RGTU Question Paper Computer System and Organization BE 4th Sem Dec 2010

RGTU Question Paper Computer System and Organization BE 4th Sem Dec 2010 Note:     The question paper is divided into five units. Each unit carries an internal choice. Attempt one question from each unit. Thus attempted five questions in all. All question carries equally marks. Assume suitable data whenever necessary. 1.   (i)     Explain with an example , how … Read more

RGTU Question Paper Object Oriented Programming Methodology Dec 2007

RGTU Question Paper Object Oriented Programming Methodology Dec 2007 (Common for CS,EC/IC&IT Engg.) (OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY) (CS/EC/IT-305) Note.    (i)  Answer this entire question. (ii)  Total six Question are to be attempted (iii)  There is in internal choice in every question (iv) Answer of all objective questions should be at one place only. (v)   Answer … Read more

RGTU Question Paper BE Object Oriented Programming Methodology 3rd Sem June 2008

RGTU Question Paper BE Object Oriented Programming Methodology 3rd Sem June 2008 Note:      Attempt any five question . All question carry equal marks. 1   (a)    What are the major characteristics of object oriented languages ? Explain . (b)    What are object  ? How massages are passed to object ? Also explain how object are used  … Read more