IIT JEE Main 2019: Preparation Tips for Droppers

IIT JEE preparation

Taking a year off to focus on IIT JEE preparation is not unusual. Given the fabled impenetrability of the exam and the fact that it nearly coincides with the Class 12 Board exams, a lot of students settle for a drop year to achieve their ambition of making it through the most prestigious engineering institutes … Read more

Importance of Keeping Calm Ahead of a Crucial Exam and How to achieve it?


Crucial, potentially life-altering milestones can turn out to be major stress triggers, and examinations certainly fit that bill. With the course of your future riding on the outcome of an exam, it can be hard not to play out worst-case scenarios in your head as the day of the exam inches closer. However, this negative … Read more

Distance Learning or Full-time MBA: The More Suitable Option


Earning a pay check or pursuing higher studies to improve the prospects of a better paying job – that’s a dilemma facing most students in the final year of their graduation. For those who want to make a career in management, this dilemma translates into the all-important question of whether to work toward a securing … Read more