low-Tier PCS, Generations of Wireless Systems, Basic Cellular System,Concept of Frequency reuse channels, Cells SplittingMobility Management – Handoff, Roaming Management, Roaming Management under SS7Handoff Management – Handoff Detection, Strategies for Handoff Detection,Channel Assignment, Link Transfer Types, Hard Handoff, Soft Handoff Unit II GSM                                                  (8 Hrs.)GSM System Overview – GSM Architecture, Location Tracking and Call Setup,Security, Data Services, Unstructured Supplementary Service Data,GSM Network Signaling – GSM MAP Service Framework, MAP ProtocolMachine, MAP Dialogue, Examples of MAP Service PrimitivesGSM Mobility Management – GSM Location Update, Mobility Databases,Failure Restoration, VLR Identification Algorithm, VLR Overflow Control Unit III GSM Services                                (8 Hrs.)GSM Short Message Service – SMS Architecture, SMS Protocol Hierarchy, Mobile-Originated Messaging, Mobile – Terminated Messaging, DTE-DCE Interface International Roaming for GSM – International GSM Call Setup,Reducing the International Call Delivery CostGSM Operations, Administration, and Maintenance – Call Recording Functions, Performance Measurement and Management, Subscriber and Service Data Management Mobile Number Portability – Fixed Network Number Portability,Number Portability for Mobile Networks, Mobile Number Portability Mechanisms, Implementation Costs for Mobile NumberPortability Mobile Prepaid Phone Services – Wireless IN approach, Service node approach, Hot billing approach, Comparison of prepaid solutions Unit IV Mobile Data Networks                       (8Hrs.)General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) – GPRS Functional Groups, GPRS Architecture GPRS Network Nodes, GPRS Interfaces, GPRS Procedures, GPRS Billing, Evolving from GSM to GPRSWireless Application Protocol (WAP) – WAP Model, WAP Gateway, WAP Protocols WAP UAProf and Caching, Wireless Bearers for WAP, WAP Developer Toolkits, Mobile Station Application Execution Environment Third-Generation Mobile Services – Paradigm Shifts in Third-Generation Systems   W-CDMA and cdma2000, Improvements on Core Network,Quality of Service in 3G Wireless Operating System for 3G Handset, Third- Generation Systems and Field Trials, Other Trial Systems, Impact on Manufacture and Operator Technologies Unit V Mobile Network Layer  (8 Hrs.)Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions and requirements, entities and terminologies, IP packet delivery, agent discovery, registration, tunneling and encapsulation, optimization, reverse tunneling, IPv6, DHCP, MANET : routing, destination sequence distance vector, dynamic source routing, alternative matrics, protocol overviewUnit VI Emerging Mobile Technologies                         (8 Hrs.)Bluetooth, Wireless Broadband (WiMAX), RFiD, Java Card., WLL, W-LAN,UMTS, Spread Spectrum Technologies

  1. Yi Bing Lin,”Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures”, Wiley Publications
  2. Jochen Schiller,”Mobile Communications”,Pearson Education

Reference Books :

  1. Asoke Talukder and Roopa Yavagal,”Mobile Computing”, Tata McGraw Hill
    1. William C.Y.Lee, “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications”, McGraw Hill
Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks
Prerequisites :

  • Digital Electronics
  • Data Structures and Files Objectives :
  • To learn the storage and processing of various Multimedia components.
    • To learn the advance graphics.

Unit I Introduction:

What is multimedia, Goals and objectives, characteristics of multimedia presentation, multimedia applications, Multimedia building blocks, multimedia and internet,Multimedia architecture, Windows multimedia support, hardware support, distributed multimedia applications, streaming technologies, multimedia database systems, Multimedia authoring tools, overview of multimedia software tools, multimedia Document Architecture,(MHEG, SGML, ODA, OMF etc.)Text: Types of text, Text compression: Huffman coding, LZ & LZW, text file formats: TXT, DOC; RTF, PDF, PS.Unit II Digital Image ProcessingBasic Image fundamentals, Image data types, image File formats – (BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PCX etc), Image acquisition, storage processing, Communication, and display, Image enhancement: Enhancement by point processing, Spatial filtering.Image compression: Types of compression: lossy & lossless, symmetrical & asymmetrical, intraframe & interframe Hybrid JPEG, Lossless: RLE, Shannon- Fano algorithm, Arithmetic coding. Lossy: Vector quantization, fractal compression technique, transform coding, psycho-analysis, and interframe correlation. Hybrid: JPEG-DCTUnit III Audio and audio compressionNature of sound waves, characteristics of sound waves, psycho-acoustic, and elements of audio systems: Microphone, amplifiers, speakers, synthesizer, MIDI, digital audio, CD formats. Audio file formats: WAV, AIFF, VOC, AVI, MPEG Audio File formats, RMF, WMA audio compression techniques such as DM, ADPCM and MPEG Unit IV VideoVideo signal formats, Video transmission standards: EDTV, CCIR, CIF, SIF, HDTV, digitization of video, video recording systems: VHS, Video Compact Cassette, DVCAN, Camcorder, Lesser disc, VCD, DVD-video, micro-MV, Video file formats: MOV, RealVideo, H-261, H-263, cinepack. Nerodigtal, Video editing, DVD formats Unit V Virtual Reality and MultimediaConcept, Forms of VR, VR applications, VR devices: Hand Gloves, Head mounted tracking system, VR chair, CCD, VCR, 3D Sound system, Head mounted display. Virtual ObjectsBasics of VRML.Unit VI AnimationUses of animation, types of animation, principles of animation, Techniques of animation: Onion Skinning, Motion Cycling, masking, Flip Book animation, Rotoscoping & blue-screening, color cycling, morphing, animation on the web, 3D animation, Creating animation using Flash,3D- Max
  1. Ranjan Parekh, “Principles of Multimedia”, TMH, ISBN 0-07-058833-3
  2. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt “Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications”, Pearson Education.

Reference Books :

  1. Ze-Nian Li, Marks S. Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, Pearson Education.
  2. Nigel Chapman and Jenny Chapman, “Digital Multimedia”, Wiley
  3. A. K. Jain,”Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI
  4. Gonzalez, Woods, “Digital Image Processing” Addison Wesley
  5. Mark Nelson, “Data Compression Book “, BPB.
  6. Judith Jeffcoate /’Multimedia in Practice”:, Pill.
  7. Robert Reinhardt, Snow Dowd, “Flash 8 Bible”
  8. Keith Peters, “Foundation AS Animation: Making Things Move!”
  9. Sanford Kennedy, “3ds max Animation and Visual Effects Techniques”
Teaching scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/WeekExamination scheme: Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks
Section A Programming

  1. Writing program in C++ or Java to implement RSA algorithm for key generation and cipher verification
  2. Write a Client – Server programm in C++ or Java for authentication verification.
  3. Develop and program in C++ or Java based on number theory such as chinese remainder or Extended Euclidian algorithm. ( Or any other to illustrate number theory for security)

Section B Cryptography Library ( API )

  1. Writing program in C++, C# or Java to implement RSA algorithm using Libraries (API)
  2. Writing program in C++, C# or Java to implement SHA-1 algorithm using Libraries (API)
  3. Writing program in C++, C# or Java to implement AES algorithm using Libraries (API)

Section C Security Tools

  1. Configure and demonstrate use of IDS tool such as snort.
  2. Configure and demonstrate use of Traffic monitoring tool such as Wireshark with security perspective.
  3. Configure and demonstrate use of velnerability assessment tool such as NESSUS
  4. Implement web security with Open SSL tool kit

Students should submit the term work in the form of a journal. Each assignment has to be well documented with problem definition, theory and code documentation. Staff in charge will assess the assignments continuously and grade or mark each assignment on completion date, declared for each assignment.Note: Oral examination will be based on the term work submitted by the student and the associated theory of the subject.414445: Computer Lab Practices IExamination Scheme : Term Work: 50 Marks Practical: 50 MarksPart A Object Oriented Modeling & DesignSelect a hypothetical system of sufficient complexity/ Select a Real Time system of sufficient complexity and implement assignment 1 to 9 using any UML 2.0 Tool.

  1. Prepare a SRS plan & Draw use case diagram.
  2. Design class diagram & composite structure diagram.
    1. Apply advanced notations to same class diagram & do forward engineering.
    2. Study reverse engineering using C++ code/java code for class diagram.
    3. Draw p ackage di agram.
    4. Design sequence & communication diagrams {vice versa}.
    5. Design interaction overview diagrams
    6. Design activity diagram & state diagrams.
    7. Design component & deployment & diagrams.

Every Project group should implement assignment 1 to 9 for their project definition using any UML 2.0 Tool.Part B Software Testing and Quality Assurance

  1. Manual Testing

a)  Write black box test cases for an application using Test Director tool.b)   Perform white box testing – Cyclomatic complexity, data flow testing, control flow testing

  1. Automated Testing

Perform Black Box testing using automated testing tool on an application. Testing Points to be covered – data driven wizard, parameterization, exception handing

  1. Defect Tracking :
    1. Log the test results in Test Director
    2. Prepare a Defect Tracking Report / Bug Report using MS-Excel or Defect Tracking Tool like BugZilla
    3. a. Calculate Software Metrics for an application using FP analysis

method.b. Prepare any two of the Ishikawa’s Seven tools listed below for an application

  1. The cause-and-effect or Ishikawa diagram
    1. The check sheet
    2. The control chart
    3. The histogram
    4. The Pareto chart
    5. The scatter diagram
    6. Stratification

Note : All 04 assignments are compulsory.Recommended Tools

a) Quick Test Professional – preferred
b) Win Runner
c) Load Runner
d) Silk Test
e) Rational Robo

Suggested Applications (not mandatory) – front end (VB) – back end (Oracle / MS Access)

a) Calculator – Integer operations, add, sub, div
b) Login Form and successful & failed login pages
c) Inventory management – atleast 2 forms
d) Library management – atleast 2 forms
e) Training & Placement Cell system
f) Online reservation system

Reference Books :a)       Software Testing Techniques : Boris Beizer : dreamTechb)      Software Testing Tools : Dr. KVKK Prasad : dreamTech

414446: Project WorkExamination scheme: Term work: 50 MarksThe Student will undertake one project over the academic year, which will involve the analysis, design of a system or sub system in the area of Information Technology and Computer Science and Engineering.The project will be undertaken preferably by a group of at least 4 students who will jointly work and implement the project. The group will select a project with approval of the guide (Staff- member assigned).The aim of project is to allow the students to study the feasibility of the project, planning project, studying existing systems, tools available to implement the project and state of art software testing procedures and technology with use of case tools.Every group must submit the preliminary project report of the project in LATEX by the end of first month from the commencement of the first term. It should have the following details in it.

  1. Introduction
  2. Aims and objectives
  3. Literature survey
  4. Problem statement
  5. Proj ect Requirements
  6. Proposed architecture/ high level design of the project
  7. Project plan

A panel of examiner will evaluate the viability of project and allot the term work marks.The group will submit at the end of semester II.a)         The Workable project.b)         Project report (in LATEX) in the form of bound journal complete in all respect – 1 copy for the Institute and 1 copy of each student in the group for certification.The term work will be accessed by the examiners in consultation with the guide. Oral examination will be based on the project work completed by the candidates. Preliminary report work completed by candidates. Preliminary report must also be presented during the oral examination.The project report contains the details.

  1. Problem definition and requirement specification acceptance test procedure (ATP).
    1. System definition – requirement Analysis.
    2. System design.
    3. System implementation – code documentation – dataflow diagrams/ algorithm, protocols used.
    4. Test result and procedure – test report as per ATP.
    5. Platform choice use.
    6. Conclusions.
    7. Appendix tools used, References.

Documentation will use UML approach with presentation, Category, Use Case, Class Diagrams etc.

Semester – II Information Technology 2008 Course


414448: Distributed SystemPrerequisite : Operating System and Computer NetworksObjective : Understand the fundamentals of distributed environment in complex applicationUnit I Introduction                                         (5 Hrs.)Introduction to Distributed Systems: Goals, Architecture, Examples of Distributed Systems, Characteristics, Hardware and Software Concepts,Design Issues, Challenges.System Models: Architectural models, fundamental models and Failure Model.Unit II Inter-process Communication and Coordination        (7 Hrs.)Message Passing Communication: Communication Primitives, Message Synchronization and Buffering, Pipe, Pipe and Socket APIs, Group Communication, MulticastingRemote Procedural Call: Basic Operation, Implementation and Call Semantics,Failure Handling, LRPCObject Oriented Distributed Computing Technologies – Basics, design issues of various technologies like RMI and CORBA with semantics and executions.Unit III Synchronization and Election                       (7 Hrs.)Clock Synchronization: Logical and Physical Clocks, Algorithms and Uses Mutual Exclusion: Centralize, Distributed and Token Ring Algorithms, ComparisonLogical Clocks: Lamport’s Logical Clock, Vector Clocks Global State: Needs, Properties and Various Global States Election Algorithm: Bully and Ring AlgorithmUnit IV Distributed File Systems                            (7 Hrs.)Introduction, Characteristics, File Service ArchitectureSun Network and CODA File System: Overview of NFS, Communication, Processes, Naming,Synchronization, Consistency and Replication, Fault Tolerance and Security Naming Services: Case Study of Global Name Service and X.500 Directory ServiceUnit V Distributed Shared Memory                            (7 Hrs.)Replication: Introduction, Reasons for Replication, Object Replication and Scaling TechniqueDistributed Shared Memory: Design and Implementation Issue;Data Centric Consistency Models – Strict, Sequential, Casual, PRAM, Weak,Release, EntryClient-Centric Consistency Models: Eventual, Monotonic Reads, Monotonic Writes, Read Your Writes, Writes Follow Reads Unit VI Fault Tolerant and Recovery                                       (7 Hrs.)Fault Tolerance: Concepts, Failure Models, Failure Masking by Redundancy Process Resilience: Design Issues, Failure Masking and Replication, Agreement in Faulty SystemsRecovery: Introduction, Check-pointing, Message Logging – Synchronous and Asynchronous, Adaptive Logging
  1. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore & Tim Kindberg, “Distributed Systems – Concept and Design” 4th Edition, Publisher: Pearson (LPE). ISBN – 978-81-317-1840-7
  2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum & Maarten van Steen”, Distributed Systems – Principles and Paradigms”, Publisher: PHI.

Reference Books :

  1. Randay Chow, Theodore Johnson, “Distributed Operating System and Algorithm Analysis”, Publisher: Pearson (LPE). ISBN – 978-81-317-2859-8
414449: Information Retrieval


Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksObjective : To deal with IR representation, storage, organization & access to information items(8 Hrs.)Basic Concepts of IR, Data Retrieval & Information Retrieval, IR system block diagram. Automatic Text Analysis, Luhn’s ideas, Conflation Algorithm, Indexing and Index Term Weighing, Probabilistic Indexing, Automatic Classification. Measures of Association, Different Matching Coefficient, Classification Methods, Cluster Hypothesis. Clustering Algorithms, Single Pass Algorithm, Single Link Algorithm, Rochhio’s Algorithm and DendogramsUnit IFile Structures, Inverted file, Suffix trees & suffix arrays, Signature files, Ring (6 Hrs.) Structure, IR Models, Basic concepts, Boolean Model, Vector Model, and Fuzzy Set Model. Search Strategies, Boolean search, serial search, and cluster- based retrieval, Matching FunctionPerformance Evaluation- Precision and recall, alternative measures reference (6 Hrs.) collection (TREC Collection), Libraries & Bibliographical system- Online IR system, OPACs, Digital libraries – Architecture issues, document models, representation & access, Prototypes, projects & interfaces, standards Taxonomy and Ontology: Creating domain specific ontology, Ontology life (8 Hrs.) cycleDistributed and Parallel IR: Relationships between documents, Identify appropriate networked collections, Multiple distributed collections simultaneously, Parallel IR – MIMD Architectures, Distributed IR – Collection Partitioning, Source Selection, Query ProcessingMultimedia IR models & languages- data modeling, Techniques to represent (8 Hrs.) audio and visual document, query languages Indexing & searching- generic multimedia indexing approach, Query databases of multimedia documents,Display the results of multimedia searches, one dimensional time series, two dimensional color images, automatic feature extraction.Searching the Web, Challenges, Characterizing the Web, Search Engines, (6 Hrs.) Browsing, Mata searchers, Web crawlers, robot exclusion, Web data mining, Metacrawler, Collaborative filtering, Web agents (web shopping, bargain finder,..), Economic, ethical, legal and political issues..Text Books :

  1. Yates & Neto, “Modern Information Retrieval”, Pearson Education, ISBN 81-297-0274-6
    1. C.J. Rijsbergen, “Information Retrieval”, (www.dcs.gla.ac.uk)
    2. I. Witten, A. Moffat, and T. Bell, “Managing Gigabytes”
    3. D. Grossman and O. Frieder “Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics”

Reference Books :

  1. Mark leven, “Introduction to search engines and web navigation”, John Wiley and sons Inc., ISBN 9780-170-52684-2.
  2. V. S. Subrahamanian, Satish K. Tripathi “Multimedia information System”, Kulwer Academic Publisher
  3. Chabane Djeraba, ’’Multimedia mining A highway to intelligent multimedia documents”, Kulwer Academic Publisher, ISBN 1-4020-7247-3

Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksObjective: To get an overview of design and evaluation issues of RTS, Real Time Communication and operating systems.Unit I Introduction to Real Time Systems                    (8 Hrs.)Definition of RTS, Issues in real time computing -Constraints, Structure of RTS, Typical real time applications — Digital Control, Signal Processing, Characterizing RTS. Performance measures of RTS- properties of performance measure, Performabitity – cost function and hard deadline – Estimating program real time, Analysis of source code, pipelining, dependencies.Unit II Task Assignment and scheduling                      (8 Hrs.)Types of tasks, Timings, precedence, resource constraints, classification of scheduling algorithms, priority driven approach for periodic and aperiodic task,Non preemptive method(EDD), preemptive methods(EDF and LST), Rate monotonic, deadline monotonic, EDF and its variants for periodic tasks,Resource and resource access scheduling protocols: blocking and priority inversion, priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocolsUnit III Programming languages, tools and databases         (8 Hrs.)Language Characteristics. Data typing. Control structures, facilitating hierarchical decomposition, packages, error handling, Overloading & Generics,Use of POSIX Programming API in RTS Basic definition of databases. Real Time versus General Purpose databases, Main memory databases. Transaction priorities, Aborts, Concurrency control issues, Two phase approach to improve predictability, Maintaining serialization consistency, Databases for hard Real Time Systems.Unit IV Real Time Communication                             (8 Hrs.)Network topologies- Sending messages, Network architecture issues, Protocol – Contention based, Token based. Stop & Go Multi hop Protocol. The Pooled Bus.Hierarchical Round Robin Deadline, based. Fault tolerant Routing, medium access control protocols of broadcast networks, Internet and resources reservation protocols.Unit V Real Time Kernel and Operating Systems               (8 Hrs.)Time services, features of RTOS, Program and processes Threads, sharing resources,Resources management: memory management and process management, fore ground/background systems, operating system architecture, Real time POSIX standards, capabilities of RTOS.Unit VI Fault Tolerance and Reliability, UML For Real Time Systems (8 Hrs.)Fault types, detection, error containment, Redundancy- Hardware, Software,Time, Information redundancy, Data diversity. Reversal checks, Malicious or Byzantine failures, Integrated failure handling, Reliability models: Hardware and software error models, Modeling for time, resource, schedulability, performance, RT UML profileText Books :

  1. C.M. Krishna ,”Real Time systems”, Tata Mc Graw Hills publications
  2. Jane W.S. Liu,”Real Time Systems”, Pearson Education
  3. Douglass,”Real Time UML”, Pearson Education
  4. Peckol,”Embedded System”, WILEY publications Reference Books :
  5. Stuart bennet, “Real Time Computer control, An Introduction ” Pearson Publications
    1. C. Sivraman Murthy and G.Maniraman, “Resource Management in real time systems and Network” MIT ISBN – 51-203-2682-2
Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 MarksObjectives :

  • Introduction to the software architecture as a discipline.
  • Introduction to current architecture approach.
  • Introduction to software architecture strategies.

Unit I Architecture Business cycle, What is software architecture, why software (8Hrs.)architecture is important, documenting software architectures.Unit II Understanding quality attributes, architecture and quality attributes, (8 Hrs.)achieving quality attributes.Unit III Design patterns: History, Important principles behind design patterns,                                          (8Hrs.)Programing the interface and concept of delegation.Pune Technical University IT Syllabus

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