RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21

RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 7th SemesterRTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21: To prepare 7th Seme EC exam correctly, you should have the latest syllabus and marking scheme. The latest Electronics Communication Engineering Syllabus and marking scheme will provide you the idea about the important chapters and concepts to be covered in all subjects. It will help you to improve your preparation for the 7th-semester exam.

If you are planning to crack the various competitive exams like Gate, IES with depth knowledge in every topic of RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21.

Here we are providing you the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21 and Marking Scheme.

RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21

With the latest Electronics Communication Engineering Syllabus for the 7th Semester, you can know the important sections and their respective weightage. It will also help you to create the right preparation plan and score a better mark in all subjects in the semester exam.

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You must have Electronics Communication 7th Semester books & study materials, Previous years questions paper along with the latest Electronics Communication 7th sem Syllabus to enhance your semester exam preparation,

Before starting the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21, let’s check the highlights of RTU from the table below.

RTU Kota Highlights:

Establishment 2006
Formation Govt. of Rajasthan
Type of University State
Approvals UGC
Admission through: Merit-Based
Affiliations AICTE
University Location Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010, Rajasthan, India.

Check the latest syllabus for RTU Electronics Communication Engineering 7th sem from below.

Antennas & Wave Propagation


  • Antenna Fundamentals – Review of Electromagnetic theory. Short elementary dipole and its fields. Basic antenna parameters – Radiation pattern, beamwidth, beam solid angle, directivity, efficiency, gain, radiation intensity, radiation resistance, input impedance and polarization. Receiving antenna- Reciprocity, effective length and aperture, antenna temperature.


  • Antenna Arrays – Point source, Array of two isotropic point sources. Uniform array of N point sources and array factor –Examples of 4 element broadside and endfire arrays. N-element linear array of elementary dipoles and principle of pattern multiplication. Two element array of elementary dipoles – Excitation with different relative phase shift and for different spacing.


  • Different Types Of Antennas – Thin linear antenna and thin half- wave dipole. V- and Rhombic antennas. Monopole antenna, Small loop antenna, Folded dipole and Yagi-Uda antenna. Broadband antennas – Broadband basics, log-periodic dipole array. Reflector antennas –Flat sheet, corner and parabolic reflector antennas. Slot, Horn and Lens antennas, Helical antennas. Microstrip patch antennas- Rectangular patch antenna, Two- element microstrip patch. Antenna Measurements – Antenna radiation pattern, gain, directivity and polarization.


  • Ground Wave Propagation – Mechanism of radio wave propagation. Theory of ground reflection- Plane earth reflection, reflection factors for horizontal and vertical polarizations. Refraction and diffraction of radio waves. Space and surface waves. Tropospheric propagation, duct propagation and tropospheric scattering.


  • Ionospheric Propagation: Various ionospheric layers, Electrical properties of the ionosphere and their effects on wave propagation. Critical frequency, virtual height, skip distance, maximum usable frequency. Multiple hop transmission. Effect of earth’s magnetic field and Faraday rotation. Solar activity and meteorological conditions on wave propagation.

Text Books:

  • Das and A. Das, Antenna and wave propagation, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, (2013).
  • R. Harish and M. Sachidananda, Antennas and Wave Propagation, Oxford Univ. Press, Edition (2011).

References Books:

  • D. Kraus, Antennas, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition,
  • C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, Prentice- Hall of India, 2nd Edition,
  • Milligan, Microstrip Antenna Design, Wiley,
  • D. Kraus and R.J. Marhefka, Antennas for All Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill, Edition
  • Chatterjee, Antenna Theory and Practice,Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
  • Balanis Constantine A, Antenna theory, Analysis and design, 3rd edition, A John Wiley
  • & Sons Inc. Publication
  • Collin R. E. And F. J. Zucker, Antenna Theory: Part I, McGraw-Hill, New York
  • Collin R. E. And F. J. Zucker, Antenna Theory: Part II, McGraw-Hill, New York
  • Ramesh Garg, P. Bhartia, Inder Bahl, and A Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design Hand, Artech House, Inc.

Digital Signal Processing


  • Sampling – Discrete time processing of Continuous-time signals, continuous time processing of discrete-time signals, Changing the sampling rate using discrete-time processing.


  • Transform Analysis Of LTI Systems – Introduction, The frequency response of LTI systems, System functions for systems characterized by LCCD (Linear Constant Coefficient Difference) equations, All-pass system, Minimum-Phase systems, Linear systems with linear phase.


  • Structures For Discrete-Time Systems– Block diagram and signal flow graph representation of LCCD equations, Basic structures for IIR and FIR systems, Transposed forms.


  • Filter Design Techniques – Introduction, Analog filter Design: Butterworth & Chebyshev, IIR filter design by impulse invariance & Bilinear transformation, Design of FIR filters by Windowing: Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming & Kaiser.


  • DFT, FFT- The Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Properties of the DFT, Linear Convolution using DFT, Efficient computation of the DFT: Decimation–in-Time and Decimation- in frequency FFT Algorithms.

Text Books:

  • Proakis, Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principals, Algorithms And Applications”, 4th ed., Pearson Education. (2006)
  • Oppenheim, Schafer, “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, 3rd ed. , PHI (2010)

References Books:

  • Digital Signal Processing: A Modern Introduction, Ambardar, cengage learning
  • Introduction to Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB, Schilling
  • Sanjit K Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing”, 4th ed., TMH
  • Tan, Jiang, “Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications”,2nd ed., Elsevier
  • Ifeachor, Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing”, 2nd ed., Pearson Education

Digital Image Processing


  • Digital Image Fundamentals: Image sensing and acquisition, Image sampling and quantization, Representing digital images, Spatial and gray-level resolution, Spatial operations, Vector & matrix operations, Zooming and Shrinking of digital images. RGB and HSI Color models.


  • Basic Image Operations: Intensity transformation functions, Histogram equalization, Spatial filtering for image smoothing, Image sharpening by first and second order derivatives, Image smoothing and sharpening using frequency domain filters.


  • Image Restoration: Image restoration model, Noise Models, Spatial and frequency properties of noise, noise probability density functions, Noise only- spatial filter, Mean, order Statistic and adaptive filters, Concepts of inverse and Wiener filtering.


  • Morphological Image Processing: Erosion and Dilation, Opening and closing, morphological algorithms for Boundary extraction, thinning, pruning, smoothing and thickening.


  • Image Segmentation And Compression: Edge based segmentation, Edge detection masks, Gradient operators, Thresholding, Region growing, Watershed transform, Fundamentals of image compression; Loss-less compression techniques; Lossy compression techniques, compression standards.

Text Books:

  • Gonzalez, Woods and Eddins, “Digital Image Processing”, 3rd ed. , Pearson Education (2010)
  • Anil K Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, 4th ed., Prentice Hall (2010)

References Books:

  • Tamal Bose, “Digital Signal and Image Processing”, ”, 3rd ed. , John Wiley
  • Sonaka,Hlavac and Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision”, 3rd ed, Cengage Learning
  • Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, 4th ed. , John Wiley
  • Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Sonka, cengage learning

Wireless Communication


  • Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques – Concept of spread spectrum, system processing gain, Spread Spectrum signals: Direct-sequence spread spectrum signals, Frequency-hopped spread spectrum signals, Code-division multiplexing, Spreading codes.


  • Wireless Microwave Communication- Link Engineering, Frequency planning, Free space loss, Fresnel zone clearance, bending of radio beam, Effective earth radius, Fundamentals of fading, types and effects, Multipath channels; parameters, measurements, Building blocks of Transmitter & Receiver.


  • Multiple Access Techniques and Networks – FDMA, TDMA and CDMA with reference to mobile radio and satellite systems. TDMA based networks, OFDM and its characteristics, Packet radio multiple access techniques. CDMA based networks: Architecture, Air interface, Call processing, power control, Rake receiver concept and performance of CDMA system.


  • Cellular Wireless Networks-, GSM: Introduction, overview of the GSM systems, GSM codec, channel coding and interleaving, radio like control. Cordless systems and WLL, Mobile IP, Wireless access protocol. Wireless LAN’s: Technology, IEEE 1002.11 standards, Broadband Wireless 1002.16, Blue tooth, Wi-Fi, Wi- Max, Zigbee & RFID technology.


  • Satellite Communication – Elements of satellite communication: Frequency bands, Transmission and Multiple access. Satellite orbit and description- orbital period and velocity, effects of orbital inclination, Azimuth and elevation, Coverage angle and slant range, Satellite Link: basic link design and analysis, Geostationary orbit, Satellite subsystems. Earth Station antenna, high-power amplifier, low-noise amplifier, up converter, down converter, monitoring and control, reliability.

Text Books:

  • William Stallings, Wireless Communication and Networks, Pearson Education (2013)
  • Rappaport, T.S., Wireless Communications, Pearson Education (2013)

References Books:

  • Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao, Mobile Cellular Communications, Pearson Education
  • Singal, T.L, Wireless Communication, Tata McGraw Hill
  • Vijay Kr. Garg, Wireless Communications and Networking, Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier
  • Blake, Wireless Communication Technology, Cengage Learning
  • C.Y. Lee , Mobile Cellular Telecommunications , Tata McGraw Hill
  • Wireless Communications and Networking, Price, TMH
  • Pratt, Bostain, Satellite Communications, Wiley India
  • Mark Zhuang, Wireless Communications and Networking, Prentice Hall of India
  • Simon Haykin, Modern Wireless Communications, Pearson Education
  • Price, Fundamentals of Wireless Networking, Tata McGraw Hill

VLSI Design


  • Introduction To Mosfet: – Basic MOS transistors, Enhancement Mode transistor action, Depletion Mode transistor action, NMOS and CMOS fabrication. Aspects of threshold voltage, threshold voltage with body effect. Ids versus Vds relationship, channel length modulation. Transistor Trans-conductance gm. MOS transistor circuit Model, Model parameter (oxide and junction capacitor, channel resistance) variation with scaling and biasing. High order effects (i.e. subthreshold conduction, hot electron effect, narrow channel effect and punch through effect.


  • CMOS Logic Circuits- nMOS inverter (resistive and active load), Pull up to Pull-down ratio for a NMOS Inverter and CMOS Inverter (Bn/Bp), , determination of inverter parameter (VIL, VIH VOL VOH ) and Noise Margin. Speed and power dissipation analysis of CMOS inverter. Combinational Logic, NAND Gate, NOR gate, XOR gate, Compound Gates, 2 input CMOS Multiplexer, Memory latches and registers, Transmission Gate, estimation of Gate delays, Power dissipation and Transistor sizing.


  • Basic physical design of simple Gates and Layout issues. Layout issues for CMOS inverter, Layout for NAND, NOR and Complex Logic gates, Layout of TG, Layout optimization using Eular path. DRC rules for layout and issues of interconnects, Latch up problem.


  • Dynamic CMOS circuits: Clocked CMOS (C2MOS) logic, DOMINO logic, NORA logic, NP(ZIPPER) logic, PE(pre-charge and Evaluation) Logic. Basic Memory circuits, SRAM and DRAM.


  • Physical Design: Introduction to ECAD tools for first and back end design of VLSI circuits. Custom /ASIC design, Design using FPGA and VHDL. VHDL Code for simple Logic gates, flip-flops, shift registers.

Text Books:


References Books:

  • Weste and K. Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI, 2e, Pearson Education.
  • VLSI Design , P P Sahu , , McGraw.
  • VLSI Design, D.P. Das, Oxford.
  • Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout & Simulation, Uyemura, cengage learning

Advanced Microprocessors


  • The 8086 Microprocessor Family: 8086 ARCHITECTURE- Hardware
    specifications, Pins and signals, Internal data operations and Registers, Minimum and maximum mode, System Bus Timing, Linking and execution of Programs


  • Software & Instruction Set: Assembly language programming: addressing mode and instructions of 8086, Strings, Procedures and Macros, 8086 interrupts. Assembler Directives and operators.


  • Analog Interfacing: A/D and D/A converter interfacing, keyboard and display interfacing, RS 232 & IEEE 488 communication standards. An 8086 based Process Control Systems


  • Digital Interfacing: Programmable parallel ports, Interfacing microprocessor to keyboard and alphanumeric displays, Memory interfacing and Decoding , DMA controller.


  • Multiprocessor Configurations: – Multiuser / Multi tasking operating system concepts, 8086 based Multiprocessor systems. Introduction and basic features of 286, 386, 486 & Pentium processors.

Text Books:

  • A Nagoor Kani “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” Mc Graw Hill Education 2ed. (2012)
  • Douglas V. Hall “Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and Hardware” Tata Mc Graw Hill.(2000)

References Books:

  • Ray & K. Bhurchandi. “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals. Tata Mc Graw Hill,
  • A Nagoor Kani “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” Mc Graw Hill Education 2ed.
  • Introduction to Microprocessors, A. P. Mathur Mc Graw Hill
  • The Intel Family of Microprocessors: Hardware and Software Principles and Applications, Antonakos, cengage learning
  • The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming & Interfacing the PC, Ayala, cengage learning

Artificial Intelligence And Expert Systems


  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent Agents, State Space Search, Uninformed Search, Informed Search, Two Players Games, Constraint Satisfaction Problems.


  • Knowledge Representation: Knowledge Representation And Logic, Interface in Propositional Logic, First Order Logic, Reasoning Using First Order Logic, Resolution in FOPL


  • Knowledge Organization: Rule based System, Semantic Net, Reasoning in Semantic Net Frames, Planning


  • Knowledge Systems: Rule Based Expert System, Reasoning with Uncertainty, Fuzzy Reasoning


  • Knowledge Acquisition: Introduction to Learning, Rule Induction and Decision Trees, Learning Using neural Networks, Probabilistic Learning Natural Language Processing

Text Books:

  • Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence 3/e, TMH (1991)
  • PADHY: Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent Systems, Oxford(2005)

References Books:

  • James A Anderson, An introduction to Neural Networks. Bradford Books
  • W Patterson, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems,PHI
  • Kumar Satish, “Neural Networks” Tata Mc Graw Hill
  • Rajsekaran & G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks,Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm:Synthesis and Applications” Prentice Hall of India.
  • Siman Haykin,”Neural Netowrks”Prentice Hall of India
  • Artificial Intelligence, Kaushik, cengage learning



  • Introduction: VHDL/PLD Design Methodology, Advantages, Requirement Analysis and specification, VHDL description, Verification Using simulations, Functional Simulation, Logic Synthesis, Place and route and timing Simulation Fundamental & history of various hardware description language, VHDL for Synthesis V/s Simulation, Design flow of ASICs and standard logic circuits. Implementation Details for SPLDs, CPLDs and FPGAs.


  • Language Fundamentals: Entities, Architectures and coding Styles, Signals and Data types, Packages, Dataflow, Structural, Behavioral and RTL Style of Combinational design, Event- Driven Simulation: Simulation Approaches, Elaboration Signal Drivers Simulator Kernel process, Signals verses Variables.


  • COMBINATIONAL and SEQUENCIAL CIRCUITS BUILDING BLOCKS: Multiplexer, Synthesis using Shannon’s expansions, Decoders, encoders, Code Converters, VHDL Code for Combinational Circuits. VHDL code for Flip-Flops, shift registers, Counters.


  • SYNCHRONOUS/ ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENCIAL CIRCUITS: Mealy & Moore type FSMs, VHDL Code for Mealy & Moore Machines, VHDL Codes for Serial Adder, Vending Machine.


  • Digital System Design: Building Block circuits, Memory organization,
    SRAM, Design examples of divider, Multiplier, Shifting & Sorting Operations, Clock Synchronization, CPU organization and design concepts.

Text Books:

  • Digital Logic with VHDL Design, Brown, TMH.(2007)
  • VHDL for Engineers, Short, Pearson. (2011)

References Books:

  • VHDL (Text BOOK Binding), Douglas L. Perry, TMH
  • VHDL , A design oriented Approach, S S Limaye, TMH
  • VHDL: Programming By Example, Douglas Perry, Oxford
  • The Designer’s Guide To VHDL, Peter J. Ashenden, Oxford
  • Circuit Design With VHDL , By Volnei A Pedroni, PHI
  • VHDL Bascis to programming, Gaganpreet Kaurt, Pearson
  • Digital System Design Using VHDL, cengage learning
  • HDL Programming Fundamentals VHDL & VERILOG. Botros. cengage learning

Signal And Image Processing Lab


  • To simulate the transmitter and receiver for BPSK
  • To design and simulate FIR digital filter (LP/HP).
  • To design and simulate IIR digital filter (LP/HP).
  • Reading and displaying Gray/ Colour images of different formats
  • RGB/HSI conversions in an image, Image arithmetic operations.
  • Image Histogram and histogram equalization
  • Image filtering in Spatial and frequency domain
  • Morphological operations in analyzing image structures
  • Thresholding-based image segmentation
  • Study of image compression

Wireless Communication Lab


  • Measurement of antenna input characteristics: Measure the input return loss versus frequency in the operating band for (i) Half wave dipole (printed dipole/strip dipole), (ii) Folded dipole and (ii) Log-periodic antenna.
  • Measurement of radiation characteristics of a (i) Half wave dipole (printed dipole/strip
  • dipole), and (ii) Printed Yagi antenna -. Measure radiation patterns in the two principal planes and plot on polar chart. Determine beam width, directivity and antenna efficiency.
  • Measurement of antenna gain using absolute gain and relative gain measurements:
  • Measure gain of Bi-quad antenna using absolute gain measurements.
  • Measure gain of log-periodic antenna and printed slot antenna using relative gain measurements.
  • Circular polarization measurements on helical antenna.
  • Antenna array theory demonstration using single EM coupled rectangular patch, 2×1 EM coupled and 2×2 EM coupled rectangular patch antennas.
  • Communication link budget calculations- Friis formula and demonstration with transmit and receive antenna setup.
  • Radar Trainer: Working of Doppler radar, velocity of moving object, time and frequency measurement and other applications.
  • To perform Modulation, Demodulation and BER measurement using CDMA – DSSS Trainer.
  • To establish analog/digital communication link and transmit & receive three signals (audio, video, tone) simultaneously using Satellite Communication Trainer.
  • To study GPS Receiver, establishing link between GPS satellite & GPS trainer and measure of latitude & longitude

IC Technology


  • Introduction To Ic Technology– Semiconductor Substrate- Crystal defects, Electronic Grade Silicon, Czochralski Growth, Float Zone Growth, Characterization & evaluation of Crystals; Wafer Preparation- Silicon Shaping, Etching and Polishing, Chemical cleaning.


  • Diffusion & Oxidation – Ficks diffusion Equation in One Dimension, Atomic model, Analytic Solution of Ficks Law, correction to simple theory, Diffusion in SiO2. Ion Implantation and Ion Implantation Systems. Oxidation Growth mechanism and Deal-Grove Model of oxidation, Linear and Parabolic Rate co-efficient, Structure of SiO2, Oxidation techniques and system, Oxide properties.


  • Chemical Vapour Deposition And Epitaxial Layer Growth– CVD for deposition of dielectric and polysilicon thick Layer – a simple CVD system, Chemical equilibrium and the law of mass action, Introduction to atmospheric CVD of dielectric, low pressure CVD of dielectric and semiconductor. Epitaxy-Vapour Phase Expitaxy, Defects in Epitaxial growth, Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition, Molecular beam epitaxy.


  • Pattern Transfer & Etching – Introduction to photo/optical lithography, Contact/ proximity printers Projection printers, Mask generation, photo resists. Dry & Wet etching, methods for anisotropic etching, Plasma etching, Reaction ion etching (RIE).


  • VLSI Process Integration– Junction and Oxide Isolation, LOCOS methods, Trench Isolation, SOI; Metallization, Planarization. Fundamental consideration for IC Processing, NMOS IC Technology, CMOS IC Technology, Bipolar IC Technology. Fault diagnosis and characterization techniques.

Text Books:

  • S.M. Sze (Ed), VLSI Technology, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill (1988).

References Books:

  • K. Ghandhi, VLSI Fabrication Principles, John Wiley Inc., New York,
  • IC Technology, Gouranga Bose, McGraw Hill
  • Y. Chang and S.M.Sze (Ed),ULSI Technology, McGraw Hill Companies Inc

All Semester Syllabus for RTU Electronics Communication Engineering

You should have the following syllabus to boost your exam preparation for the RTU Electronics Communication Engineering.

Click on the link to access all semester syllabus related to Electronics Communication Engineering.

RTU Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester Marking Scheme 2020-21

Here you can check the latest Electronics Communication Engineering 7th Semester Marking Scheme 2020-21.

SEMESTER – VII 1 L T P IA Exam Total
7EC1A Antenna & Wave Propagation 3 0 20 80 100
7EC2A Digital Signal Processing 3 1 20 80 100
7EC3A Digital Image Processing 3 1 20 80 100
7EC4A Wireless Communication 3 0 20 80 100
7EC5A VLSI Design 3 0 20 80 100
7EC6A Elective (any one of the following)
7EC6.1A Advanced Microprocessors 3 0 20 80 100
7EC6.2A Artificial Intelligence and Expert


Total 600
7EC7A Signal & Image Processing Lab 3 60 40 100
7EC8A Wireless Communication Lab 3 60 40 100
7EC9A Practical Training & Industrial Visit 2 60 40 100
7EC10A Project-I 2 50 50
7ECDCA Discipline & Extra Curricular Activity 50
Total 400
Grand Total 18 2 10 1000

Meaning Of various letters:

  • L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

We have covered the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Electronics And Communication Engineering 7th Semester 2020-21. feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below

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