How to Choose A Career Path That Actually Suits You?

1. Take career assessments.   It should be valid and reliable. The test should actually measure what it claims to measure, and you should get consistent results over multiple tries. 

2. Make a list of your options. Try to create as many options for yourself, so you have plenty to choose from. You can also rank your options from best to worst.

3. Look for overlap What you’re good at, what companies need, and what you like to do might all be different, but it’s important to try to find the overlap between the three. 

4. Network Whether you’re actively searching for a new career, or just trying to get a sense of what path you should be on, networking is a great way to dip your feet in the waters.  

5. Ask a mentor The right mentor, no matter what type, will give you guidance and help boost your career. 

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