RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21

RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 5th SemesterRTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21: To prepare the 5th Sem EC exam correctly, you should have the latest syllabus and marking scheme. The latest Electronics Communication Engineering Syllabus and marking scheme will provide you the idea about the important chapters and concepts to be covered in all subjects. It will help you to improve your preparation for the 5th-semester exam.

If you are planning to crack the various competitive exams like Gate, IES with depth knowledge in every topic of RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21.

Here we are providing you the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21 and Marking Scheme.

RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21

With the latest Electronics Communication Engineering Syllabus for the 5th Semester, you can know the important sections and their respective weightage. It will also help you to create the right preparation plan and score a better mark in all subjects in the semester exam.

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You must have Electronics Communication 5th Semester books & study materials, Previous years questions paper along with the latest Electronics Communication 5th sem Syllabus to enhance your semester exam preparation.

Before starting the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21, let’s check the highlights of RTU from the table below.

RTU Kota Highlights:

Establishment 2006
Formation Govt. of Rajasthan
Type of University State
Approvals UGC
Admission through: Merit-Based
Affiliations AICTE
University Location Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010, Rajasthan, India.

Check the latest syllabus for RTU Electronics Communication Engineering 5th sem from below.

Computer Architecture

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Basic Structure of Computers, Functional units, software, performance issues software, machineinstructions and programs, Types of instructions, Instruction sets: Instruction formats, Assembly language, Stacks, Ques, Subroutines.
3 Processor organization, Information representation, number formats. Multiplication & division, ALU design, Floating Point arithmetic, IEEE 754 floating pointformats
4 Control Design, Instruction sequencing, Interpretation, Hard wired controlDesignmethods, and CPU control unit.
Microprogrammed Control – Basic concepts, minimizing microinstruction size, multiplier control unit.
Microprogrammed computers – CPU control unit
5 Memory organizations, device characteristics, RAM, ROM, Memory management, Concept ofCache & associative memories, Virtual memory.
6 System organization, Input – Output systems, Interrupt, DMA, Standard I/O interfacesConcept of parallel processing, Pipelining, Forms of parallel processing, interconnect network

Electromagnetics Waves

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Transmission Lines-Equations of Voltage and Current on TX line, Propagation constant and characteristic impedance, and reflection coefficient and VSWR, Impedance Transformation on Loss-less and Low loss Transmission line, Power transfer on TX line, Smith Chart, Admittance Smith Chart, Applications of transmission lines: Impedance Matching, use transmission line sections as circuit elements.
3 Maxwell’s Equations-Basics of Vectors, Vector calculus, Basic laws of Electromagnetics,Maxwell’s Equations, Boundary conditions at Media Interface.
4 Uniform Plane Wave-Uniform plane wave, Propagation of wave, Wave polarization, Poincare’s Sphere, Wave propagation in conducting medium, phase and group velocity, Power flow and Poynting vector, Surface current and power loss in a conductor.
5 Plane Waves at a Media Interface-Plane wave in arbitrary direction, Reflection and refraction at dielectric interface, Total internal reflection, wave polarization at media interface, Reflection from a conducting boundary.
6 Waveguides- Wave propagation in parallel plate waveguide, Analysis of waveguide general approach, Rectangular waveguide, Modal propagation in rectangular waveguide, Surface currents on the waveguide walls, Field visualization, Attenuation in waveguide.
7 Radiation-Solution for potential function, Radiation from the Hertz dipole, Power radiated by hertz dipole, Radiation Parameters of antenna, receiving antenna, Monopole and Dipole antenna

Control system

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction to control problem- Industrial Control examples. Transfer function. System with dead-time. System response. Control hardware and their models: potentiometers, synchros, LVDT, dc and ac servomotors, tacho-generators, electro hydraulic valves, hydraulicservomotors, electro pneumatic valves, pneumatic actuators. Closed-loop systems. Block diagram and signal flow graph analysis.
3 Feedback control systems- Stability, steady-state accuracy,transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness. proportional, integral and derivative systems. Feedforward and multi-loop control configurations, stability concept, relative stability, Routhstability criterion.
4 Time response of second-order systems- steady-state errors and error constants. Performance specifications in time-domain. Root locus method of design. Lead and lag compensation.
5 Frequency-response analysis- Polar plots, Bode plot, stability in frequency domain, Nyquistplots. Nyquist stability criterion. Performance specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency domain methods of design, Compensation & their realization in time & frequency domain. Lead and Lag compensation. Op-amp based and digital implementation of compensators. Tuning of process controllers. State variable formulation and solution.
6 State variable Analysis- Concepts of state, state variable, state model, state modelsfor linearcontinuous time functions, diagonalization of transfer function, solution of state equations, concept of controllability &observability.
7 Introduction to Optimal control & Nonlinear control, Optimal Control problem, Regulator problem, Output regulator, treking problem. Nonlinear system – Basic concept & analysis.

Digital Signal Processing

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Discrete time signals: Sequences; representation of signals on orthogonal basis; Sampling and reconstruction of signals; Discrete systems attributes, Z-Transform, Analysis of LSI systems, frequency Analysis, Inverse Systems
3 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm, Implementation of Discrete Time Systems
4 Design of FIR Digital filters: Window method, Park-McClellan’s method. Design of IIR DigitalFilters: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Approximations; Lowpass, Bandpass, Bandstop and High pass filters.
5 Effect of finite register length in FIR filter design. Parametric and non- parametric spectral estimation. Introduction to mult-irate signal processing. Application of DSP.

Microwave Theory & Techniques

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction to Microwaves-History of Microwaves, Microwave Frequency bands; Applications of Microwaves: Civil and Military, Medical, EMI/EMC.
3 Mathematical Model of Microwave Transmission-Concept of Mode, Features of TEM, TE and TM Modes, Losses associated with microwave transmission, Concept of Impedance in Microwave transmission.
4 Analysis of RF and Microwave Transmission Lines-Coaxial line, Rectangular waveguide, Circular waveguide, Stripline, Micro strip line.
5 Microwave Network Analysis-Equivalent voltages and currents for non- TEM lines, Network parameters for microwave circuits, Scattering Parameters.
6 Passive and Active Microwave Devices-Microwave passive components: Directional Coupler, Power Divider, Magic Tee, Attenuator, Resonator.Microwave active components: Diodes, Transistors, Oscillators, Mixers.Microwave Semiconductor Devices: Gunn Diodes, IMPATT diodes, Schottky Barrier diodes, PIN diodes.Microwave Tubes: Klystron, TWT, Magnetron.
7 Microwave Design Principles-Impedance transformation, Impedance Matching, Microwave Filter Design, RF and Microwave Amplifier Design, Microwave Power Amplifier Design, Low Noise Amplifier Design, Microwave Mixer Design, Microwave Oscillator Design. Microwave Antennas- Antenna parameters, Antenna for ground based systems, Antennas for airborne and satellite borne systems, Planar Antennas.
8 Microwave Measurements-Power, Frequency and impedance measurement at microwave frequency, Network Analyzer and measurement of scattering parameters, Spectrum Analyzerand measurement of spectrum of a microwave signal, Noise at microwave frequency and measurement of noise figure. Measurement of Microwave antenna parameters.
9 Microwave Systems-Radar, Terrestrial and Satellite Communication, Radio Aidsto Navigation, RFID, GPS. Modern Trends in Microwaves Engineering- Effect of Microwaves on human body, Medical and Civil applications of microwaves, Electromagnetic interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI & EMC), Monolithic Microwave ICs, RFMEMS for microwave components, Microwave Imaging.

Bio-Medical Electronics

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Brief introduction to human physiology. Biomedical transducers: displacement,velocity, force, acceleration, flow, temperature, potential, dissolved ions and gases.
3 Bio-electrodes and biopotential amplifiers for ECG, EMG, EEG, etc.
4 Measurement of blood temperature, pressure and flow. Impedance plethysmography. Ultrasonic, X-ray and nuclear imaging.Prostheses and aids: pacemakers, defibrillators, heart-lung machine, artificial kidney, aids for the handicapped. Safety aspects.

Embedded Systems

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 The concept of embedded systems design, Embedded microcontroller cores, embedded memories.
3 Examples of embedded systems, Technological aspects of embedded systems: interfacing between analog and digital blocks, signal conditioning, digital signal processing. Subsystem interfacing, interfacing with external systems, user interfacing.
4 Design tradeoffs due to process compatibility, thermal considerations, etc., Software aspects of embedded systems: real time programming languages and operating systems for embedded systems.

Probability Theory & Stochastic Process

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope, and outcome of the course.
2 Sets and set operations; Probability space; Conditional probability and Bayes theorem; Combinatorial probability and sampling models.
3 Discrete random variables, probability mass function, probability distribution function, example random variables and distributions; Continuous random variables, probability density function, probability distribution function, example distributions;
4 Joint distributions, functions of one and two random variables, moments of random variables; Conditional distribution, densities and moments; Characteristic functions of a random variable; Markov, Chebyshev and Chernoff bounds;
5 Random sequences and modes of convergence (everywhere, almost everywhere, probability, distribution and mean square); Limit theorems; Strong and weak laws of large numbers, central limit theorem
6 Random process. Stationary processes. Mean and covariance functions.
Ergodicity. Transmission of random process through LTI. Power spectral density.

Satellite Communication

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Introduction to Satellite Communication: Principles and architecture of satellite Communication, Brief history of Satellite systems, advantages, disadvantages, applications and frequency bands used for satellite communication.
3 Orbital Mechanics: Orbital equations, Kepler’s laws, Apogee and Perigee for an elliptical orbit, evaluation of velocity, orbital period, angular velocity etc. of a satellite, concepts of Solar day and Sidereal day.
4 Satellite sub-systems: Study of Architecture and Roles of various sub- systems of a satellite system such as Telemetry, tracking, command and monitoring (TTC & M), Attitude and orbit control system (AOCS), Communication sub-system, power sub-systems etc.
5 Typical Phenomena in Satellite Communication: Solar Eclipse on satellite, its effects, remedies for Eclipse, Sun Transit Outage phenomena, its effects and remedies, Doppler frequency shift phenomena and expression for Doppler shift. Satellite link budget
6 Flux density and received signal power equations, Calculation of System noise temperature for satellite receiver, noise power calculation, Drafting of satellite link budget and C/N ratio calculations in clear air and rainy conditions.
7 Modulation and Multiple Access Schemes: Various modulation schemes used in satellite communication, Meaning of Multiple Access, Multiple access schemes based on time, frequency, and code sharing namely TDMA, FDMA and CDMA.

RF Simulation Lab

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Study of field pattern of various modes inside a rectangular and circular waveguide.
3 Find the change in characteristics impedance and reflection coefficients of the transmission line by changing the dielectric properties of materials embedded between two conductors.
4 Design and simulate the following Planar Transmission Lines:
I. Strip and micro-strip lines
II. Parallel coupled strip line
III. Coplanar and Slot lines
Determine their field patterns and characteristic impedance.
5 Design and simulate the following:
I. 3-dB branch line coupler
II. Wilkinson power divider
III. Hybrid ring
IV. Backward wave coupler
V. Low pass filters
VI. Band pass filters
6 Design RF amplifier using microwave BJT.
7 Design RF amplifier using microwave FET.

Digital Signal Processing Lab

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Generation of continuous and discrete elementary signals (impulse,unit- step,ramp) using mathematical expression.
3 Perform basic operations on signals like adding, subtracting, shifting and scaling.
4 Perform continuous and discrete time Convolution (using basic definition).
5 Checking Linearity and Time variance property of a system using convolution, shifting.
6 To generate and verify random sequences with arbitrary distributions, means and variances for following:
(a) Rayleigh distribution
(b) Normal distributions: N(0,1).
(c) Gaussion distributions: N (m, x)
(d) Random binary wave.
7 To find DFT / IDFT of given DT signal.
8 N-point FFT algorithm.
9 To implement Circular convolution.
10 MATLAB code for implementing z-transform and inverse z-transform.
11 Perform inverse z-transform using residuez MATLAB function.
12 MATLAB program to find frequency response of analog LP/HP filters.
13 To design FIR filter (LP/HP) using windowing (rectangular, triangular, Kaiser) technique using simulink.

Microwave Lab

SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
2 Study of various microwave components and instruments like frequency meter, attenuator, detector and VSWR meter.
(a) Measurement of guide wavelength and frequency using a X-band slotted line setup.
(b) Measurement of low and high VSWR using a X-band slotted line setup.
3 Introduction to Smith chart, measurement of SWR, shift in minimum standing wave with unknown load and calculation of unknown load impedance using Smith chart.
4 Study the behavior of terminated coaxial transmission lines in time and frequency domain.
5 (a) Draw the V-I characteristics of a Gunn diode and determine the output power and frequency as a function of voltage.
(b) Study the square wave modulation of microwave signal using PIN diode.
6 Study the square wave modulation of microwave signal using PIN diode.Study and measure the power division and isolation characteristics of a microstrip 3dB power divider.
7 Study of rat race hybrid ring (equivalent of waveguide Magic-Tee ) in micro-strip.
8 (a) To study the characteristics of micro-strip 3dB branch line coupler, strip line backward wave coupler as a function of frequency and compare their bandwidth.
(b) Measure the microwave input, direct, coupled and isolated powers of a backward wave strip line coupler at the centre frequency using a power meter. From the measurements calculate the coupling, isolation and directivity of the coupler.

All Semester Syllabus for RTU Electronics Communication Engineering

You should have the following syllabus to boost your exam preparation for the RTU Electronics Communication Engineering.

Click on the link to access all semester syllabus related to Electronics Communication Engineering.

RTU Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester Marking Scheme 2020-21

Here you can check the latest Electronics Communication Engineering 5th Semester Marking Scheme 2020-21.

5th Semester Electronics & Communication Engineering Theory Marking Scheme

SN Categ ory Course Contact hrs/week Marks Cr
Code Title
L T P Exm Hrs IA ETE Total
1 ESC 5EC 3-01 Computer Architecture 2 0 0 2 20 80 100 2
2 PCC/ PEC 5EC 4-02 Electromagnetics


3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
3 5EC 4-03 Control system 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
4 5EC 4-04 Digital Signal


3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
5 5EC 4-05 Microwave Theory &


3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
6 Professional Elective I (any one) 2 0 0 2 20 80 100 2
5EC 5-11 Bio-Medical


5EC 5-12 Embedded Systems
5EC 5-13 Probability Theory &

Stochastic Process

5EC 5-14 Satellite


Sub Total 16 0 0 160 640 800 16

5th Semester Electronics & Communication Engineering Practical & Sessional Marking Scheme

7 PCC 5EC 4-21 RF Simulation Lab 0 0 3 2 45 30 75 1.5
8 5EC 4-22 Digital Signal

Processing Lab

0 0 3 2 45 30 75 1.5
9 5EC 4-23 Microwave Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
10 PSIT 5EC 7-30 Industrial Training 0 0 1 75 50 125 2.5
11 SODE CA 5EC 8-00 Social Outreach, Discipline & Extra Curricular Activities 0 0 0 25 25 0.5
Sub- Total 0 0 9 195 155 350 7
TOTAL OF V SEMESTER 16 0 9 355 795 1150 23

Meaning Of various letters:

  • L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

We have covered the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 5th Semester 2020-21. Feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

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